
There were many mortals left in the village who were the members of this group that killed the newly awakened cultivators. However, Yang Zhai did not care about the remaining mortals of this group because they were just mortals. 

He had already killed the leader and the cultivators of this group. Now, even if the third elder wanted to continue this group again, he would have to find a new leader and cultivators for this group, which was not easy and would take time. 

He could also not stop in this village anymore. The reason was simple, reputation. 

Yang Zhai had already killed Dij Tou by deceiving him. Dij Tou had a speed type rank 2 Ka, which could increase his speed. If Yang Zhai and Dij Tou had fought, Dij Tou would have definitely run away if he was about to lose against Yang Zhai, and Yang Zhai would not have been able to chase him as he did not possess any speed-type Ka. And it would even alert the Bai clan. 

An appointed cultivator of a clan for different villages would send reports back to the village every day or two, at most after a week. If an appointed cultivator did not send any report back to the Clan for more than a week or two, then the Clan would send a stronger cultivator than the appointed cultivator to investigate the reason. 

It was because there was always a chance that the appointed cultivator might have been killed: so, the Clan would send a stronger cultivator than the appointed cultivator. 

Sometimes, just as a cautionary measure, a clan could even send more than one cultivator to investigate. 

So, Yang Zhai was sure that the Bai clan must have already appointed another cultivator to the third village. That's why, the news that the village leader of the third village was killed would be sent back to the Bai clan by tomorrow, and the Bai clan would send a team of cultivators to investigate the matter. 

It was not because they cared for the village leader or something, he was just a mortal and his death did not matter to either the cultivators or the Bai clan. But, the news that the village leader of a village under the Bai clan was killed would spread to the surroundings. 

As a result, it would be damaging to their reputation that someone dared to kill the leader of a village under the Bai clan: therefore, to save their reputation, the Bai clan would send a team to investigate to find the killer. 

If they did not, others would think that the Bai clan did not care or had grown weaker, then there would be more attacks like this in the future. And anyway, how could the Bai clan sit still while doing nothing? 

Now, the time had come for him to return back to the Bai clan. 

It was still night and three kids were running through the trees. They were Yang Zhai, Si Yu, and Li Na. Yang Zhai was running at a slow speed so that Si Yu and Li Na could keep up with him. 

"You two, remember this, no matter what happens, don't do anything at the Bai village without asking me, even if an elder orders you, do you understand me?" Yang Zhai was running, and at the same time, he was also instructing the two. 

"Okay, brother Fen." 

"All right, brother Fen." 

Yang Zhai and the other two stopped for a short rest and started to travel toward the Bai clan again. Si Yu and Li Na still had mortal bodies and could not run continuously for a long distance without taking a rest. 

In the morning, 

Yang Zhai and the other two reached the Bai clan. Yang Zhai could not enter the village from the same inconspicuous place, as it was already covered by a cultivator. 

The Bai village had fences on all four sides. Perimeters of the village were allotted to different cultivators to guard. Cultivators were appointed after a particular distance to watch the areas from all four sides around the whole village. No place was left inconspicuous anymore from the eyes of these cultivators. 

There was an inconspicuous place that Yang Zhai had used many times before to enter and exit the Bai village. However, after returning, he discovered that the distance that a cultivator protected was reduced and no area was left inconspicuous anymore. 

Such as, if a cultivator guarded five hundred meters of distance before, then now it was reduced to two hundred and fifty meters distance.

It seems that the Bai clan already suspects that I left the village, and they have reduced the areas that a cultivator guarded to be safe. Looks like I have no other way left, except to bribe a guard: Yang Zhai pondered after seeing the situation. 

Yang Zhai walked to the main gate and went to one of the cultivators who was guarding the main gate and asked, 

"How much?" 

"If you are a disciple, then 50 essence stones for two people. If you are not a cultivator, then 30 essence stones for two people, and if you are not a member of the Bai clan, then 150 essence stones for three people." The guard said slowly to Yang Zhai. This was a very common thing, so the cultivator did not get angry at Yang Zhai. 

Yang Zhai could also enter the village without giving the bribe to the guard, but then he would have to give out their identities to the guard. 

"Aren't 150 too much?" If Yang Zhai says he is a disciple, he would have to tell the guard his name and show his face. If he says that he lives in the village but is not a cultivator, then he would also have to show his face and give his name to the guard. 

"No, they are not. They are completely fair if you ask me. After all, letting some unknown people into our clan is risking my own life." 

"But I don't have that much." 

"Do you want to go in or not?" 

"Very well, then, here." Yang Zhai gave 150 Low-grade essence stones to the guard and entered the Bai village without any problems. 

"Brother, why did you argue with the guard when you could clearly give out 150 essence stones: after all, you also got many essence stones after plundering the village leader's residence of the third village." Li Na was confused and asked Yang Zhai. 

"Simple, if I had taken out 150 essence stones so easily, then he would have thought that I am rich and would have demanded more essence stones. He is even letting unknown people into the village for the essence stones, putting the clan in danger. Do you think he would have let me enter that easily if I had not argued? What do you think the limit of his greed can be? "

"Oh, now I get it, why didn't I think of it? No wonder you argued, even though you have so many essence stones." Li Na clapped her clenched right fist into the palm of her left hand, and said with a smile, indicating that she understood everything. 

Si Yu shook his head after seeing this. He could not believe that Li Na forgot the last night so easily. 

Yang Zhai had already changed his clothes and had also cleaned the blood off his body before leaving the third village. 

They first found a house that was owned by a mortal that they could rent. 

"You two, stay here, I need to take care of something, and don't leave the house." Yang Zhai left the house after saying this. 
