What Has Become Of The World

Yang Zhai looked around and saw a few people looking at the fight, among them were mortals and also cultivators. 

The fight had just started, and the others also didn't know why the fight was taking place in public and who the attackers were; therefore, the others thought that it was better to stay away from the fight. After all, if the attackers were strong, the others would simply be putting their lives at stake by trying to help Yang Zhai.

"Brother Yang, run away, don't come here, they are here for you!!" Yang Zhai shouted with his full strength while looking at the people. 

This drew the attention of a few people looking at them. They looked at Yang Zhai because of his shout. Not only this, but this also drew the attention of the two men attacking Yang Zhai.

The two men looked at each other with confusion, seemingly having questions in their eyes.

"Brother, run away, they have fire path techniques that can cause damage in a wide area, it will also kill you if you stay there!!!" Yang Zhai shouted again.

When the other people heard Yang Zhai, they were scared. 

Many people even started running away, scared of dying, among them were also a few cultivators.

When Yang Zhai saw this, his expression relaxed, and he said,

"Ah, now I can die peacefully. You will never be able to kill brother Yang Zhai, hahahah. You will never succeed in your schemes, hahahaha!!! The clan knew that you would definitely attack brother Yang, that's why the clan used me as bait to lure you out, hahaha!!!" Yang Zhai began to laugh crazily, as if their(the Bai clan's) schemes had succeeded.

The two men looked at each other. The second man nodded, and the first man ran in the direction Yang Zhai had shouted.

When Yang Zhai saw this, his expression changed to fear.

"No, don't. Third elder, save brother Yang, that man is going to kill him." Yang Zhai wanted to run in that man's direction, but had to dodge as the second man attacked Yang Zhai with a fire fist.

"I see, so you were not lying, from the fear on your face, I can see that you really are not Yang Zhai. But, it doesn't matter, I will still kill you just to be safe.

Yang Zhai thought: So my plan did not work. But, now at least I will have to face only a single opponent. This is good enough. I need to make sure that I only use rank 2 strength and face him.

Even though Yang Zhai was not facing his opponent with full strength now, he had used his full strength in the beginning. 

At first, he was sneak attacked and suffered a severe injury on his right arm and was not able to hold his ground as his opponents had good coordination and were at the rank 3 peak stage. Afterward, Yang Zhai was attacked consequently by these two men and could not take a breather, this was why they had the upper hand on him, especially when his right arm was almost rendered useless. Secondly, he was not using rank 3 techniques and long-range attacks, giving him another disadvantage. 

He was not hiding his strength because he wanted to, but because he needed to. If others knew his full strength, they would send even stronger opponents to kill him. Like right now, they had sent two rank 3 cultivators to kill him, thinking that he was a rank 2 cultivator. And by hiding his strength, he could also make his opponents let their guards down. He was not someone who would go around showing off.

He also could not reveal his full strength before the time his plan was put into action that he had made with Jun Haru. Otherwise, he would lose a huge advantage. Anyway, he didn't need to reveal his full strength as he had another way.

Yang Zhai inserted his fingers into the limestone rock below and used the Dug Worm Ka. However, no pit appeared on the surface, but a small hollow space was created below the limestone. When he did that, the limestone rock was separated from the surface. He picked up a two feet long limestone rock and threw it at his enemy.

His enemy easily dodged the rock. However, another rock appeared behind the first rock. His enemy dodged the rock again.

The path on this side of the Bai clan was made using limestones. Yang Zhai kept on using the Dug Worm ka to separate the limestones from the ground and threw them at his enemy. This way, he easily separated the rocks from the ground and threw them at his enemy by using his physical strength.

"Third elder, please help me!!" Yang Zhai shouted.



Zihao De's arms had turned metallic in color. He slashed his hand forward and an invisible wave was released toward his enemy at a fast speed.

His enemy was already injured badly and was barely holding on. She tried to dodge the attack but was struck by it and was thrown out of the house as well.

"Let's go!!!" The woman shouted at the man attacking Yang Zhai and she ran off at lightning speed.

"Not so fast." Zihao De wanted to follow her, but when he saw Yang Zhai, he stopped and ran towards Yang Zhai instead.

"Not good." The one attacking Yang Zhai saw Zihao De coming toward him and was scared. He wanted to run as well, but was struck and grabbed by Zihao De in time.

Yang Zhai sat on the ground, holding his right arm.

"Are you alright?" Zihao De asked.

"I think so." Yang Zhai replied.

"Can you stand?"

"Hmm," Yang Zhai nodded and stood up.

"That's good. I wanted to follow that woman, but can't leave you alone out here. But no worries, we still have this man." Zihao De said and looked at the man he had caught just now.

"Hahaha, do you think you can capture me that easily!!!" The man laughed and used a technique to burst his head open from the inside.

His head exploded, and the brain matter and blood splattered in the surroundings.

However, an invisible barrier shone on Zihao De's body and protected him from being dirtied with blood and brain matter.

"Suicide, huh? No wonder they had the courage to attack us with their strength. They came here thinking that if they get captured, they could simply kill themselves. What has become of the world, people now don't even value their own lives anymore and are ready to die for the others." Zihao De muttered with narrowed eyes.

Yang Zhai looked at the headless man silently. 
