Hidden Base

"Here," the woman brought Si Yu and Li Na in front of a house. 

This house was shabby and broken in many places. 

"What are we doing here?" Si Yu asked the woman with a confused expression. 

"Follow me, and you will know." The woman did not answer them and went in. 

Yang Zhai looked at this from a distance. He did not follow them into the house. 

"I wonder if this is the clue that I have been looking for?"

Yang Zhai just watched Si Yu and Li Na follow the woman into the house. 

The woman came in front of a wall. After that, she looked down at the floor and began to touch the floor from different places randomly. 

"What is she doing?" Li Na asked Si Yu slowly. 

However, Si Yu shook his hands, indicating that he also did not understand. 

Si Yu and Li Na just looked at what the woman was doing without understanding it. 

"There it is, you two, get back." The woman asked Si Yu and Li Na to get back.

Both of them did as the woman asked them to do. 

After Si and Li Na got back, the woman pulled something off the ground. When she did that, a door opened on the floor, revealing stairs going underground. 

Both Si Yu and Li Na were shocked after seeing this, it was because they did not even once feel that there was a door on the floor. It could be seen how much the door was hidden that even the woman who knew about the door had to search for it before opening it. 

All three of them went down the stairs and had also closed the door. Thereafter, they saw a hallway going forward with many turns at the two sides of the hallway. 

They turned into one of these turns. After walking for a while, they entered a large room. There were six to seven people standing. Besides them stood the village leader. 

"There you are." The village leader saw Si Yu and Li Na entering and welcomed them.

"Village leader, what are we doing here and what is this place?"Si Yu asked after looking around. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This place is where the cultivators of our group train. There are a total of eight cultivators in our group remaining, including the woman who brought you here. I called you two here because I want you to train with them. When I think the time has come, I will give you a chance to become cultivators." The village leader said with a smile, seemingly waiting for Si Yu and Li Na to praise him or something. 

However, Si Yu and Li Na looked at each other for a while and then shouted together after a few seconds, showing their excitement, 

"Oh, really, we can also become cultivators?!!!" 

Yang Zhai had already expected something like this to happen, so he had also taught Si Yu and Li Na about how to react in a situation like this. 

When Yang Zhai was attacked the second time by this group, there was also a cultivator among the second group. So, when he was training Si Yu and Li Na for a week, he had expected that these two might be invited to become cultivators. 

"Wasn't your excitement a little delayed? Did it take this much time for your brain to understand the meaning?" Someone from the seven people said. 

Si Yu and Li Na looked at each other with awkward expressions. How do they react to this situation? 

"From now on, you will train here at night and then return back to the residence before the morning arrives. You can sleep in the morning and do whatever you want to after the morning. Then at midnight, you will come here to train, understand?" the old man spoke to the two kids, 

"Huh…, okay…," 

"Good that you understand, now train with them. I will be returning back. And don't worry, someone from the eight people here will take you back to the residence before the morning arrives." After saying this, the old man left the room. 

Yang Zhai, who was looking from outside the house, did not get impatient and waited. If he had to go into the house to investigate himself, then what would Si Yu and Li Na do? He had trained them for the sole purpose of investigating this group from the inside. 

Even if both of them died, Yang Zhai would not worry. He only wanted to know the power of the group present in this village and where the loot of this group was hidden. After that, he could act. 

If Yang Zhai attacked without thinking, then he would be in trouble if even a single cultivator turned out to be rank 4.

After all, his body was still too weak to fully wield the power of the orange lines. And he also did not possess any defensive type methods. 

Of course, if he manages to use all of the five orange lines together, then the strength he gets from these lines would be far greater than just the five bulls. 

As the saying went that "a force of combined ten could rival a force of dispersed 100".

This was the true power of the lines that the aperture contained. If two lines were combined, his strength would increase and would keep on increasing more and more when the number of lines activated increased. 

This was the reason Yang Zhai had lost a huge opportunity and a great strength when he failed to obtain the Moon bull on his first try. All five of his red lines were almost useless now. 

Not just that, if he had managed to obtain the Moon bull's ability with red lines, then it would have also helped him with the Moon that had appeared when he advanced to the second rank. 

Yang Zhai waited and saw nothing happening. When it was almost about to be morning, he saw Si Yu and Li Na coming out of the same house: however, this time the person with them was not a woman but a man. 

Yang Zhai followed them again, and saw that they returned back to the village leader's residence. 

After waiting for a while more, Yang Zhai returned back to his rented house. 

"I should give my body a little rest. I don't think I will be able to meet Si Yu and Li Na right now." Yang Zhai went to his room and slept. He could not just focus on his work and other matters, he also had to give his body a proper rest. 

Even in his previous life, he did not stay awake for a long time unless it was very important. The rest that a body could achieve through sleep could not be achieved by cultivation methods. 

For the next week, this kept up. Both Si Yu and Li Na would go to the same house with a woman and come out with a man. Yang Zhai did not enter the house even once. 

And today was the day that he wanted to meet them. 
