Convincing Ma Wan Liu (Part 1)

"Why do you need these when you already have them; also, you don't even know their use, so why do you want them? I am sure that the inheritance can benefit you greatly, but having a 2nd token will only be a waste right now. Ten percent inheritance is no joke, choose wisely." Tai Qi tried to convince Yang Zhai.

"About that, clan leader, I know its value and use. It's just that I was not sure whether to admit it in front of the Ma clan or not, that's why I lied to them. But as you are my clan leader, I think there's no harm in admitting it."

"Oh, I understand, but there's no harm in admitting it in front of others. It's quite common and popular around the world, so even a few mortals know about it. Anyway, why do you need a second token?"

"I want to give it to my cousin Hyun Hae. She has a physique and is quite talented. She has already reached rank 3 as well. So, I think it will benefit the clan. I think it will be better if I go with her to Kroy City. As for the inheritance, I don't know when it will open or whether the item inside can benefit me."

Yang Zhai used Hyun Hae's name to not arouse any suspicions. As Hyun Hae had a physique, the Clan was already putting resources on her, so giving her the Kroy city's token would only benefit the clan. Thus, he falsely used her name to answer the question. As for whether Tai Qi and Zihao De later inquired whether he truly gave it to Hyun Hae or not, he can simply say that he forgot and that he would do so after reaching rank 3. By that time, he would have already left the mountain.

"Very well then, it's your own choice. If you want to do it like this, so be it. Here, take it." Tai Qi shook his head.

He also did not insist. It was also beneficial to him and the clan if Yang Zhai rejected the inheritance and gave the token to Hyun Hae. Therefore, he did not persuade Yang Zhai anymore.

He pulled out the token from his storage ring and gave the token to Yang Zhai. As for the nomination spot, it was stored in the token. The Clan leader simply had to put his void power in the token and the nomination spot would be stored in the token right away. But Tai Qi would not have left another nomination spot unless provided a new spot by Kroy City.

Yang Zhai left after taking the token.

"Zihao De, your plan of revenge at its totality failed miserably, even though we managed to earn 80 percent of the inheritance. In fact, I ended up losing my wife and my daughter along with many lives. What do you have to say?" Tai Qi looked at Zihao De with seriousness.

"About that, brother, even though it's unfortunate what happened to your wife and your daughter, Yua Emi had already been having an affair with Cu Gil. So, it was not my mistake. Losing Cu Gil and a few lives can be said to be my mistake, but we did manage to get 80 percent of the inheritance."

"Even though we could not get rid of the Ma clan through this competition, I am sure that the Ma clan would not sit idly by with having only 20 percent of the share. We can use this opportunity to get rid of them. They will for sure try something." Zihao De was confident. He was also thinking of getting rid of the Ma clan.

"Zihao De, that I know as well. But the real problem is what will they try. They might directly go for the inheritance. Or they might directly attack our clan. I think we should not wait and strike first. What do you think?" Tai Qi inquired.

Even though he was not satisfied with Zihao De's previous performance, he got over it quite quickly and was already thinking about the future. It showed the quality of a real leader. And he considered Zihao De as his real brother or even more. So, he did not mind Zihao De making a few mistakes.

"Brother, I don't think we should do this. If we attack them first, we will only incur losses. After all, we won the competition, and attacking first will only make it difficult for us. The Ma clan might use this reason to collaborate with other clans to get rid of us by using this reason." Zihao De said after thinking for a while.

"However, that doesn't mean that we cannot be careful. Zihao De, alert every spy we have in the Ma clan. Also, tell everyone in the Clan to be careful. We should also increase the security around the inheritance. We might even have to call more than half of the elders to the inheritance place in the future. Who knows what the Ma clan might do? And I have an intuition that this inheritance will benefit us greatly in the future. Also, get ready to send an envoy to the other clans just to be careful."

Tai Qi ordered Zihao De.

He was sending an envoy to get help from the other clans just in case the Ma clan did something foolish like starting a war. Even though it was unlikely that the Ma clan would start a war over this, especially after the Bai clan won the competition, it was still better to be careful in Tai Qi's eyes. After all, the implications behind getting 80 percent of this inheritance were not small.


After leaving the Bai clan leader's tent, Yang Zhai left for the Ma clan camp.

After a while, he reached the Ma clan camp. Yang Zhai came to Jun Haru's place.

"Why are you here?!" shouted Jun Haru.

"Brother Haru, you know as well that we are helpless in front of the Clan and the elders. They ordered me to kill you. I didn't want to kill you, but I was helpless. So, I had to act like I was going to kill you. Believe me, I didn't have any thoughts of killing you." Yang Zhai tried to convince Jun Haru.

While Yang Zhai and Jun Haru were talking to each other, Jun Nie eavesdropped on their conversation. He was still doubtful of Jun Haru and Yang Zhai; thus, when he discovered that Yang Zhai had come to meet with Jun Haru, he hurriedly came here to listen to them to confirm what were Jun Haru's thoughts exactly.

