
"Kill him," the fifth person, who was also the only cultivator from the five, ordered the four mortals to kill Yang Zhai. 

"Yes boss," the second person moved toward Yang Zhai with a sinister smile. This mortal had forgotten that he was just a normal human and the person in front of him was a cultivator. This was simply ignorance. Yang Zhai being alone and them being five did not allow him to underestimate Yang Zhai. After all, if Yang Zhai possessed some kind of unusual treasure and powerful method, then this mortal could also die. This is what happens when a person is too full of themselves. He did not even know that he was walking toward an abyss.

This cultivator is smart. He did not attack himself and asked the four mortals to kill me. Whatever, let's deal with these mortals first: Yang Zhai thought inwardly whilst on the outside, he still had a nervous expression. 

The second member of the group was about to attack Yang Zhai with a sword when Yang Zhai summoned a knife and threw it at the mortal's face with a powerful force. 



The knife pierced the man's right eye and entered his skull. The man could only utter a 'huh' sound before dying with a confused expression. On the other hand, the other four were dumbfounded.

"Where did the knife come from? I am sure he was not holding any knife before." One of the remaining men spoke.

"Yes, I am also certain that he had no weapons with him before; however, this knife appeared out of nowhere in his hand." Another man spoke.

"Maybe, he has some kind of storage treasure." The third man spoke.

"Hey you, tell me, do you have some kind of storage treasure or storage Ka?" The leader of the group asked Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai, on the other hand, did not speak and threw an icicle at another mortal's head to his left. His attack speed was fast and as the other four people were confused by Yang Zhai's first attack, and we're talking, the icicle pierced the man's right eye this time too.

There was another reason for the attack's success as well, and that was that the four people were also confused as to why did Yang Zhai not hesitate from killing someone. Because, until now, according to them, an inexperienced newly awakened cultivator would not kill someone that easily and without hesitation. Especially, when he was so nervous.

"You two, attack him together and be careful." The cultivator of the group jumped back and ordered the remaining two mortals.

However, all three of them did not notice that both of Yang Zhai's attacks had pierced the right eyes of the two men. No nervous person would be able to do that. Only a calm and an experienced person could achieve this, or someone who had practiced to the point of making their body adapt to the precision by itself. However, practicing itself was considered an experience. And practice could only give precision, but not the adaptation of other people or things. One still had to deal with others to understand different kinds of situations. Therefore, the practice itself needed to be practiced in real battles. 

If the three remaining people in the group noticed the aim, then they would realize the scary fact that the kid in front of them was in full control and was not nervous. And if he was not nervous, then why was he acting of being scared? It would surely make them cautious of Yang Zhai and would realize that Yang Zhai was not an ordinary cultivator.

However, from the way, the cultivator ordered the remaining two mortals to attack Yang Zhai together —and the two mortals did just that— Yang Zhai realized that none of them had noticed this point. It was clear proof that the cultivator of this group was not experienced and his comprehension of the situation was also low. He believed in Yang Zhai's appearance rather than noticing reality.

However, Yang Zhai had done all of this on purpose. It was to test the cultivator who was his opponent. There were many ways to test one's opponent, fighting was not everything. If this cultivator was experienced, he would have noticed the clue Yang Zhai had given him, he would have realized what Yang Zhai was trying to tell him; however, he was completely ignorant. It proved to Yang Zhai that the cultivator in front of him was not experienced and was only looking at Yang Zhai's appearance, meaning his nervous expression. He thought Yang Zhai had attacked to save his own life. 

To Yang Zhai, fighting was only one of the measures to achieve his goals.

Yang Zhai did not dodge or defend. He directly jumped at one of the two mortals and punched the man's face with his right fist. Yang Zhai wanted to test his own strength before going against the Moon Bull; therefore, he did not use any long-range attacks and directly attacked with his fists after realizing the cultivator's strength. After all, the Moon Bulls were tough and strong, he had to be strong enough to damage them. Therefore, this battle was a good chance for him to test his physical strength. Yang Zhai was a cautious person and did not take chances. Even though he knew his own strength, nothing would be lost if he tested it once or two.


Yang Zhai's punch threw the man on the ground with a heavy thump. The man's face was bleeding, and his nose bone was broken. He was breathing with difficulty and was in extreme pain. He wanted to scream but could not, because whenever he screamed from the pain, his nose, and face would hurt, giving him even more pain.

Yang Zhai didn't care about the man and hurriedly turned around to face the remaining mortal. Yang Zhai saw a sword coming at him. Yang Zhai kicked the ground and jumped in the air, easily dodging the sword. After that, he activated the Wooden Fists Ka and turned his hands into hard wooden hands. He clenched his right hand into a fist and punched the man's head with a powerful force from above.

The man's knees gave up, and he fell on his knees to the ground. After that, he fell to the ground with his face hitting the ground and his back facing the sky. He died without even realizing it. He was bound to die because the shockwaves transmitted to his brain from the powerful impact caused the blood vessels to break and bleeding to occur inside the brain. His brain was paralyzed, and he lost consciousness before dying. He felt extreme pain for a brief second before his brain was paralyzed and lost the sensuous ability. His nose, ears, and eyes were also bleeding.

Yang Zhai did not stop at that. He hurriedly used the Dug Worm Ka and caused a one-meter wide and one foot in height pit to appear on the ground below the remaining member of the group, who was also a cultivator. Yang Zhai had only found out that the group's cultivator was inexperienced; however, his strength was still unknown. But Yang Zhai had suspected him to be at rank 1 or rank 2.

Thus, he did not take the chance and attacked.

When a hole suddenly appeared below the leader of the group's feet, he was caught unguard and lost balance. However, the pit suddenly increased to two feet in height. It was because Yang Zhai had used the Dug Worm Ka twice. After that, an icicle suddenly pierced the person's left shoulder. 

Yang Zhai did not give the leader of the group any time to rest. And shot another icicle at the person's right shoulder. 

"Ahhhhhh," the leader of the group screamed from the pain.

Yang Zhai then went closer to the person and summoned a two-inch ball of Red Poison. He then pushed the Red Poison toward the man's waist. This Red Poison had an extremely highly rotting ability, to the point that the moment the Red Poison touched the man's waist, it started to rot at a visible speed. And Yang Zhai used a Rank 2 technique this time around.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh," the man screamed because of the extreme pain.
