Body Cultivation(Part2)

Yang Zhai walked forward and came in front of the rock. This rock was around a normal man's size. The color of the rock was brown, filled with red lines all over it. Yang Zhai touched and moved his hand lightly on the surface of the rock and felt its smoothness. 

"Brown Dacite…," Yang Zhai thought. 

This rock was not an ordinary rock, but was used by the cultivators to check the determination of the cultivators. This rock could endure the hit of even rank 5 cultivators. There was no way Yang Zhai could break it even with his full strength. However, if he wanted to put a dent in this rock, he would have to hit the same spot again and again until his blood spilled out of his fist and touched the rock. 

However, the rock would continuously send shocks into his hand, preventing it from getting injured, but his bones would continuously be affected by this rock, modifying his bones slowly. The pain he feels would keep on increasing with every fist. Nevertheless, it was an opportunity for Yang Zhai as well. His hand bones would slowly get modified and would become stronger. After that, the shocks slowly would increase and spread to his whole body. 

Almost every genuine and determined body cultivator would use this rock every day to become stronger. If a cultivator was not suited to become a body cultivator, their hand bones would break and would not be modified, they would need normal healing from the healing cultivators. 

Slowly, with the passage of time, the cultivator's hands would slowly start to get injured and blood would start spilling out of their hands. And after hitting the rock thousands of times, the hand would get injured only a little, not much. However, this would only happen after hitting the rock many times. But, if the body was not suited for body cultivation, the cultivator would start getting injured on their five to six fists. 

So, even if Yang Zhai held his strength back, or used his full strength, no difference would be made. The results would be the same. The pain would keep on increasing with every passing fist. The reason was that the shock waves from the rock would slowly keep on modifying his bones, which was very painful. When a bone breaks, a person feels a lot of pain, let alone when a whole bone gets changed. 

No wonder Tai Qi had asked Yang Zhai to only place a dent in the rock. If Yang Zhai's body was not suited for body cultivation, his bones would start breaking after only a few hits. This rock was a test, an opportunity, as well as a punishment to a body cultivator. 

If Yang Zhai gave up after only a few hits, even after he was fine, then it would mean that Yang Zhai did not have enough determination to become a body cultivator. Body cultivation was not simple like other paths, it required a cultivator to continuously feel pain and get injured thousands of times in order to mold their body for fighting. 

"Here's an advice, a body cultivator doesn't fight with techniques, but with their bodies. They would get injured in a battle many times. If something goes wrong during the battle, they can lose their life, unlike other path cultivators. For a body cultivator, their body is their weapon, unlike other path cultivators. Body cultivators would work harder than every other path cultivator, to prepare their bodies for fights. Other cultivators would only practice their techniques, it can take them a few hours or days. But body cultivators would spend months, years, and decades cultivating their bodies. Their whole life is a test."

"Before stepping onto this path, know that, body cultivation creates a great reaper, but at the cost of their life, at the cost of their comfort. But, once you grow on this path, you will move away from the dependency on techniques, away from amalgamations, away from weapons, and you would be able to fight everyone with only your body. However, your determination must stay with you, if you don't have enough determination to walk this path, you will be broken. And once broken, others would not have mercy on you, but would kick you when down, even your own. A body cultivator cannot depend on anyone, they have to enter the battle as a prey to hunt the prey." After saying this, Tai Qi entered the room and sat on the floor beside the floor table. 

Zihao De stood on the place, looking at Yang Zhai. He had seen Yang Zhai fight and knew that he was suited to become a body cultivator. 

Yang Zhai nodded and turned around again to look at the Brown Dacite. 

He took his stance, and punched the rock heavily, but the rock did not move and stood in its place like nothing happened. 

Yang Zhai then punched again and started to punch the rock again and again. 

Elder Zihao De, who was standing at the side, looking at Yang Zhai nodded. He had been counting Yang Zhai's hits and saw that Yang Zhai's fists were fine even after he hit the rock twenty-two times, indicating that Yang Zhai could become a body cultivator. 

After hitting around twenty-six times, Yang Zhai felt a tingling in his hands. This tingling slowly turned into a stinging sensation with his every hit. However, Yang Zhai did not stop, and continued. 

The shock waves from the rock were entering Yang Zhai's body with every hit. Yang Zhai increased his punching speed and began to punch at a fast speed. 

"I cannot waste such an opportunity. I must make use of this opportunity to the best of my ability" Yang Zhai muttered. 

When he had hit the rock around a hundred times, he was covered in sweat and his hands were feeling a lot of pain. It would have hurt him even if he had been hitting a normal rock, let alone Brown Dacite. This rock affected his insides, meaning his bones. And of course, the pain he was feeling from hitting the rock again and again was also there, his hand skin was also hurting a lot. 

Yang Zhai did not stop and continued. 

"Hmm, I am impressed. He is still punching the rock. It would have been fine if he stopped after hitting the rock after fifty to sixty times, but he is bent on putting a dent in the rock." Tai Qi was impressed to see that Yang Zhai was still hitting the rock. 

Yang Zhai was hitting the same spot on the rock again and again. It was because the more he hit the same place, the stronger his bones would become, but the pain would also be a lot. If he had been hitting different spots with his every punch, then he could have decreased the pain a little, but the effects would also be less. However, body cultivators would try to hit the same spot to increase their precision, and focus, and to save a lot of time and achieve double the results. 

After six hours, 

The sun was setting and the sky had turned yellow and red. It was dusk already. 

"Hmm," Elder Zihao De was looking at Yang Zhai with shock, even Tai Qi was shocked. 

"Is he a monster? He has been going at it for almost half a day, and he is still not stopping. What is wrong with his determination? His will is on another level." Zihao De said with surprise. 

Tai Qi did not say anything and looked at the rock. 

The Brown Dacite already had nineteen dents. One dent would appear after hitting the rock around thousand times, and there were already nineteen dents on the rock. Yang Zhai's hands were covered in blood. Not just that, his blood had been spilling on the rock and the surroundings continuously. 

"He said that he can defeat a rank 2 mid-stage cultivator easily, If this continues, he would be able to defeat rank 2 third stage or even rank 2 peak stage cultivators even without using the Kas." Tai Qi stated after pondering. 

"Maybe he understood the workings of the Brown Dacite. This rock would not let a body cultivator's bones break, and even their skin would get slightly injured. However, the torment a cultivator feels with every hit would keep on increasing and would torment the soul and will of a cultivator continuously. But, if a cultivator can endure the torment and continue to hit, they would benefit greatly." Zihao De did not look at Tai Qi and spoke while looking at Yang Zhai. 

"But, even if he understood the workings, the pain a person feels with every passing hit is not normal and would increase. Every person's will would give up at a certain point according to their limitations; however, Yang Zhai is hitting the rock without taking a break." Tai Qi spoke with narrowed eyes. 

If Yang Zhai stopped for even a minute, the dents on the rock would start restoring to their original shape, and Yang Zhai would have to start again. However, if he continued without stopping and the more the dents appeared, the greater the benefits he could achieve and the greater the pain. 

"He must be feeling excruciating pain." 

Yang Zhai was gritting his teeth continuously. His teeth were continuously bleeding from the continuous gritting. The spot he stood on was already wet from his sweat. His speed of hitting the rock had greatly decreased. He could barely keep his fists closed. 

His eyes were bloodshot from excruciating pain. He was standing with great difficulty. His hair had already started to turn white, his fifty to sixty hair had already turned completely white. His hands' bones had been completely modified from the shock waves of the rock. However, even the modified bones were modifying. Even his whole body's bones had started modifying. 

The Aurora in his aperture was restless and was moving restlessly in its seal. 
