Spirit Garden

"Here," Yang Zhai handed a scroll to elder Eun Woo.

"Good, very good, you kept your promise." Eun Woo kept on nodding after seeing the scroll.

Yang Zhai had handed her the full Red Poison technique. It was as he had promised. 

After that, she left. 

"Sigh, I can finally relax. At least, I can relax until the final round. Zihao De is no joke."Yang Zhai heaved a sigh.

It was because he was aware of how much Zihao De was loyal to Tai Qi. In Yang Zhai's previous life, it was the third elder Zihao De who fought with Tai Qi until the last moment. Even in the war, Zihao De had cared more about Tai Qi than himself. 

At one point, he even went to the point of fighting against the whole Ma clan alone for Tai Qi. 

He was sure as long as the third elder Zihao De was the one protecting Yang Zhai, the Ma clan would have difficulty approaching Yang Zhai.

The next day,

"I have already gotten permission from the clan leader, come with me." Third elder Zihao De said to Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai followed elder Zihao De. Both of them came to a garden, a garden so beautiful that it could only appear in the scenery. 

Yang Zhai had come here before as well. This was the same garden where he and the other kids had awakened their apertures. 

This garden had a beautiful wooden gazebo in the middle. There was a small pond a little away from it to its right side. Trees of red and yellow color were on one of its sides. On the other side was a small lake with different colored fishes inside.

There were lamp poles in the garden at certain distances. They could be seen from time to time. On these poles were white-colored lamps. In these lamps were small yellow light dots.

Green vines coiled around these lamp poles and the pillars of the gazebo. A few small birds could be seen flying in the garden, chirping and chirping. These birds were blue and had fiery red-colored tails. These birds were known as the Light Birds. At night, they would shine with fiery red color and would dance in the air, drawing different patterns in the air.

Yang Zhai entered the garden and saw Si Kim there as well. 

"You two, from now on, you can cultivate here. However, it will only be for a limited amount of time. After that, you will have to leave the garden whether you advanced or not." Third elder Zihao De said to Si Kim and Yang Zhai.

"Elder, how can we cultivate fast here when we can't even use the spiritual energy from the outside world to cultivate?" Si Kim was concerned about this. 

Aperture walls could only absorb the essence water from the aperture itself and nowhere else, even the natural spiritual energy was not useful to them. Even the Yellow Sun could not be used to cultivate fast. 

"That's what I was going to tell you just now. Even though you can't absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world with your aperture, the spiritual energy will slowly seep through your body if the area is filled with it. This was the reason that you could absorb the spiritual energy easily when you created your aperture." Third Elder Zihao De looked at Si Kim and began to explain. 

"After that, it can help you in your cultivation. But remember, as the Clan doesn't want this place to get ruined or anything like that, you two can only cultivate here for a limited amount of time: after that, you will return to your homes."

After asking about a few things, Si Kim and Yang Zhai sat in the wooden gazebo to cultivate. This gazebo was the center of this garden and could be more beneficial than the other spots. 

After settling everything, the third elder Zihao De left. Of course, it was just to show Yang Zhai and Si Kim that he had left, but in actuality, he was hiding near them to protect them from danger. 

Yang Zhai sat in the gazebo and began to cultivate. 

This can be beneficial to me, I need to use this opportunity very well: Yang Zhai thought and began to absorb the spiritual energy. 

The spiritual energy around him was slowly getting sucked into his body. After a while, Si Kim felt that the spiritual energy around him had gotten less and was getting away from him. He felt strange and opened his eyes to look around. 

What he saw was that the wisps could be seen flying into Yang Zhai's body. He was shocked to see. 

"What's happening?!" 

He could not understand the reason. 

Wasn't the spiritual energy supposed to seep into a cultivator's body by itself? Then why did it seem like Yang Zhai was absorbing the spiritual energy? Or like it was moving into his body by itself. 

In Yang Zhai's aperture, a ka floated in the air. It was emitting light into its surroundings. 

It was the Strength Ka. 

It had the ability to make Yang Zhai's physical body and essence water strong. But now Yang Zhai was using it to absorb the spiritual energy from the surroundings. 

This was the reason the spiritual energy was flowing toward Yang Zhai. 

However, Si Kim didn't notice it as he was in a densely packed spiritual energy area, and he himself was so shocked that he didn't even sense the Strength Ka's aura. 

But the third elder Zihao De noticed it. 

"So, he is using a Ka to absorb more spiritual energy. Impressive, and as his body is not having any side effects, this Ka must have the ability to save his body from excessive spiritual energy consumption. This opportunity is really a very big opportunity for him. He can use it to take more benefits than I initially thought. If this keeps up, he might advance to the next stage without any external help." Third elder Zihao De muttered. 

He was amazed by Yang Zhai. Yang Zhai was using this opportunity to the fullest. 

I can't waste this opportunity. I must break through to the rank 3 mid-stage while I am here. It can save a lot of my time: Yang Zhai pondered and looked at the strength Ka. 

Yang Zhai had just wanted to try if this method would work, and activated the Strength Ka to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world and then convert it into the power of the Strength Ka to help him. But his experiment succeeded, and the Strength Ka was doing a fine job.

After waiting for an hour, Si Kim saw that the rate of absorption of spiritual energy by Yang Zhai from the outside world did not decrease. 

"At this rate, I will only incur loss and nothing else." Si Kim muttered and left the gazebo to cultivate somewhere else in the garden. Even though the amount of spiritual energy was more at the center, it was of no use if he could not even get half of it. 

So, he thought that it was better to cultivate somewhere else than to have nothing: thus, he left the gazebo, leaving Yang Zhai alone. 
