
A month and two days passed, and the day of the final round of the competition had finally arrived. 

A huge crowd was gathered around the empty stage. On the two sides of the competition venue were two camps: one side belonged to the Ma clan and the other one to the Bai clan. 

Today was very important for both clans, so both clan leaders of the two clans were here. Even the second and third elders of the two clans were here. Besides them were also a few other elders.

Zing Ghe came onto the stage and began his usual speech, 

"Today, as everyone knows, is the final round of the competition. Betting on anyone is also on. You can bet anything, even your life. As everyone knows, I am an over-watcher. I know many secrets that you don't. I not only looked over the competition, but also over what happened during the breaks that happened between the competition rounds. Allow me to introduce to you the real situation of the competition. The real Death Game!!!"

When Zing Ghe spoke these words, the whole crowd's attention was drawn. 

"Death Game?" 

"The real Death Game?" 

"What does he mean by the real Death Game?" 

"Could it be that we missed something during the competition?" 

"I don't know, but we all know the reputation of an Over-Watcher, there are things that only he knows and nobody else. If he said those words, then that means that the competition had more to it than we initially thought." 

"You are right, even if he reveals the secrets of the two clans, nobody would dare to lay even a finger on him, he is an over-watcher." 

The entire crowd was confused by Zing Ghe's words except for the two clans' elders. However, almost everyone present here believed in Zing Ghe's words. 

"I won't reveal the secrets of the two clans, not at all. But, I will tell you a few things. First, many people died during the competition, including Ai Hao" 

The crowd was taken aback again by Zing Ghe's words.

"What?!! Ai Hao died? Doesn't this mean that the Ma clan has more chances of winning this competition?" 

"They cannot even change any participant according to the rules, the Bai clan is in trouble for sure." 

Zing Ghe raised his hand and everyone fell silent. 

"Let me finish first. Second, a father found out that his wife had been betraying him and also lost his daughter." 

When Zing Ghe said this, third elder Zihao De looked at Tai Qi, knowing exactly who Zing Ghe was talking about. 

Zing Ghe continued, 

"Third, a daughter lost her mother and saw her mother turn into a monster in front of her own eyes. Fourth, a man killed his own wife —whom he loved more than himself— unknowingly. Fifth, an injured lion with a sword was released into the wild to cause a massacre, now, nobody knows what would happen if he is not stopped." 

Zing Ghe spoke of Cu Gil here. Cu Gil, who loved Yua Emi so much that he did not even care for his life and was ready to go against even Tai Qi, saw Yua Emi turned into a monster in front of himself. This was the reason Zing Ghe introduced Cu Gil as an injured lion. He was betrayed by the Ma clan. And the sword he talked about was the Death Warrant. 

"Sixth, a story of revenge is being engraved into the stone with blood. Love has been taken over by revenge. What pure emotion is love? Purity has been turned into revenge. What remains when the love ends? What is it that can burn everything and take everything with it? Who will be spared from this emotion? Come to think of it, someone used to recite a poem, do you want to listen?" Zing Ghe spoke the things which were out of the others' understanding, except for a few people. 

"Love, hatred, can exist in a heart

Men, women, are just containers of them

One, who was killing for their love

One, who was killed for their love

One, who was losing for their love

One, who changed for their love

Discovered their love in love with someone else. 

An emotion turned into revenge 

Remained alone to burn everything in their wake. 

Fought the world alone, and died

He stood alone, facing thousands

In torn clothes, bloody, seeing the One

Begging for One final glance

The body fell, the soul left."

Zing Ghe recited a poem from his memories. 

"Let's continue, seventh, a father could not take revenge for his daughter, and was lost to the benefit of others during the competition. You all might have thought that this competition was not much and was only between six participants, but no, many lives changed during this competition. And from what I have seen so far, this competition will not end today, but will take many more lives. A devil that nobody knows is roaming, waiting to swallow many lives. Once given the chance, it will take whatever comes in its way."

While Zing Ghe was saying these things, Zihao De was talking to Yang Zhai. 

"Yang Zhai, do you remember our deal?" Zihao De asked Yang Zhai. 

"Yes, elder, you want me to kill Jun Haru, right?" Replied Yang Zhai. 

"Yes, that is exactly what I want. However, this will not be easy as Jun Haru has two treasures. You need to make sure that he doesn't use them during the battle, do you understand me?" said Zihao De. 

"I do. You don't have to worry, Jun Haru will die today." Yang Zhai said with a smile. 


"Sigh, we tried everything that we could, but failed. We don't have any other choice left. Go and try to bribe Yang Zhai. I did not want it to come to this, but I have already done everything I could. I have given him the Blood Demon Ka and I am sure he already knows its use. Of course, he won this Ka by betting. I also knew that the one who had bet his life in the previous round was sent by Yang Zhai and thus I asked Jun Nie to give him the Blood Demon Ka as a reward. He should already know the benefits I can give him. Go and bribe him if you can. After all, he is a rank 2 cultivator, and having a top rank 3 Ka should have waved his heart a little, we just need to give him a push. " Ma Wan Liu said. 

"But it will be difficult. Previously, we tried to send letters to him, but these letters could not reach him for some reason. Right now, he is with the Bai clan elders and it will be difficult to reach him." A servant replied respectfully. 

"Don't you think that I already know this? When will you learn? What I mean is that, go and tell Jun Haru to bribe Yang Zhai during the fight. Ask him to tell Yang Zhai that the Ma clan will give him whatever he wants in return for giving up the fight, we can even give him 10 percent of the rewards we get and also the resources for his cultivation. Moreover, tell him that he doesn't need to worry about the Bai clan, we will protect him from the Bai clan and he can join our clan. We will also make him an elder of our clan and that he doesn't need to worry about us turning back on our word: after all, the whole crowd will be witnessing the promises we make." 

Ma Wan Liu scolded the servant first before explaining his plan. But he mentioned rewards instead of the inheritance, the reason was that he did not want the crowd to know about the inheritance. 

Ma Wan Liu kept the option of bribing Yang Zhai as the last resort. He knew that it had fewer chances of succeeding than the others. He had tried to kill Yang Zhai and the other two participants of the Bai clan, but failed. Especially when Yang Zhai and Si Kim started to live in Tai Qi's residence. After this, nobody even tried to go near Tai Qi's residence as it was protected by Tai Qi, Zihao De, and the other elders. 

When everything failed, the Ma clan had even tried to send letters to Yang Zhai to bribe him, but they couldn't reach Yang Zhai. Now, they had no choice but to bribe Yang Zhai in front of everyone.
