Tear Of The Lost One

This is strange, why did they suddenly agree to let me enter the clan's treasury?: Yang Zhai was thinking.

Both Yang Zhai and Zihao De were walking toward the clan's treasury. 

He had asked Zihao De to let him enter the clan's treasury to choose something helpful to him. He had asked this on the basis that few treasures drew cultivators toward them because of affinity or some other reasons. That's why Zihao De had not asked why Yang Zhai wanted to enter himself, and did not ask Zihao De to choose something for him.

"Make sure to pick something good, this chance doesn't come easily. Especially when you are unable to advance, the clan won't care much as your limits might have already been reached, but you got a rare chance. Tell me if you are unable to pick something valuable, and I will help you." 

Elder Zihao De said and thought inwardly: The Bai clan has no records of the Death Warrant, nothing related to the Death Warrant was ever spread in the clan, except for the Ma clan, nobody even knows that we have a Death Warrant. As there are no records related to the Death Warrant in the clan, Yang Zhai certainly doesn't know anything about the Death Warrant, so I can easily convince him that the Death Warrant is a defensive treasure and make him pick it.

Zihao De wanted Yang Zhai to pick up the Death Warrant, as the clan leader had instructed. Therefore, he ordered the refinement of a fake Death Warrant. However, the fake Death Warrant created did not possess the ability to kill but turned out to be a defensive treasure. 

It was to be expected as the treasures with other abilities than defensive abilities were rare, especially a rare treasure like the Death Warrant. This world mostly had defensive treasures. So, the fake Death Warrant created was a defensive treasure.


Elder Zihao De and Yang Zhai reached the clan's treasury. Yang Zhai looked around and found nothing strange, everything was normal. 

On the gate was written,

"Return If You Value Your Life,"

The gate opened and they entered the treasury.

"Choose whatever you feel is suitable for you. But remember, there are some treasures you are not allowed to choose, I will tell you whenever you are about to pick one. Okay, you can now choose."

Yang Zhai walked forward after listening to Zihao De. He began to look around and found the Death Warrant. After looking for a while, he saw the Death Warrant, it was placed on one of the shelves. He only glanced at it for a while before walking past it and started to look around again.

I can't directly pick up the Death Warrant, if I do, Zihao De will realize that I came here for the Death Warrant. I should look at the other treasure first before coming back to pick up the Death Warrant. 

Yang Zhai was looking around when he saw a treasure on a shelf. He picked it up to see.

"Tear of the Lost One, impressive." Yang Zhai murmured. 

"You're quite knowledgeable, it is indeed the Tear of the Lost One." 

Tear of the Lost One was related to a legend. It was said that there existed a woman who was lost in the woods and found a man. Both of them fell in love with each other: however, when the woman was about to become a mother, the man disappeared. She was left alone and kept on looking for the man, but could not find him. One day, she decided to suicide, but couldn't do it when she thought of her child. 

Finally, she gave birth to a son. She took care of her son alone and made him grow into a fine boy. 

When the boy was sixteen years old, his father came to the forest again. When the woman saw him, she was happy, but the man was here to take her son with him, and he did just that. He played the game of love with her for a while, and when he won the trust of the boy, he took his son with him, both of them disappeared, leaving the woman lost in the woods. 

After that, she kept on looking for her son, crying. It was said that whoever went to that forest after that, would hear someone crying. It was believed that the woman cried for one thousand and one years for her son. She cried so much that a lake was created with her tears, known as the Lake of Tears. The tear that Yang Zhai saw right now was said to be taken from that very lake. 

However, the Lake of Tears was not found until now. Some say that it is just a legend and some say that it exists as the tears of the lake have been seen in this world. Even a single tear had a strong purifying ability, it could purify everything. However, it was rumored that its effects change with the emotions of a person. 

Yang Zhai was impressed that the Bai clan had a Tear of the Lost One.

Yang Zhai moved forward and saw something valuable again,

"Conch Shell of Sea King?"

"I am impressed by your knowledge, Yang Zhai, I can see that you read quite a lot of books. I think that elder Ren and elder Wang might not be wrong when they said that you might know all of the rules of the clan. It is indeed the Conch Shell of Sea King. It has the ability to call upon any water beast and take its ability. After which, the owner of the Conch can use that beast's ability. However, this ability will be lost after three days."

Zihao De was impressed to see that Yang Zhai was familiar with these items. These items were very old and mostly forgotten. But, the clans would save these kinds of items for a better use later on.

Yang Zhai then came to the Death Warrant and asked,

"Elder, what is this treasure?"

When elder Zihao De heard this, he smiled. He had been waiting for this opportunity. He had thought that Yang Zhai would not ask, and he would have to somehow force this question and treasure on Yang Zhai by himself.

"Oh this, this is called the Death Warrant. Even though it is called Death Warrant, it is nowhere close to its name. It is a defensive treasure that can save you in times of need. It is a very useful treasure indeed, it can help you in battle and more. It will wrap a black veil around you to protect you from your enemies. Not just that, even I am shocked by its ability to protect its owner, it is definitely unbreakable. I think it's better for you: after all, your final battle will definitely be intense, and if I am not wrong, you also don't have any defensive treasure." 

Zihao De spoke with extreme confidence. He almost introduced the fake Death Warrant as a heaven-defying treasure that even the heavens were scared of.

Yang Zhai:"..."

When Yang Zhai heard Zihao De, he was speechless.

What the... When did the Death Warrant become a Safe Warrant?!!
