The Golden Sand Of Adaptation

Yang Zhai did not want to bother with someone for nothing. If he had tried to fight with the man, then either he would have to reveal his strength or would have to give up the stone if the man turned out to be strong.

And anyway, what was he going to get by fighting the man? Thus, he simply went to the guards and told them that there was a man who was trying to mess with the second elder's son. And of course, the guards had to capture the man; otherwise, they were afraid that the second elder might punish them. And everything was resolved like this.

Yang Zhai left the shop with Jun Haru. After leaving the shop, both Jun Haru, and he went their own way. Yang Zhai went back to his room that was granted to him by the Ma clan.

Yang Zhai was standing in his room. He pulled out the pouch that was given to him by Jun Haru. This pouch was half a foot in size. Yang Zhai opened the pouch and saw shining golden sand in it.

This sand was called the "Golden Sand of Adaptation". This was a rank 3 material and was not normal. It had the ability to copy the qualities of many materials. Such as, if Yang Zhai has a rank 1 poison, and he interacted this poison with the Golden Sand of Adaptation, then this sand would also have the abilities of the poison and would be able to poison others.

This sand was quite useful and was scarce. Right now, Yang Zhai did not have the ability to purchase this, nor did the Bai clan possess this sand. Between the two clans, only the Ma clan had this sand.

Yang Zhai checked the sand thoroughly and confirmed that it was the Golden Sand of Adaptation. After confirming it, he stored the sand in the Bloody Storage Ka. He had uses for this sand, but not right now. Next, he sat down and began to cultivate.

The next day,

Yang Zhai and the others were sitting in a room. This was the room of Elder Yu Ane. There were eight disciples of the Bai clan and the academy leaders in the room.

All of the eight disciples were sitting in two horizontal rows, facing the two elders. Elder Yu Ane and elder Yu Ene were sitting at the front and were facing the disciples.

"So, I called you all here for an important matter. Do you guys know what we were discussing yesterday in the hall with the Ma clan elders?" Elder Yu Ene said with a serious expression.

"No, elders, we don't know." It was Feng Qi who replied.

"Huh, we were discussing how to start a war between the Bai clan and Ma clan." Elder Yu Ane said with a serious expression. It could be seen how serious the situation was.

"What?!!!" Everyone in the room was shocked after hearing this.

However, Yang Zhai was not shocked and thought

"Who would discuss with their own enemies how they should start a war?" Yang Zhai knew that this was definitely another joke being played by the academy leaders.

"No, he is joking." Elder Yu Ene shook his head after hearing elder Yu Ane. He could not believe his brother. How could he joke like this in a situation like this?

"Sigh, I really thought for a while that a war was going to start. You scared me." Ai Hao said after listening to elder Yu Ene.

"Well, in actuality, we were planning how to destroy the moon and bring justice to the sun." Elder Yu Ene stated.

Everyone in the room:"..."

"What the hell? What are you two talking about?!!!!!!!!" Feng Qi shouted at the two elders, he almost could not control his anger.

"I am leaving if you two have nothing to say, my dear elders." Feng Qi stood up and opened the room to leave


"Ok, ok, sit down, I will tell you what is happening." Elder Yu Ene stopped Feng Qi from leaving.

"I believe you, master" Feng Qi sat down and said to his master, Yu Ene.

"The thing is, there is going to be a competition between the two clans. And this competition is not ordinary as you might think. It can expand up to a year or even two." Elder Yu Ane spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

"Elder, what do you mean by it can expand up to a year or even two?"

"What he means is that this competition will not be decided in one week or anything like this. But, it will take a year or might even take two years. There will be three rounds in the competition and every round will be held after many months. The first round will take place in a week." Elder Yu Ene continued from where elder Yu Ane left,

"The day of the second round will be decided after the first round. And the third round will be decided after the second round. There is a lot on this competition." Elder Yu Ene came to a stop after saying this.

"Master, but why is this competition being held?" Feng Qi asked the question that was bothering him.

"It's because a small door with a seal on it has appeared, and we assume that it is an inheritance. And the Ma clan says that the inheritance appeared in their territory. However, it is not true, the inheritance appeared outside of their territory, even though it is touching their territory. And we found the inheritance first and as it was out of both clans' territories, according to the agreement that was made between the two clans in the past, the inheritance belongs to us "

"But, the Ma clan is not willing to let us have the inheritance and says that it appeared in their territory. Of course, we also did not back down, and after intense negotiations, we decided to share the inheritance. However, after the negotiations, appeared the issue of how much share will the Ma clan get. And as a result, we decided to hold a competition to resolve the issue of the share." Elder Yu An explained everything that had occurred until now.

Yang Zhai felt that something was wrong here. Could the inheritance that they were talking about be the one that Yang Zhai was after? And if it was, then how was it possible? There was no such event in his previous life. And if he remembered correctly, there was only one inheritance that had appeared around the Ma clan and Bai clan territories in his previous life, and that was the inheritance that Yang Zhai was after.

Interesting, it appears that my existence is already affecting reality. So, a change had begun to appear: Yang Zhai thought to himself.

However, after he thought this, his brain suddenly went blank and he almost lost balance whilst sitting.

"Brother, are you ok?" Feng Qi, who was sitting next to Yang Zhai, hurriedly grabbed him and said.

"Huh, I am fine… thank you." Yang Zhai was jolted awake by Feng Qi's voice and came back to his senses.

"Are you really ok? Maybe, you should return to your room and rest for a while." Feng Qi said to Yang Zhai.

"No, I am fine."

"Is something wrong, Yang Zhai? Are you feeling unwell?" Elder Yu Ene also said after seeing Yang Zhai suddenly lose his balance. He was sitting fine a while ago, but he suddenly lost his balance while sitting.

"No, elder, I am fine. I cultivated more than usual last night and did not sleep well, that's why this happened." Yang Zhai made up a reason.

"Very well, from now on, you should not cultivate more than required. And don't let it affect your sleeping time. If you don't give your body the proper rest it deserves, then you will not be able to do anything properly." Elder Yu Ane instructed Yang Zhai after hearing that it was just related to sleep.

"Yes elder, I will keep that in mind from now on,"

"Hmm, let's continue," elder Yu Ane nodded and continued.

What just happened?: Yang Zhai could not understand what had just happened. He sat back straight and began to listen to the elders again.

"And what are the rules of the competition?" Feng Qi asked after Yang Zhai sat back again.

Both of the elders became quiet after hearing Feng Qi's question and looked at each other, before elder Yu Ene said,

"There are no rules,"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that there are no rules. Everything is allowed during the battles, even killing one's opponent."

Everyone became quiet after Elder Yu Ene said this. There was silence in the room, and even a needle falling to the ground could be heard. It was like a deathly silence in the room. This news was not something that could be taken lightly, not even close to being taken lightly.

A life was not something to be played around. Even death could not meet life, let alone a mere mortal after losing it.
