Bram Leopard

"I really did it. Now, nobody can stop a war from happening. I might even be able to take my revenge on Ma Wan Liu. If he ends up fighting Tai Qi, I can strike at the crucial moment and kill Ma Wan Liu. Even if this doesn't happen, destroying what he cherishes will do. Hahahahahaha…." Jun Nie was laughing crazily. Beside him stood both Yen Hu and Jun Haru.

As Jun Haru was the one who helped him start a war, he didn't hold back his laughter in front of him and spoke happily. He could finally fulfill his years-long desire.

"Jun Haru, did you know that Yen Hu is your cousin and that his father was my brother?"

When Jun Haru heard this, he was shocked. He didn't know that Yen Hu was his cousin; this was something new to him. Now he understood why his father was so fond of Yen Hu. He always wondered why his father loved Yen Hu so much. Sometimes, Jun Haru even felt that his father loved Yen Hu more than him.

Since my father is unable to kill Ma Wan Liu himself, he seeks revenge by starting a war to destroy the Ma clan. It would be even better if Ma Wan Liu ended up fighting Tai Qi. That way, he can strike at a critical moment when Ma Wan Liu is injured and take his revenge: thought Jun Haru.

As for why his father wanted revenge, he didn't know that.

"Brother Haru, I hope we get along." greeted Yen Hu.

"Huh…uh…I hope so as well," Jun Haru was awakened from his shock by Yen Hu's voice. He didn't know how to react.

"Anyway, father, what should we do with Yang Zhai?" asked Jun Haru.

"About that, we will wait until I don't know who is the person behind him. How does that person know so much about me?"

Even though Jun Nie wanted to take revenge and it had already started, he still valued his life. The person helping Yang Zhai was a real hidden threat to his life. So, he decided to not do anything for now.


On the other hand,

Yu Ane and Yu Ene were ready to depart. Even though their enemies were trying to stop information from entering and leaving the Bai village, a Dark Falcon still managed to enter the village.

Cultivators would attach a letter to their legs, or below their wings. Sometimes, they even placed the letters inside the Dark Falcons' stomachs.

"Elder Jen, I hope you're ready." Said Yu Ane to a person next to him.

"I am ready, let's go!" Said the man.

This man's name was Jen Wung. He was slim: in fact, he was so thin that it felt like he had been on a diet for ages. He could hardly fight. It could be said that even Yang Zhai could kill Jen Wung with just one fist, and that too with only a little bit of his strength, that is if there wasn't any defensive barrier around Jen Wung. He was not an attack type cultivator, nor a healing type. He was a reconnaissance cultivator. His observation methods were great.

Even though a normal rank 4 cultivator's range was around 500 meters —whether they were attacks or other methods— this Jen Wung was able to sense 800 meters around him, almost the same range as a rank 5 cultivator. His speed was also not bad among rank 4 cultivators. So, as long as he was not being chased by a rank 5 cultivator, he could dodge almost all of the rank 4 cultivators by just sensing them and hiding or running.

Not only this, but his negotiation skills were top-notch. He was better than everyone in the Bai clan at negotiations. Thus, he was the one being sent to the other clans to convince them to cooperate.

After Jen Wung was ready, both Yu Ane and Yu Ene moved their first two fingers and darkness began to emerge from their body and started to travel in a straight line. It was as wide as three meters and emerged from both of them.


Outside the Bai village

This village was being protected by a barrier. It was not that this barrier always existed there, but was put on by the Bai cultivators. It was almost about to break.

Also, this doesn't mean that all of the cultivators were stopped outside the village, but many had managed to enter it and many battles also occurred inside the village as well. It's just that the Bai clan leader had already ordered the Bai clan to be careful and activate the barrier at a moment's notice. So when the attack happened, the barrier was activated within a few minutes by the cultivators.

Just as the attack happened, both Yu Ane and Yu Ene managed to hold off the enemy attack for a few seconds, giving the cultivators enough time to activate the barrier. However, by then, many cultivators had already managed to enter the village.

But, many elders inside the village came together and defeated them within a few minutes. Nonetheless, the Bai clan incurred many losses.

The cultivators that were attacking from outside the village saw a darkness as wide as three meters started to emerge from the village.

