A Man Walking Toward The Darkness

"Where did he go?" The middle-aged man went after and looked for Yang Zhai, but could not find him, he had disappeared into the crowd. 

"I wonder if he was a cultivator or a normal mortal?" The man tried to find Yang Zhai, but could not. 

"Forget it," he turned around and went back to finish his business. 

"Where is she? Did she run away? You guys, where is she?!!!" The middle-aged man came back to burn the girl, but could not find her. Thus, he began to shout at the crowd. 

Meanwhile, Yang Zhai walked towards the house of the leader of this village. He had been investigating this village for a month. And today he wanted to investigate the village leader's house. 

During this whole month, he did not find anything related to what he wanted to find. He wanted to examine the situation first before doing anything. 

He did not bother with anyone here and kept everything to himself. 

He walked and came closer to a residence. However, this residence was not small as a mortal should possess. However, it was also not as big as the Clan leader's residence of the Bai clan. 

Yang Zhai went in front of a stall to make it look like he was buying something. 

Yang Zhai saw that two guards were standing in front of the main gate of the residence of the village chief. Except that, he found no one guarding the residence. There were rock walls around the house. After that, he slowly went behind the house and found nothing. 

"There's nothing wrong from the outside, maybe, I might find something inside." Yang Zhai muttered and did not do anything right now, and simply kept his eyes on the residence for a few more hours. 

He only saw a few mortals going in and out of the residence. Except for this, he saw nothing. 

After a few hours, it was already night, and he decided to go back to the house that he had rented. Even if he did not pay the rent, he would not be ousted as it was a mortal's house and mortals did not dare to go against cultivators, except some. 

Yang Zhai was halfway through reaching his rented house when he saw the same girl that he had seen today, whose mother was burned to death. He saw her enter a house. 

"So, she did not die."

He was about to pass the house: however, when he was walking past the house, he felt a strange feeling. 

"What's this? I felt revitalized for a brief second, interesting, I wonder what caused this? "

Yang Zhai went closer to the house and noticed that the house was quite shabby, there were many cracks in the house, and was also old. 

Yang Zhai looked through a crack in the house and saw that a small boy and a girl were sitting together, crying. It was also rather cold outside. As the house was broken in many places, they were also feeling cold and were quivering because of it. 

"I wonder who saved her." Yang Zhai muttered. 

After a while, a man came and covered them with a torn quilt. 

"You two, I could only find this. Even though it is not enough to save you from the cold, it can at least lessen it." the man said to the two crying kids. 

Both the girl and the boy seemed to be around eleven years old. The girl had small black hair that extended to her shoulders, and the boy had short red hair. Both of their eyes' irises also matched the color of their hair. Both of them were wearing worn-out clothes and were untidy. 

"H, he… killed my mother waa… waaah," the girl was cried whilst speaking. 

"Don't cry, they are cultivators and I told you before to stay away from them. They are like this, they don't care about anyone or their lives." The man tried to comfort the girl. 

"Why, why do they do this to us mortals, we did not do anything to them, so why? My aunt did nothing to the cultivator, but even then she was killed by him, sob… sob, uh huuh huuh" the boy with red hair spoke this time. He was also crying. 

From the boy's words, it could be seen that the woman who died was not his mother. 

Yang Zhai listened to them for a while before going back to his house. 

He was sitting in his house, contemplating,

"The feeling that I felt was definitely from the two kids. It seems they have a physique of some kind, but from their conversations, they don't seem to be siblings. So, how did they have the same physique when they were not even born from the same mother?" 

"Could it be that both of them have different physiques, or two same physiques out of pure coincidence, but they can react to each other and produce a certain kind of ability which can benefit others? It might be possible."

"And I don't think that only one of them can produce that ability, after all, I did not feel anything from the girl this morning. Whatever it is, I know that it might benefit me in some way. So, what to do now?"

Yang Zhai began to plan for the present situation. 

For the next few days, he changed his habits. Every day, he would investigate the village, and every night, he would watch the two kids and probe the situation around them. He also felt the same feeling of revitalization around the house a few times in the past few days. 

He noticed that the man would always come to the boy and the girl in the early morning and the night. 

After a week, 

"The time has come," 

One night, he hid in a secluded place, waiting for the man to arrive. 

He wanted to get rid of the man because if he was around, the kids would never listen to Yang Zhai or believe in him. These kids were beneficial to him and if he wanted to get proper benefits, he had to make sure to control them completely. And if he was not wrong, these two kids could prove to be greater prospects, they had great potential and were still kids at that. 

He had already probed the man thoroughly these days and knew that he was just a rank 1 early-stage cultivator. Even the boy and the girl did not know that the man was a cultivator. 

This man was not taking care of the two kids because he liked them, or they were blood relatives, but because this man had also discovered their ability and was only using them for his cultivation. He had also been filling the minds of the kids with hatred for the Cultivators. He wanted them to not believe in any cultivators so that he could always use them for his purpose. 

The route that the man used to get to the girl's and the boy's house was also remembered by Yang Zhai. 

After a while, Yang Zhai saw the man arrive and got ready. He looked around and confirmed that there was no one around the place, and it was empty. 

Then, when the man arrived, he walked in front of the man. There was only a distance of two meters between them. His eyes were devoid of any light and looked like a deep abyss. His face had no emotions on it. 

"Who are you?" the man could feel something strange around Yang Zhai, a feeling that he had never felt before. Moonlight shone on Yang Zhai's face, and to him, Yang Zhai's eyes seemed to contain a great quietness, so terrifying that even the quietness itself seemed to be uttering something. 

Yang Zhai did not say anything and jumped toward the man with a powerful push. The man was caught off guard and tried to jump backwards, but Yang Zhai had already reached him. 

Yang Zhai grasped the face of the man from the man's mouth, with his right hand and placed the palm of his left hand on the man's neck. 

After that, a long knife came piercing out of the man's neck from the left side.


Yang Zhai pulled the knife out of the man's neck and shook it. The blood on the long knife splattered on the ground. After that, the knife disappeared again. 

The man fell to the ground.

Yang Zhai picked the man and threw him to the side. Then he threw some miscellaneous things on the corpse, making it look like garbage.

Then, he burned the garbage. 

Thereafter, he walked away in the darkness. Leaving the burning corpse behind. 

Nobody would know what happened here. 

A Man walking towards the darkness, leaving the light behind. 
