Clear Vision

It was already night and elder Eun Woo had already left. Yang Zhai came to his room after eating his dinner. He looked at the Night Owl that was sleeping in one of the corners of Yang Zhai's room.

He went and grabbed the night owl from its beak. Then he first tied a cloth around the Night owl to keep it quiet. He made sure that the Night Owl could breathe. 

After that, he began to reduce its willpower and strength by injuring it to the limits. 

He first broke its nails and claws, not cut them though. Then he broke its legs. 

After that, he began to put needles in the riots of its wings. Its grunts could be heard, but they were not loud enough to cross the limits of this room.

He would always put one drop of the Red Poison on its bleeding wounds to stop its excessive bleeding. He then placed it in the door. 

After injuring the Night Owl to its limits, he pulled out the stones and began the absorption process. 

As always, he opened his black vortex by absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world with his aperture. 

There were three methods to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world. 

The first was through one's body. When a mortal does that, a black vortex appears around the abdomen: however, when a cultivator does that, a black vortex appears on the chest as there was already an aperture gate around the abdomen 

The second way was to absorb the spiritual energy with one's aperture and a black vortex appears around the abdomen.

The third way was to absorb the spiritual energy with help of the Sun.

Right now, Yang Zhai used the second method. 

After that, he took a little amount of the Night Owl's blood, only an extremely small amount though. Then he threw it into the black vortex. 

He always throws a little bit of blood in the black vortex to let his aperture and cultivation recognize the essence and blood of the living being he was going to use.

He does not absorb the blood, but throws it in the vortex to let his cultivation recognize the essence and blood of the living being he was going to use. After which, when he throws the Spirit stone in the black vortex, both the blood and the spirit stone combine, creating a connection between Yang Zhai and the cultivation or essence of the living being he is going to absorb.

Spirit stone, as the name suggests, is used to recognize the spirit of something and its essence. It also develops a connection with a person. And the blood he throws in the black vortex lets his cultivation and aperture recognize the essence of the living being he was going to absorb. And the blood he throws in the black vortex itself also absorbs a little bit of cultivation DNA of his. 

As the Spirit stone is connected to a living being and the outside blood he threw in the vortex itself contains a little bit of his cultivation DNA after recognition, combining them both, creates a connection between his cultivation and the cultivation or essence he absorbs. 

After doing this, Yang Zhai took out a Spirit stone and soaked it with the blood of the Night Owl. It connected with the Night Owl's spirit after only two spirit stones. As the Spirit stone did not break, it meant that it connected with Night Owl's spirit successfully.

After this, Yang Zhai threw one essence stone and one spirit stone into the black vortex. 

Thereafter, Yang Zhai put his hand on the Night Owl. Then, he began to inject his essence water into the Night Owl's body. He had to do it as there was no black vortex on the Night Owl from which its essence could be absorbed. 

Yang Zhai's essence water entered the Night Owl's body and began to circulate into its entire body. After which, the black vortex attracted the essence of the Night Owl towards it because of the Spirit stone. And it came out with or in the form of essence water that Yang Zhai had injected. 

Essence water could not be taken back into the aperture, no matter what. Therefore, the black vortex attracted the essence of the Night Owl with the help of the essence DNA of the Night Owl's spirit and essence that was stored in the Spirit stone.

Now, Yang Zhai's essence water had been turned into spiritual power containing the Night Owl's essence in it and could be absorbed by Yang Zhai. 

But, there was a requirement and that was that the essence and the spiritual power had to be blended together and be purified. Otherwise, it could not be absorbed. If he did consume it, he would become insane and might even die because the essence of a beast was chaotic and filled with impurities.

And of course, only one thing could help him right now and that was the Blue Gem.

Yang Zhai took out the Blue Gem and placed it in the black vortex. 

Spiritual power in the form of wisps began to exit the Night Owl's body and was being attracted towards Yang Zhai's black vortex. After going closer to the vortex, the wisps were absorbed by the black vortex. Yang Zhai controlled all of the wisps to pass through the Blue Gem before he absorbed the essence of the Night Owl. All the essence of the Night Owl was purified from any impurities.

The process continued and time passed like this.

After a few hours, Yang Zhai looked at the Night Owl's still body.

He then looked at his yellow line. And noticed that this line contained a power and did not feel empty like the red lines.

His two lines out of the three now had abilities in them. Orange lines contained the ability of the Moon bull and the yellow line contained the ability of the Night Owl.

Yang Zhai looked outside the window and saw that the streets were lit with the help of the lanterns that were hung on the small eight feet tall poles that stood on the two sides of the streets.

The upper part that hung the lanterns of every pole was like thin snakes with a slithering manner. Yang Zhai looked around and discovered a corner that was not lit and could not be seen, it was completely dark, only seventy meters away from him.

Yang Zhai activated the yellow line and looked at that exact dark spot. Suddenly, everything began to get clear in his eyes. He could even see the small things now. 

He looked around and noticed that his limit was only a hundred meters. Beyond that, his eyesight returned to normal, and could not use the yellow line to see clearly past hundred meters. 

In the day, it was not much helpful as a hundred meters distance would always be in his eyesight, but at night, no doubt it was an impressive ability.

No ability could be said to be useless, not the Moon Bull's, nor the Night Owl's. After all, the results would be unimaginable if all five lines were activated together.

Such as, he could not even activate five orange lines together, if he could, then the results would be unimaginable. 