"Forget it Yang Zhai, do you take me for a fool? You clearly were going to kill me with that final blow. If I hadn't acted on time, I would be dead by now. Anyway, now I know that you lied to me about my father as well. You were clearly using me for your own benefit." Jun Haru shook his head and continued,

"Now, I am going to help my father rather than a traitor like you. Also, if you don't want me to reveal everything that has been going on between us, you need to help my father from now on. Even though revealing everything to my father might get me killed, I am ready for the punishment as long as I can make you pay. If you don't want this to happen, you need to listen to me." said Jun Haru.

"You fool, I was helping you and you want to betray me! You don't deserve to live!" Yang Zhai clenched his fist and was about to attack Jun Haru.

"Yang Zhai, think before you do something. Even though you might kill me now, what do you think will happen after that? You are smart, so I don't think I need to tell you." Jun Haru smiled and looked straight into Yang Zhai's eyes.

"Brother Haru, you are making a big mistake. Trusting your father will only get you killed. Even though I can help you now to save myself. In the near future, you will come to regret this decision." Yang Zhai shook his head and said.

Yang Zhai tried to convince Jun Haru that his father was going to kill him, but he did not listen to Yang Zhai.

When Jun Nie saw this, he was satisfied and left.

After half an hour, both Jun Haru and Yang Zhai came to Jun Nie's place.

"Greetings, Elder Jun" Yang Zhai and Jun Haru greeted Jun Nie.

Jun Nie nodded.


In the morning,

"Clan leader, what do you think?"

"What do you think…? Isn't it obvious? We need this inheritance. Even though the inheritance gate is small, the inheritance is not small. We don't need to even guess that the clan that obtains the inheritance will become stronger in the upcoming years. Even though winning the competition gave them a clear advantage over us and they have all the rights over more than half of the inheritance, we still need to do something."

"Even if we can't obtain half of the inheritance, we can't let them have it either; otherwise, they will slowly, but surely rule over us or even get rid of us in the near future. And they know this as well that we are not going to sit idly by. But we can't attack them, or we will only end up being ganged up by a joint collaboration of the surrounding clans. Do you have any other suggestions, Jun Nie?" Ma clan leader Ma Wan Liu inquired.

There were two people sitting across the table from each other having a conversation.

Jun Nie was already trying to discover if the man behind Yang Zhai was Ma Wan Liu or not.

Even though this matter can be resolved by intense negotiations and all. I need to make sure that this doesn't happen: thought Jun Nie.

"Clan leader, I have a way we can use to get half of the Clans on our side and also attack the Bai clan. Otherwise, I don't think the Bai clan will share half of the inheritance with us, especially after they won the competition. Think about it, it is a great injustice to us." Jun Nie said and slammed his fist onto the table.

"No, there's no need to attack them and end up starting a war. Even though it is a great injustice to us, they won the competition fair and square. Anyway, we will only end up losing many lives and resources during the war for naught. We might even get ganged up by the other clans for doing so without a reason. Think of another way. After all, you are called the great scheming shadow of the Ma clan. I am sure you can think of a way." Ma Wan Liu was clearly against the war. He didn't think that it was necessary to start a war.

Jun Nie did not give up and continued,

"Well, clan leader, let's check the odds first. Negotiations will definitely not work as they were not willing to give us half of the inheritance even without winning the competition, and now that they have won the competition, there's no way they will do so now. So the negotiations are out of option."

"As you said they might already know that there's no way we will sit idly by while they get 80 percent of the inheritance. So, they might already be getting other clans help and they might even end up bribing these clans with the inheritance to get rid of us. After all, as long as we are here, they know that we will always try to get the inheritance. So, there is this fear as well. But we will ignore this point for now thinking that they won't do this."

"But what about the future, do you think they will let us live peacefully if they get 80 percent of the inheritance and become stronger? No, right? You already said that they will rule us or even destroy us. But it is also true that we can't attack them without a reason. Otherwise, we will be the ones getting ourselves destroyed. But what if we have a reason." said Jun Nie.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you remember that our clan disciples Xin and Keal disappeared when we went to the Bai clan?"

"Yeah, I do. I had sent you guys there myself."

"Well, they didn't disappear but were killed by the Bai clan. Also, elder Osu Ke, we already had our guess that he might have been killed in the Bai clan, right? Well, he for sure died in the Bai clan. Also, do you remember that I was attacked when I was returning with the Bai clan members? It was also arranged by the Bai clan's third elder. Not only this, but recently I came to know from my informants that the real Death Warrant is being used by Elder Cu Gil. And you know as well I do who had it. Don't you think these reasons are enough?!" said Jun Nie.

When Ma Wan Liu heard this, his eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure about all of this? Do you have any proof?"
