Deadly Poison

By now, Ai Hao should have already died: Yang Zhai thought.

He was walking back to his house. However, he had a determination on his face, as if he really had taken clan leader Tai Qi's speech to his heart and wanted nothing more than to win the final round.

The formula of the potion that I made was created by me for the sole purpose of giving it to Lie Yi, but it came in handy to be used on Ai Hao as well: Yang Zhai was following the plan he had created before he even died.

The potion that he gave to Ai Hao was something that takes its effects after a few hours. And Yang Zhai made it so that it would spread in every inch of the body and attach to the veins like leeches.

The only way to separate this poison was to activate a powerful healing technique that could spread in the whole body and instantly clear the poison, or the antidote that Yang Zhai had created to counter it. Otherwise, it was like a virus that would keep on spreading if even a few cells of the poison were left. This was how powerful he had made this poison.

Originally, he had created this poison for Lie Yi and to stop Hyun Hae. He wanted to use this poison on Lie Yi and threaten Hyun Hae in the final round. He knew his limits very clearly and also that he could not win a fight against Hyun Hae right now. He would always try to have plans before stepping into something and would not take a chance unless there was no way. It was evident from the fact that he had designed a poison in his previous life specifically to deal with Hyue Hae now. And he had done this to obtain the Death Warrant that he wanted.

Therefore, he had created two bottles of poison:one for Lie Yi and the other one for Ai Hao.

The bottle that he gave to Hyun Hae at the competition venue was just a normal potion, and nothing more, but the one he gave to Ai Hao was one of the two potions he created. Now, he still had one left.

And he killed Ai Hao to protect himself. Now that only two competitors, he and Si Kim were left, the Clan would do everything to protect Yang Zhai.

The inheritance that he, the Bai clan, and the Ma clan were fighting for was no ordinary inheritance, but a powerful one.

"And both of the clans might have already realized this."

Yang Zhai also needed the inheritance, so he could not leave the Bai clan yet. This was the reason that Ai Hao had to die. He also needed to fight this competition that was being held between the Bai academy and the Si academy to obtain the Death Warrant; thus he had to appear no matter what. But to increase his safety, he needed to reduce one of the three competitors.

But, he had to be careful and thorough through all this. Thus, he also could not directly poison Hyun Hae. If he did, he would be discovered to have poisoned both Hyun Hai and Ai Hao. Thus, he created an act of three bottles at the competition venue yesterday. Now, he had left many witnesses to prove his innocence.

"But how come the Cougar attacked all of a sudden? Now, there's a chance that the competition might get delayed. I will have to think of another way to obtain the Death Warrant" Yang Zhai came back to his house.

He went back to his room and sat down to cultivate. Meanwhile, he was also thinking about the consequences that might happen in the future because of the recent events.

"Now, I wonder what I can do to obtain the Death Warrant?" Yang Zhai was wondering what to do.

This Death Warrant was no small thing. It had the ability to bring death to the masses or individuals, making it stronger in return. But the price was that the more deaths that occur, the more the lifespan of the user is consumed. This was the reason that it was stored in the clan's treasury.

It had limitations according to the user's body and its grade. Such as there existed four bodies that a cultivator achieves naturally while cultivating to the higher ranks. Each body would keep on getting stronger than the previous body.

Yang Zhai was not getting it to start a massacre, but

"Because it is one of the materials to refine the Aurora."

He did not remember what path the Aurora belonged to, or what were its workings to begin with. But, he knew what materials it required to be completely refined and where they were.

And he also knew that,

"I made myself forget everything about the Aurora except for the refinement materials it requires, I also remember where these materials are located."

Death Warrant was used only once in Yang Zhai's previous life, and it had caused a massacre so big that even Yang Zhai was shocked. However, it had to get stronger first to cause a mass massacre. But the treasure that the Bai clan had was only a rank 1 Death Warrant.

Yang Zhai was still contemplating when he heard a commotion from outside the room,

"Third elder Ziaho De, what made such a high figure appear in our humble abode?" Uncle Wei asked with a smile.

In front of him was sitting third elder Ziaho De.

"You're too humble, I am not such a big figure. As for what brought me here, I wanted to meet Yang Zhai, if you don't mind, that is." Third elder Zihao De got straight to the point. He did not want to make friends with Wei Li for no reason.

In this relation, only Wei Li would benefit but not me: Zihao De pondered.

"Yes, third elder, you can meet him. How can I stop you from meeting him? Please, go ahead, he is in his room." Wei Li said and then ordered a servant to show the third elder Yang Zhai's room.

Third Elder Zihao De had only walked a few steps when he stopped and looked back to glance at Wei Li before going toward Yang Zhai's room.
