He Is A Traitor

Second elder Shu Ti arrived at the scene and saw that Jil Lu was being constantly pushed back by elder Cu Gil. Shu Ti had arrived in just a few minutes, and Jil Lu was already running out of tricks. He was panting and was holding back Cu Gil with difficulty. 

It was to be expected, elder Cu Gil was not weak. 

"Hey, Cu Gil, stop!" Shu Ti shouted from away. 

"Second elder, don't get in my way." Cu Gil looked toward the source of the voice and saw that it was Shu Ti. 

"I said stop, don't you see how much damage you two are causing to the surrounding area." 

"It doesn't matter, today, I will kill this bast**d. You should not interfere in this." Cu Gil did not care and continued to attack Jil Lu. 

Almost all of the houses in their surroundings were getting damaged. Even though these two had tried to keep the damage at a minimum, it was not possible to keep everything safe around during a battle. 

They knew that if the village suffered severe damage because of them, they would be punished by the Clan. And as elder Cu Gil had sneak attacked, they could also not go out of the village, and Jil Lu was also not a fool to go out of the village to have a battle with Cu Gil. It was clearly visible from their current battle. 

And also, right now, Cu Gil was an injured lion, he was more dangerous than a healthy lion.

"Cu Gil, tell me what happened, I will try to help you out." Shu Ti tried to stop Cu Gil, but got no results. 

"I said stop," This time around, Shu Ti's eyes narrowed, and his expression and tone changed. His voice was heavy, and he had a serious expression. 

When Cu Gil saw this, he stopped. Cu Gil, who was bent on taking revenge for her daughter, stopped after he heard Shu Ti like this. It could be seen the dominance of elder Shu Ti from this. 

"Thanks, second elder." Jil Lu bowed respectfully and thanked Shu Ti. He also stopped attacking. 

"Now tell me what happened?" 

"You know this, don't you? He killed my daughter and you people hid it from me." Cu Gil smiled and looked at Shu Ti. He was not happy, but was mocking Shu Ti for speaking like this. This was a mocking smile. 

"Is he right, Jil Lu?" Shu Ti looked at Jil Lu in an inquiring manner. 

Jil Lu did not answer and lowered his head. 

"So, it's true. I am impressed that you even dare to kill an elder's daughter." Shu Ti looked at Jil Lu in a calm manner: however, Jil Lu could feel a slight threat from this calm expression. 

"Second elder, she betrayed the Clan and tried to kill Yang Zhai, I had to kill her to save Yang Zhai." Jil Lu tried to get out of the situation.

"Did the Clan leader know about this?" Shu Ti asked Jil Lu instead. 


"So, then, he hid this even from me. Cu Gil, do you have anything to say for your Ci An?"

"Yes, I think that someone motivated her to kill Yang Zhai, and if I am not wrong, that person would be Jil Lu. Anyway, she was far weaker compared to Jil Lu, so why did he not capture her instead of killing her? I think he wanted to hide his name." Cu Gil said and thought inwardly: Let's see how you get yourself out of this, even if you manage to, I will kill you personally. 

Cu Gil's accusations were totally without any evidence and were just placed on Jil Lu out of revenge. He did not even realize that his accusations were actually true. 

"No, second elder, he is lying, he is doing this to take revenge on me." Jil Lu hurriedly spoke. 

"So, to find out, we need to ask the people who were present on the scene. Where are Eun Woo, Nain Kii, and Yang Zhai?" Shu Ti asked them. 


Three days passed, 

"Li Na, go and do as I said." Yang Zhai handed a letter to Li Na and instructed her. 

"Okay, brother Yang, I will just as you instructed me." Li Na grabbed the paper on which something was written: however, the paper was folded, so Li Na didn't dare to unfold and read it. 

After doing this, she opened the door and left the house. Thereafter, she left.

"Brother Yang, will she be alright? Wouldn't it be better if I had delivered the letter?" Si Yu was worried when Li Na left to complete the task given by Yang Zhai. 

"Don't worry, she will be alright. The reason I didn't send you was that many people saw you at the venue of the second round of the competition: whereas, nobody in this village knows Li Na. Therefore, it's more safe for her to do this than for you. I don't want any unnecessary trouble by letting someone recognize you when delivering my letter. Anyway, I will be in my room, inform me when she returns back." Yang Zhai left after saying this. 

Si Yu looked at Yang Zhai's back and then at the door. He was still worried about Li Na. 

"I hope brother Yang is right about that." 

Meanwhile, Li Na came in front of a certain residence. Yang Zhai had made her remember the directions of this residence in the previous two days. 

She looked at the residence and saw two guards outside the main gate. 

"Does this residence belong to the elder Cu Gil?" She went to one of the guards and asked. 

"Yes, this is lord Cu's residence."

"Very well, here, take this. Give this to only elder Cu Gil and tell him that it was sent by the Clan leader Tai Qi. Also, make sure that only elder Cu Gil gets this letter: otherwise, be ready to face the wrath of the Clan leader if any mistake happens. I will be going then." 

Li Na left after saying this and handing the letter over to the guards. After taking a turn, her walking speed increased a little bit.

"What a relief, nobody recognizes me in this village. Brother Yang was right, I was a better choice than Si Yu for delivering this letter."

On the other hand,

"What do you think this is?"One out of the two guards asked the other guard.

"I don't know, but we should do as that girl said. I will go and give it to the master." The other guard went inside the house and came outside Elder Cu Gil's room.

He knocked on the door and said,

"Lord, there's a letter for you." The guard respectfully greeted before saying.

"Come inside."

The guard entered the room and saw elder Cu Gil meditating. 

"Place it on the table." Elder Cu Gil did not open his eyes and said.

"Lord, the girl who delivered this said that the clan leader sent this. She also said that I should only give it to you and no one else." The guard placed the letter on the table and told what Li Na said.

"Oh, then give it over to me and leave." Cu Gil opened his eyes and looked at the letter.

He then opened the letter and his eyes narrowed.
