Travelling To Ma Clan

"Good, now that everyone is here, we should go." Elder Shu said and turned around before leaving with the others.

After a while, everyone arrived at the Bai clan leader's residence's meeting room. There, four elders and six disciples of the Ma clan were waiting.

"So, are you ready?" Elder Nie asked elder Shu.

"Yes, everyone is ready to go with you. As decided before, eight of my clan's disciples and both academy leaders would be going to the Ma clan with you. Allow me to introduce them." Elder Shu replied back and introduced all of the new four disciples.

"Very well, then, let us go." Elder Jun said and was about to leave when Yang Zhai spoke.

"Elder Jun, I think two disciples and one elder from your clan still have not arrived. Shouldn't we wait for them?" Yang Zhai had said this because he wanted to know what reason Jun Nie came up with for his two disciples missing. And then, there was also one elder missing, he was very curious to know what elder Jun had.

"No, no need for that. Something important came up, so they left last night urgently. I have already informed the second elder Shu about this in the morning." Elder Jun Nie answered Yang Zhai calmly.

Oh, so he sent one of his elders back to the clan and said that two disciples also left with him, impressive. And he already informed elder Shu about this. This was the reason elder Shu and the academy leaders did not ask about the two missing students earlier: Yang Zhai thought inwardly.

"If there is nothing more, we can leave." Elder Jun said and left with everyone.

Elder Shu accompanied them to the front main gate of the Bai village before departing with them.

Right now, besides Ma clan guests, two academy leaders, and eight disciples of the Bai clan also left for the Ma clan.

After three hours, 

"Elder, how much longer will it take to reach the Ma clan?" Si Kim asked elder Yu Ene.

"To reach the Ma clan, it will take many more hours. And to reach Ma mountain, it will take us around two to three more hours, that is if something unexpected does not happen, such as a beast attack or something else." Elder Ene explained.

It was going to take that much time because they had to almost reach the foot of the mountain first and then climb up the Ma mountain again. And if it were just the elders, it would not have taken that much time. 

One of the reasons for them taking this much time was that there were rank 1 cultivators who did not possess any speed-type Kas; their bodies were also mortal bodies, meaning, they got tired easily and had to rest a few times.

Even Yang Zhai's speed was not fast because he also did not possess any speed-type Ka to help him. Forget about him, Ma clan guests had three rank 2 cultivators and two of them also did not possess any speed type Ka, but their bodies were cultivator bodies. Yang Zhai was also only faster compared to rank 1 cultivators and two rank 2 cultivators who were with them. His body was also stronger and had a lot of stamina, so he did not need to rest like the other rank 1 cultivators. His stamina was even more than the three ranks 2 cultivators who were with them. And combining Yang Zhai and Hyun Hae, there were a total of five rank 2 cultivators.

And then they had to be careful of any beast attacking from nowhere. Thus, their speed was slowed even more.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Si Kim nodded after bearing elder Ene.

"But, there is a way to go faster and reach the Ma clan faster." Elder Ene said with a serious expression.

"What is it?" 

"We leave you behind and go on by ourselves, in this way, we can reach the Ma clan faster." 

"Really…," Si Kim's eyes twitched. This elder was joking, right?

"And anyway, who are you?" Elder Ane followed closely behind and said to Si Kim.

Reallllllyy….Are you joking? Was he not hearing elder Shu when he introduced me: Si Kim could not think of any words to speak, and he was rendered speechless by elder Yu Ene's question. Was he, Si Kim, that unnoticeable that he noticed just now that Si Kim was also coming with them? And that was when Si Kim himself had asked a question. However, on the surface, he just smiled awkwardly, 


"Yeah, who are you?" This time, elder Yu Ene asked the same question.

Si Kim:"..."

I am literally from your academy. Elder Ren chose me in front of you and also introduced me to you. But you still don't know who I am?: Si Kim thought to himself. He could not believe what the elder Ene said. 

"Sigh, this Si Kim should have just ignored them. Now, both elder Ene and elder Ane are going to make him remember his seven generations of ancestors." Feng Qi sighed and said after seeing Si Kim being teased by the academy leaders.

The Bai clan members were following closely behind the Ma clan members.


"So, we have to attack them. But, the twin devils of the Bai clan and the scheming shadow of the Ma clan are no ordinary opponents." A man who was wearing a black cloak spoke.

"So what, we have to deal with them. And we are no easy opponents as well. We can deal with them." Another man who was also wearing a black cloak spoke.

"Boss Zu, what do we do? Should we attack or wait for an opportunity?" The person standing between the two said.

There were a total of fifteen to eighteen people in black cloaks standing together and were discussing something with each other. In front of all the others was standing a man who seemed to be the head of this group, his name was boss Zu.

"We are going to attack them. Even though they are a total of twenty in numbers, we are still higher in numbers. It is because they have around five disciples with rank 1 cultivation. But all of the members in our group are at least at rank 2 and higher. Even though they have more high-level cultivators than we have, we can gain the advantage with numbers after dealing with rank 1 cultivators." Boss Zu stopped for a minute before continuing, 

"But they will also try to protect low-level cultivators, which will give us an advantage when they are distracted to grasp their weaknesses and kill them. And besides, that person said that his son might have already been killed by Jun Nie, and we have to kill him at all costs because we have already been given our commission. And he said that if we find the Second Life Ka, we can keep it because he no longer has any need for that Ka as his son is gone now." Boss Zu said.

"Yes, now that's something good. We can kill as much as we want, and we can also keep the Second Life Ka, a Ka that can save our life. But I will surely enjoy the massacre." Another person from between the crowd spoke and smiled sinisterly. 
