Let's Change The Plan

Yang Zhai did as he had done before and left the pit without refilling it, except that he closed the pit's entrance. But he made sure to burn Dij Tou's body. After all, there was a difference between a human's and a beast's corpse. 

He could leave a beast's corpse in the open and nobody would say anything to him, but it was thoroughly different from a human's corpse. 

Yang Zhai did not try to activate all of the five orange lines together. It was already bad for his body when he had activated the two orange lines together. And that was that the second orange line was not even fully activated when he had stopped. 

So, if he activates all five orange lines together, his body would simply explode from the overload. 

It was just like a balloon, a strong balloon could hold more pressure than a fragile one. Yang Zhai first had to make his body strong to use this much strength. 

He already had the strength of more than two bulls —even without activating the Moon bull's ability— because of the Strength Ka. 

Yang Zhai stood up and left after resting. Now, he could advance to the third stage. At that time, the rank 2 Strength Ka would not be of much use to him. But, it was at least better than nothing. 

Yang Zhai came back to his rented house. He entered the house and saw Si Yu and Li Na cultivating. 

"Brother Fen, how can we advance to rank 2? We have already been stuck at the Rank 1 Peak stage for half a month now."

Yang Zhai was about to sit and cultivate as well when Li Na came forward and asked. 

"As I said before, it's not easy without the Sunstone and the Moonstone. I will be going to the Bai clan in a month, you should wait till then." Yang Zhai said this and sat back to cultivate. 

Si Yu and Li Na looked at each other and shook their heads because of being helpless. 

Yang Zhai suddenly had a thought, and he smiled. 

Si Yu and Li Na looked at each other with confusion after seeing Yang Zhai smiling. 

"You two, as you are going to live with me, why don't I teach you something?" 

"Is it another technique? Teach me a wood-type technique this time." Li Na was excited after hearing Yang Zhai. 

Yang Zhai had taught both of them two techniques each in the previous month. And he taught both of them the same techniques. It was because their physiques had a connection or something. So, if they both used the same techniques, the power might also increase. 

"No, it's something more valuable, experience." Yang Zhai said with a smile. 


Both Si Yu and Li Na were confused. 

"Just do as I tell you two to do so, and don't worry, I will give you one week to learn everything." 

"Okay…," Li Na and Si Yu said with uncertainty. They did not get what Yang Zhai was saying at all. 

After a week,

"You two, how dare you not listen to me? I will kill you guys." A person wearing a mask and a hood shouted at two kids. 

Both of the kids were injured and were wearing worn-out clothes. 

"Li Na run, someone, someone, please, help us." a boy ran with a girl with all his might and came in front of a residence. 

"Die," the person wearing a mask kicked the boy, and the boy hit the wall. 

"Si Yu!!!!! What, what did we do to you? Please spare us." The girl began to beg the person wearing a mask. 

"No, my lord said to kill you, and today, you two will die, hahaha," the person laughed loudly and kicked the girl as well. 

After that, the person was about to beat them again when two guards came in front of him and stopped the person. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" the guards said to the person. 

"What am I doing you say? Isn't obvious, I am teaching two brats a lesson. Now, get away before I beat you as well. 

"Hey, kid, stop, that's enough." The guard noticed that the person speaking had a kid's voice and understood that the person was a kid. 

The crowd had already begun to gather around the five people. 

"What is happening?" 

"I don't know," 

"I saw that person beating the two kids."

"Yeah, I saw it too. That person kicked both of the kids so heavily that they were sent flying into the wall." 

"How ruthless, he isn't even having pity on kids." 

"Not just that, I saw that person beating the two kids for a few a while now. He has been chasing and beating them continuously for a while now." 

"You saw him and did not even try to stop him?!" 

"I even heard him say that he would kill the two kids." 

"Really!! Is that person crazy ?!" 

The whole crowd was also speaking against the person.

The person saw the crowd gathering and shouted angrily,

"You two, get out of my, they are my slaves and I can do anything to them!!" 

"Get away, this is the residence of the village leader, he will punish you heavily if he sees this." One of the two guards also shouted back at the person wearing the mask. 

"Huh, call your master then, I will talk to him about your behavior. How can you meddle in someone else's business?!!" the person's voice lowered a little after hearing the guard. 

"What is happening here?" an old man came out of the main gate of the residence and asked. He was wearing fine clothes and had pure white hair. He also had a long straight beard. 

"Village leader, greetings," the two guards hurriedly bowed to the old man and greeted him. They had a respectful attitude towards that old man, indicating that this man was not an ordinary person. 

"What happened? I heard loud voices just now." 

"Village leader, we saw this person beating the two kids, so we stopped him. But he is bent on killing them and wants us to give these two kids to him." One of the two guards explained the situation. 

The old man looked at the person and the two kids after listening to the guard. 

"Village leader, please hand me these two kids, they angered my master." The person wearing the mask also bowed and requested gently. There was a sharp change in behavior. 

"Well, this is not possible. I can't allow you to kill these two kids, right?" The old man shook his head and rejected the person directly. 

"Uh, village leader, listen, you might be a leader, but my lord is a rank 1 cultivator. You know what that means, right? Their parents have already paid the price for disobeying my master." The tone of the person wearing the mask changed, and he spoke seriously, directly threatening the village leader. 

" What? His master is a cultivator?!!"

"No wonder he is so brave as to even make a fuss in front of the village leader's residence."

"I wonder what the village leader will do now? Will he hand over the two kids or not?" 

"What do you mean? Are you threatening me? I said what I needed to say, you can leave." The old man said with narrowed eyes. Why would he be scared of a rank 1 cultivator? 

"Okay, I will be leaving now, but my master will not take this lightly." The person wearing the mask left his final words before leaving, 

"And you two kids, you two got into this situation because you hated my master, who is a cultivator. You two will surely pay for this." 

The person left after saying this. 

"Okay, you all can leave now. Don't make this place more noisy than it already is." The old man then said to the crowd, and the crowd dispersed after the old man said this. 

"You two, come in," the old man said to the two kids after the crowd dispersed. 
