
"Here, take this." Elder Zihao De said.

He handed the coffin to Yang Zhai.

"But remember that you can't use it now. The reason is that the amalgamations can't be used by the essence water, but requires the void power to be used. And you can achieve the void power only after reaching rank 4. Remember that the void power is entirely different from the essence water, it is a power that's said to rival even the heavens. But that only appears in legends, I have never heard of anyone rivaling the heavens."

"The Corpse Collector is said to be a combination of a treasure and a container. As for what the containers are, I don't know about them, nothing related to the containers was found in the texts of the Bai clan. Amalgamations change their abilities and characteristics with their change. Not just that, an amalgamation can use a stronger attack by sacrificing stronger materials than itself, and in return, it will be destroyed as well."

Elder Zihao De explained the qualities of an amalgamation.

Even though Yang Zhai knew it all, he was listening silently.

"Let's go," After explaining a little more about the amalgamations, both Yang Zhai and Zihao De returned to the Spirit Garden.

Yang Zhai went back to the gazebo and sat to cultivate.

"One more thing, amalgamations can take control of their owners as well, be careful." Elder Zihao De was about to leave, but stopped and turned around to warn Yang Zhai. Thereafter, he left.

Yang Zhai did not open his eyes and focused on cultivation.

However, Si Kim was confused when he heard this. He did not understand at all what elder Zihao De said. He felt like a third party here.

Yang Zhai activated the Strength Ka. When he did that, spiritual energy began to surround him. A vortex of spiritual energy was beginning to form around him. All of the surrounding spiritual energy was moving toward him.

"Huh, what's happening?!" 

So Kim was cultivating when he felt that his body was absorbing less and less spiritual energy. He opened his eyes and was shocked. He was greeted by a vortex of spiritual energy that was surrounding the gazebo. 

"What is he doing now?"

Elder Zihao De was looking at all of this. He did not try to interfere at all and was just standing there looking.

"Is he advancing a Ka?"

Yang Zhai was looking in his aperture at the Strength Ka. It was glowing. Yang Zhai hurriedly pulled it out of the aperture. He could have used the spiritual energy absorbed by the Strength Ka to cultivate, but did not do so. If he let so much spiritual energy enter his aperture, it could cause problems, and it will not be good for the Strength Ka.

The Strength Ka was floating in the air and was absorbing the spiritual energy that was forming a vortex around it.

It was about to advance.

It was a method that even Yang Zhai had not expected. It had been modified by Aurora when Yang Zhai first refined it. Then it developed a second ability because of the Aurora. Now, he had noticed a few weeks ago that it could advance by just absorbing the spiritual energy from the Spirit Garden.

He kept on using the Strength Ka continuously, and today, it was about to become a rank 3 Ka.

It was continuously absorbing the spiritual energy from the surroundings. It was like a black hole. However, it stopped absorbing the spiritual energy after five hours.

Then, after a brief moment of pause, it absorbed a chunk of spiritual energy at once. It was like a huge bite had been taken from a piece of bread.

After taking a huge chunk of spiritual energy, the Strength Ka began to glow with white light. The air around the gazebo was moving in many directions. 

After an hour, 

The white light increased at once and decreased all at once, and the Strength Ka floated in the air. The spiritual energy vortex slowly began to decrease in size and dissipated.

The Strength Ka was not there anymore, as Yang Zhai had already stored it in his aperture.

Si Kim looked like he was flabbergasted. The intensity of white light came toward him all at once and was not expected by him. He lost his vision for a few seconds and could not see anything. When his vision returned, the vortex had already disappeared and everything had returned to normal.

However, he had felt the aura of a ka in the brief moment of intense light. 

"It felt like rank 3!"

He had a guess. He felt this because he was unable to sense any Ka of rank 4 or higher rank, but he also felt that the aura he sensed was not of a rank 2. So, it was obvious that the aura belonged to a rank 3 ka. 

"Brother Yang, what Ka was that?!" Si Kim went to Yang Zhai and asked.

"I am tired, I will tell you later." But Yang Zhai ignored Si Kim and drove him away.

He wanted to check the rank 3 Strength Ka right now.

He looked in his aperture and saw that a Ka was floating in the aperture. This Ka was about three inches big in size and was circular. Its skin texture was rocky, and the Ka was red in color. It had four legs and a horn on its head. This was Rank 3 "The Strength Ka", that Yang Zhai had just refined.

However, unlike rank 2 Strength Ka, rank 3 Strength Ka had small green strips on it.

Yang Zhai activated the Strength Ka and felt that its spiritual energy-absorbing speed had increased. Not just that, but it was also making his essence water and his body stronger.

At this speed, I can advance to rank 3 peak stage in two months easily: He thought.

Two months was just an estimation, he might advance before that, in around 1 month and two weeks or so.

The Strength Ka could not only make his body and the essence water strong, but also help him absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world.

I can even go against elders after advancing to rank 4. This will be very helpful. I will be able to protect myself then and won't need others' help: Yang Zhai thought and began to cultivate.

After three days,

"You two, come here."

Elder Zihao De came to the Spirit Garden and called Si Kim and Yang Zhai.

Both Si Kim and Yang Zhai opened their eyes and went to elder Zihao De.

"The final round of the competition has been decided. It will be held in three months, get ready. Remember that none of you is allowed to lose. As Ai Hao is dead, they have won one fight by default, and now they have to win only a single battle to win the competition. Know that you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders." Zihao De announced the news of the final round.

So, the time has finally arrived. I wonder what will happen?: Yang Zhai thought. 

Every initiative had an end. What Yang Zhai started was coming to an end as well. His initiative was planned in his previous life. For that, he had been working for almost a year in this life.

Now, whether he will fail or succeed.
