
People were watching the show, when a kid came out of the crowd. This kid's face had burn marks and his face was almost burned.  

"You know, he is not crazy, but we are. The cultivators can do whatever they want to do with us, and we can't even do anything. In fact, we don't even try to speak up in front of them, just because we are mortals." Yang Zhai spoke with a low voice at first with clenched hands. Then, his voice increased, and began to shout louder, 

"Don't you all want to take revenge on them as well? I know we can't do anything to them, but I am sure that you all think of taking revenge on the cultivators. And if that's true, tell me, are we all mad? No, it's our instinct." 

"Not just you, even I hate them, and want to kill them all. I am sick of living in fear of the cultivators. I am done. If I can get a chance to show them that we mortals are not to be trifled with, I will gladly accept it, even if it's only a dream."

"Tell me how you felt when a cultivator burned a woman in front of her child three weeks ago? I wanted to kill that bast**d as well, but could not get the courage to. My face was also burned by a cultivator, even though I was innocent." 

"What are we, dogs? OK, I believe that we are worse than dogs in front of the cultivators, but still, they can't treat us like this." 

"And what's with these cultivators anyway, I scr*w their seven generations of ancestors. Forget about this, let's just go and burn them." 

"Why burn them, let's burn ourselves if we can't do anything to them. I think it's a good thing to burn ourselves rather than die in the hands of the cultivators." 

Yang Zhai began to spout all kinds of things against cultivators. He swore them, spoke against them, and even swore the seven generations of ancestors of the cultivators. He did not even care that he was also a cultivator. 

He spoke against cultivators so much that people started to even say the real deranged one here was the kid spouting nonsense. 

Even the mortal, who was acting as a deranged man, was shocked and flabbergasted by Yang Zhai. 

Everyone was speechless after hearing Yang Zhai. 

"Now, I am confused."


"I can't even decide who is more deranged, this kid or the deranged man behind him? 

"Same here, I am also confused."

"If we listen to him, he might motivate us into burning ourselves, let's just go." 


A few of the people walked away after hearing the strange kid. 

They were worried that they might incur the wrath of the cultivators if the kid kept on spouting nonsense like this. It was better to leave before the cultivators arrived. 

After an hour, nobody was around except for Yang Zhai and the man who was acting like a madman. Everyone had already left. 

Yang Zhai kept on speaking against the cultivators for almost an hour. 

"Hey, I believe you. You have the right ideals and are not crazy. It's those people, who keep on enduring what cultivators do to them, are really crazy. Okay, I have to go. I believe that we will be able to kill cultivators someday in the future." Yang Zhai said to the supposed deranged man. 

The work here is done: Yang Zhai thought to himself. 

Yang Zhai said this to the man who was supposed to be deranged and left. 

"Stop kid," 

However, before Yang Zhai could leave, a voice of a man came from behind him.

"What is it?" Yang Zhai turned around and asked with a confused expression. 

"Do you really want to take revenge on the cultivators? If you do, come with me, I have something to tell you." The man who spoke was the same person who was acting like a deranged man. 

"uh… what is it?" Yang Zhai still looked confused. 

"Just come with me, I am sure you will have your wish come true." The man pulled Yang Zhai with him and went to a secluded place where no one was present. 

"I am Nak Yue, you can just call me Yue. In actuality, I am not at all deranged and just act like one. I have to do this to find the pure people who hate cultivators to the brim." The supposed deranged man said. 

"And why is that?" 

"Forget about that, but tell me, do you want your dream to be fulfilled?" 

"Huh…, if it's true, then I am ready to do anything. But how can you make this happen?"

"Good, I expected nothing less from you. Now, come with me." 

Yang Zhai did not reject Nak Yue and followed him. After all, Yang Zhai himself wanted this to happen. 

"So, you only have to do one thing, and that is to kill a cultivator." Nak Yue kept on explaining things as he walked. 

The thing that was worth noticing was that he took Yang Zhai to a place, where four people were already present. 

"So, let me tell you a thing. We have a group specialized in killing cultivators, and four of you are newly chosen people. What you have to do to join this group is to kill a cultivator. Of course, this is also what you want, right?" 

All five people were given mortal weapons by Nak Yue. Yang Zhai was given a katana. 

All four of the people walked in the forest. 

After a while, all six people arrived at a certain place in the forest. 

Yang Zhai noticed that this place was only a little away from the place he was attacked two times before. 

Yang Zhai understood what was going on. 

After two hours, 

They saw a kid walking in their direction. Yang Zhai looked at the kid and could not recognize him. 

It appears that he is from the Bai academy: Yang Zhai thought to himself. 

All of them were hiding and could not be seen by the disciple of the Bai clan. 

"Here is your target. All you have to do is to attack him and kill him, and I will be watching you five from here. When he gets closer to us, all of you can attack." Nak Yue said to everyone slowly. 

After a while, 

The disciple was almost close to them, so five people walked out from behind the trees. They all stood in front of the kid, except for Nak Yue. 

Yang Zhai was also among the five people. 

"Who are you?"

"We are nobody, anyway, your death has come." One of the people among the five answers. 

"What?! Don't you know who I am? I am a disciple of the Bai clan, you will surely pay for this." The kid who was being attacked spoke. 

"I am telling you, just let me go, or you will surely die." 
