Physiques And Techniques(Part1)

Yang Zhai was pushed back by a punch. His hands were already brown because of the Wooden Fists Is; however, Wooden Fists Ka was of not much help against a rank 2 body cultivator. It was not hard enough to deal enough damage. This was the disadvantage of fighting a cultivator with enough resources.

He was able to fight with his opponent because of his strength and a little bit of hardness that the Wooden Fists Ka provided.

Yang Zhai jumped forward and punched his opponent. However, it was counteracted by his opponent's fist. Both of them began to exchange blows.

Yang Zhai made sure to not use any techniques because the techniques he knew appeared in front of the world were rank 1 and could not be used to hurt a rank 2 cultivator. And the rank 1 techniques of the clan that he knew had not ever been evolved to the next rank in the clan records. And he wanted to hide his trump cards for a crucial time when they might be needed the most, even his rank 2 cultivation. Right now, if he felt that he was in danger, he would simply go to the academy leaders for help because he knew their strength.

Even the Bai clan leader has to think twice before fighting the Academy leaders. Even though they are at the rank 4 peak stage, they are no ordinary cultivators: Yang Zhai thought to himself whilst fighting.

"How is that possible? Your aura is clearly rank 1 third stage, but you are holding your own against me." Yang Zhai's opponent said.

Even though he was still having an upper hand over Yang Zhai, he was shocked to see that Yang Zhai was holding his own against him.

His opponent was taking him lightly and was thinking that Yang Zhai was only a rank 1 cultivator; thus, he was not using his defensive methods against Yang Zhai to defend his whole body, but only his hands and face.

Yang Zhai's opponent's body suddenly started to get harder, Yang Zhai's punches could clearly feel that his opponent's body was becoming tougher. Yang Zhai also used the kicks against his enemy; however, because his opponent was a body cultivator as well, he defended against Yang Zhai's all attacks.

Yang Zhai suddenly increased the strength behind his attacks and began to attack his opponent's face and other vital points, but his opponent defended against all of them. Not just that, but his opponent's body had also turned gray and displayed a rocky texture, thus, if some of Yang Zhai's attacks did manage to surpass his opponent's fists and kicks, they were defended against by his opponent's newly activated defense.

"I now know that you are hiding something and also that you are not an ordinary kid. Therefore, I am also going to use my methods against you." Yang Zhai's opponent said.  He was talking about the body that had suddenly become hard. And a rocky-type defense had also appeared around his body, putting Yang Zhai in a more disadvantageous situation. 

However, Yang Zhai did not say anything and attacked his opponent again.

His opponents began to counterattack attack and his speed of attacking also increased. Yang Zhai was being pushed back by his opponent's sudden barrage of attacks.

Yang Zhai had managed to hold on against his enemy until now without any rank 2 methods because of his experience. Otherwise, if there was someone else other than Yang Zhai, they might have already been injured heavily.

Yang Zhai was only using his pure physical strength and nothing else. Wooden Fists Ka did not help him much, and even Dug Worm Ka was not helping much.

Yang Zhai was pushed back and fell to the ground because of the powerful impact caused by his opponent's punch. Right now, nobody of the two was accumulating any kind of toll on their body because both of them were not using any techniques.

Yang Zhai was bleeding from his mouth and hands. The Wooden Fists Ka had gotten injured because Yang Zhai exchanged blows against a body cultivator with powerful methods and defense.

Yang Zhai spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Now, do you see the difference between us? Before, I was holding back, which did not mean that you are my equal. And also, if I am not wrong, you are a rank 2 cultivation or are using some kind of special method to go against me. Whatever, just die…," Yang Zhai's opponent said and dashed forward before jumping into the air and coming at Yang Zhai with a powerful punch targeted at his face.

However, moonlight shone on Yang Zhai's face, Yang Zhai moved his left hand forward and grabbed his opponent's fist with cold eyes.

On the other hand, 

"Swirling Water,"

Water appeared out of nowhere and began to swirl, creating swirling water that was enough to envelop a normal adult person. This was a method activated by a water path ka. This method was put into action by Hyun Hae. She was fighting a girl older than her. Not just that, but the attacks launched by Hyun Hae were nowhere near the rank 2 early stage. They seemed to be stronger. 

The swirling water moved toward the girl and enveloped her. However, Hyun Hae did not stop at that, she activated another method and summoned small needles made of water, everything could be seen through the needles as they were made of water. She ordered the needles to enter the swirling water and said,

"I hope you don't die that easily."

Water needles did not disappear or fuse into the swirling water, but they moved in the swirling water by the force exerted by the swirling water's rotation. Her methods were extremely powerful to begin with, but after combining them together, they became even more destructive.

The swirling water with water needles in it moved like a meat grinder or meat pulverized with fine blades. This was a ruthless method, especially when it was executed by a little girl. Not just that, if the person enveloped by this method could not hold on, they would slowly pulverize into small pieces. This was why Yang Zhai had said that she was ruthless in a battle. From the beginning, she had not even given her opponent a chance to attack her or take the initiative. And this was nothing, she had just started. 

She waited for a while until she noticed blood appear in the swirling water. The quantity of blood kept on increasing. It was at this moment that Hyun Hae ordered the swirling water and the water needles to disappear.

She created a water katana with one of her Kas. This katana was made purely of water, and inside it was moving. Not just the inside, even the outside was made of water. 

Her methods were powerful because she had a water-type physique and her physique was one of the tops. Not just that, every move she used was created by a water path Ka. If she used some other Ka, the strength would not be boosted because her physique was a water-type physique and could only boost water-type kas. And especially techniques, a cultivator possessing a physique would refrain from using any technique unless it was necessary. It was because a physique was a pure power created by natural laws and such. A physique possessed natural power and laws.

But techniques were corrupted and were created not by nature but by living beings. This technique was not something beneficial to even normal cultivators without physiques, let alone a cultivator with the physique. How could corruption not ruin the natural laws more intensely? The pure the white was, the clearer a black dot would be. It was just the same, a physique was a pure white color and a technique was a black color, which could ruin a white color just by even a line.
