
"Hi there, don't worry about me and read carefully. But first, think, does your wife love you? And do you love her? If so, then you should not read much further. Mark my words, this letter contains a lot of harsh truths." The letter paused here and then there was an empty space left in the letter. 

The letter continued again after the empty space. 

"Cu Gil and your wife are having an intimate relationship. Not just him, even Jil Lu was involved with her, but she only cared for Cu Gil. And both Cu Gil and Yua Emi knew and loved each other, this was the reason Jil Lu used the opportunity to take revenge on Cu Gil by killing his daughter. Do you think he killed Ci An because she attacked your disciple? If so, then you should leave your position as the Bai Clan leader. And if you don't believe me, then look at the current situation, Jil Lu must have died or your wife must have disappeared. I am confident that you will find out the truth yourself. One more thing, even though your wife does not care about Jil Lu, she was involved with two men before, hahaha hahaha, laughable."

The letter ended with a final laugh. Tai Qi's eyes narrowed after reading this. He could clearly feel a disdain for him from this letter. 

Yang Zhai first wrote a paragraph and stopped. It was to arouse Tai Qi's attention and make him curious even more. Then he stopped and left a space on the paper empty before continuing. 

After that, he started the letter again with an emphasis on Cu Gil. Even though Yang Zhai wrote about Jil Lu, he did not even once say that Yua Emi and Jil Lu had any kind of relationship. He only made it look like it by mentioning Cu Gil's and Yua Emi's relationship. 

He also said that Yua Emi was involved with two men, well, it was not a lie as she was involved with two men: After all, she was the wife of the Clan leader and was in relation with Cu Gil. But Yang Zhai made it look like he was talking about Jil Lu and Cu Gil instead. 

Now, even if Jil Lu rejected the Clan leader, as long as Cu Gil's and Yua Emi's relationship was revealed, Jil Lu would also not be spared. 

Doubt, doubt was something that could destroy a relationship. Not just relationships, but even the surrounding people and the generations would be affected just because of two people. A relationship demanded pure belief in each other. After all, even the purest of blood relations could go against each other, let alone a husband and wife's relationship that was bonded together. 

Even though the people could still live with others after a doubt was developed in one of the two hearts, it would at some point erupt and burn everything. 

Now, even if Cu Gil did not kill Jil Lu or run away with Yua Emi, all three of them were going to bear the consequences of the doubt that Yang Zhai had left in Tai Qi's heart. 

And then Yang Zhai added a laugh at the end to fuel Tai Qi's rage. Who could bear to hear from the others that the one they loved dearly was involved with someone else? Nobody, but if someone could, then they would have another level that was even above the purest of shameless people. 

That was completely another thing if they could deal with the one their lover was involved with or not. But not even thinking about it was another level of shamelessness. 

But Yang Zhai knew how much Tai Qi loved his wife. In Yang Zhai's previous life, after Yua Emi and Cu Gil were executed by Tai Qi openly, his personality began to change slowly. At first, he was fine, but then, his decisions were being affected by his anger and hatred. It increased to the point that at one point every elder had to interfere to stop him from declaring a war against every clan surrounding them. 

"Hey you, summon the third elder and tell him that I am waiting for him in my room." Tai Qi called for a servant and ordered him. He had his doubts about the letter and wanted to confirm it first. After all, he was not sure if Jil Lu really killed Ci An to take revenge on Cu Gil because of his wife. 

After an hour passed, 

"What do you think?" 

Tai Qi asked Ziaho De who was sitting in front of him. 

"Forget about me, tell me, what do you think?!" Zihao De put the letter on the table and asked instead. He was looking at Tai Qi carefully, after all, it was not a small matter. 

"I have my doubts about it." 

"What if she is innocent?" 

"I know, that's why I called you, how can I believe a letter that was sent by an unknown person over the one I love dearly? But, what if the letter is right?" 

"I understand, however, where's sister Yua Emi right now? You said that she went to meet her parents, right?" 

"Yeah, she wanted to live with her parents for a few days as she was missing them very much."

"Oh, I think you should call her back. We don't know who sent the letter, so it's better for her to stay home." The third elder thought for a while before saying, and thought: didn't the letter mention that she might have already disappeared? What if everything mentioned in the letter is true? 

He then looked at the letter again to confirm.

"Brother, I will be going then. I think I should start the investigation, and don't forget to call sister Yua Emi back." 

"Okay then, I expect good news from you." Tai Qi stood up to greet Zihao De. 

He trusted Ziaho De very much, this was the reason that he shared this letter with him and not anyone else. 

"Sigh, Yua Emi, I hope the letter doesn't turn out to be right: otherwise, I don't know what I will do." Tai Qi sighed after saying goodbye to Ziaho De. 

Now, not only his love, but his honor was also at stake. How could someone be involved with his wife? Did Cu Gil not fear anything? Or was the letter a lie? Whatever it was, his ego had already been hurt. If the letter was a lie, then how could someone lie to him without fearing him? But, he did not act impatiently. He had become the Clan leader, not on just a fluke. He was a leader and knew how to make decisions. He would first confirm everything before acting. 


In the meantime, 

"I wonder what Cu Gil did? If he did nothing and is spending his days normally, then both he and Yua Emi will die, but if he ran away, then Jil Lu would die. However, if he killed Jil Lu and did not run, even then, he and Yua Emi would die. After all, there's no way Tai Qi would not be able to find the truth after suspecting. There's only one way for him to save his life, and that is to run away." Yang Zhai muttered. 

Yang Zhai had used the information about Cu Gil's and Yua Emi's relation to extort Blue Gem from Cu Gil before. And the Blue Gem helped him very much. 

He had already decided to deal with Cu Gil from the very start, even if Cu Gil listened to him. Yang Zhai had already lit the fire, now he just had to wait for the fire to burn everything. 
