
After opening the black vortex, Yang Zhai took only a little bit of blood from the Moon Bull's body and threw it in the black vortex. He took the blood of Ha Kun as well when he was absorbing his cultivation to advance to the Over stage. He always throws a little bit of blood in the black vortex to let his aperture and cultivation recognize the essence and blood of the living being he was going to use. He does not absorb the blood, but throws it in the vortex to let his cultivation recognize the essence and blood of the living being he was going to use. After which, when he throws the Spirit stone in the black vortex, both the blood and the spirit stone combine, creating a connection between Yang Zhai and the cultivation or essence of the living being he is going to absorb.

Spirit stone, as the name suggests, is used to recognize the spirit of something and its essence. It also develops a connection with a person. And the blood he throws in the black vortex lets his cultivation and aperture recognize the essence of the living being he was going to absorb. And the blood itself also absorbs a little bit of cultivation DNA of his. And as the Spirit stone is connected to a living being and the outside blood itself contains a little bit of his cultivation DNA after recognition, combining them both, creates a connection between his cultivation and the cultivation or essence he absorbs.

After which, he can easily absorb the essence of someone. However, the other party cannot do the reverse. There were many reasons, first was that Yang Zhai always injures the living being he uses for absorption, weakening the living being. 

Second, he was the one who had let his cultivation and aperture recognize the other living being's essence and cultivation, but the living being he used did not recognize Yang Zhai's cultivation DNA or his essence. 

Third, the Spirit stone is needed to absorb someone's cultivation and essence to create a connection; therefore, without using the Spirit stone to connect it with Yang Zhai's spirit and his essence, the living being would not be able to absorb Yang Zhai's cultivation and essence. And of course, only a single thought from the living being would disturb the process of the Spirit stone connecting with the spirit and the Spirit stone would break, so connecting Yang Zhai's spirit with the Spirit stone was almost impossible without injuring him to the point of half unconsciousness or using some other cultivation method to make his thoughts weak.

The fourth was that Yang Zhai was one absorbing the cultivation and essence. He was not someone who would try something, in which there was a chance that his own cultivation could also be absorbed. Instead of dying, it was better to be weak.

After doing this, Yang Zhai took out a Spirit stone and soaked it with the blood of the Moon bull. It connected with Moon bull's spirit without any problems. First, Moon bull was not as intelligent as a human being, and second, it was in pain and did not notice the connection. As the Spirit stone did not break, Yang Zhai was sure that it connected with Moon bull's spirit successfully.

After this, Yang Zhai threw the spirit stone into his black vortex and also threw one essence stone. 

After that, Yang Zhai stood up and placed his hand on the Moon bull. Then, he inserted his essence water into the Moon bull's body. He did it because no black vortex appeared on the Moon bull from which its essence could be absorbed. And then, it also had no aperture or cultivation. 

Yang Zhai's essence water entered into the Moon bull's body and circulated into its entire body. After which, the black vortex attracted the essence of the Moon bull towards it because of the Spirit stone. And it came out with or in the form of essence water that Yang Zhai had inserted. Essence water could not be pulled back into the aperture, no matter what. Therefore, the black vortex attracted the essence of the Moon bull with the help of the essence DNA of the Moon bull's spirit and essence that was stored in the Spirit stone.

Now, Yang Zhai's essence water had been turned into spiritual power containing the Moon bull's essence in it and could be absorbed by Yang Zhai. However, there was a condition and that was that the essence and the spiritual power had to be combined and purified. Otherwise, it could not be absorbed. If he did absorb it, he would become mad and might even die because the essence of a beast was chaotic and filled with impurities.

And of course, only one thing could help him right now and that was the Blue Gem. This was also the reason Yang Zhai had not come here before obtaining Blue Gem when he was at rank 1. And after he obtained the Blue Gem from elder Cu Gil, he came to look for the Moon bull on the same day, right after he obtained it.

Yang Zhai took out the Blue Gem and placed it in the black vortex. 

Spiritual power in the form of wisps began to exit the Moon bull's body and was being attracted towards Yang Zhai's black vortex. After going closer to the vortex, the wisps were absorbed by the black vortex. Yang Zhai controlled all of the wisps to pass through the Blue Gem before he absorbed the essence of the Moon bull. All the essence of the Moon bull was purified of any impurities. 

On the other hand, Moon bull was struggling with all its might, but could not free itself. Yang Zhai had made sure to tie its mouth as well. Thus, no voice was made by the Moon bull. After all, he could not let others be attracted by the Moon bull's voice. When a living being's cultivation or essence is extracted, extreme pain follows. The one, whose cultivation or essence is extracted, feels excruciating pain. As the Moon bull was tired, it was unable to do anything.

Whilst inside the aperture, the wisps began to enter the aperture. They floated to the red lines first and could not enter the red lines. Yang Zhai controlled the orange line to absorb all of the wisps entering his aperture. 

The red lines were unable to absorb the wisps because their foundation was already firm, whilst the orange line had just appeared and was not firm like the other lines. His foundation in the rank 2 early stage was not firm yet, and the orange line could absorb the essence of the Moon bull. It was because the orange line had appeared and for it to become stable, he had to advance to the mid-stage, until then, he could modify the orange line. And after it absorbs one ability, it would not be able to contain any other ability.

Whilst the Moon bull shriveled at a visible pace. Its strength was also weakening. Its struggle was diminishing. 

Whilst, on the other hand, Yang Zhai felt a power running through his veins.

This method of absorption was not known to the world. Even Yang Zhai had found out from the ancient texts. The way to reach the Perfect stage was also learned from the ancient texts.

The Moon bull shriveled and lost all of its life. The orange line in his aperture was glowing. Yang Zhai examined the orange line and felt that this line looked complete. Whilst the red lines seemed empty and desolate. There was a strength in the orange line and a strange power. But the red lines contained no strength.

Yang Zhai tried to activate the orange line. It stayed the same and nothing happened.

"As I suspected because I absorbed the ability of the Moon bull, I can only activate it at night. Because the Moon bull gets its strength from the moon. If I am not wrong, then according to the ancient texts, I would gain the strength of one bull at night after activating the orange line. And as the number of lines increases, the power would also increase. Meaning, at rank 2 mid-stage, I would gain the strength that equals three bulls." Yang Zhai contemplated the ancient taxes and came to a conclusion.