Wherever this darkness traveled, the places got empty of people as they were avoiding it.

"Damn it, don't tell me Yu Ane and Yu Ene are coming out to fight us!" One cultivator said with anger and fear.

"No, if they wanted to, they would have done so already. It might be something else, but still avoid it." another cultivator standing next to him said.

Everyone saw that the darkness traveled for a few hundred meters before disappearing. From the darkness emerged three people. As soon as these people emerged, they activated their methods and started running at a high speed.

"Damn it, they are going somewhere, stop them!!"

Someone shouted and many cultivators started chasing them.


In the meantime,

Yang Zhai and the others were returning to the village after everyone from the inheritance place arrived.

"Elder Shu, what do you think about this situation?!"

Zihao De asked for Shu Ti's opinion. All of them were traveling at a speed that was optimal for rank 2 cultivators. As Si Kim was a rank 2 cultivator. Even though Yang Zhai was not in reality a rank 2 cultivator, he was a rank 2 cultivator in front of others.

It could be seen from just this that Si Kim took around 10 to 12 months to reach the rank 2 peak stage. Whereas, Hyun Hae took only around 8 or so months to reach the rank 3 peak stage. The difference of having a physique was too great. But, Yang Zhai used other ways to keep going and reached the rank 3 peak stage. He managed to advance to rank 3 peak stage from rank 3 third stage in the previous few days and also used Blue Gem to hide his aura's strength. Right now, his aura was that of rank 2 mid-stage. So, everyone thought that he was also a rank 2 mid-stage.

While they were traveling back to the clan, they heard some noises nearby.

"Huh?" Elder Shu stopped and looked in the direction.

"Elder Shu, is it what I think it is?" Inquired an elder.

"Yes, it is, get ready!" Shu Ti warned everyone.

The disciples and the servants were confused as to what it was.

Yang Zhai moved back and hid an elder. He couldn't tell what it was, but he could tell from elder Shu's warning and other elders' reactions that it was something bad.

Shu Ti, on the other hand, grabbed Si Kim's arms.

Suddenly, something jumped out of the trees and pounced on them out of the blue.

As Shu Ti was ready, he jumped backward with Si Kim. Whereas, almost all of the elders jumped back as well. Yang Zhai grabbed the elders he hid behind and was pulled backward along with the elders.

But, two of the rank 3 servant cultivators could not react in time. One of them had half of his body chewed, and the other one's body was sent flying.

Everyone looked and discovered that the thing that attacked them was a Bram leopard.

"The hell!! Where did this leopard appear from?!" Elder Zihao De said.

They were going on their usual route: this route was clear of all the high-level beats. But this one was a rank 5 leopard, also as wide as 14 feet.

"Elder Shu, do you think this is also the Ma clan's doing? Should we fight it?" an elder asked.

"How could I know? I only know that to a Bram leopard, this forest is like its home. So, we can't fight it even if we want to. On top of that, it's a rank 5 leopard. It's better to run than fight. I hope you guys win." After saying this, Shu Ti did not even stop and ran right away. His speed was extraordinary. He disappeared into the forest in a few seconds. On top of that, he was also holding Si Kim.

Everyone: "..."

"What the hell!!! How is he the second elder of our clan."

"Elder, we should also run while we can." Yang Zhai muttered to the elder he was hanging onto.

"Hmm," the elder nodded, turned around and ran. He didn't mind Yang Zhai holding onto him. Yang Zhai was a big help during the competition, so he felt that it was fine.

The other elders also started to run in the Bai clan's direction. A few even grabbed rank 3 and rank 2 cultivators before running. The ones that were left behind were instantly killed.

The Bram leopard did not give up and ran after them. As almost everyone ran in the direction of the Bai clan, it wasn't difficult for the Bram leopard to choose which one to chase.

"You fools, run in different directions. Why are you all following me!!" shouted Shu Ti.

It turned out that almost everyone in the group was good at running, so they easily caught up to Elder Shu Ti. But, the Bram leopard was approaching them quickly.

Its speed was not as high as the other leopard races, but the bram leopard had an ability and that was that it could easily run around the trees and bushes. These were not hurdles for it, but advantages. This was the reason that Elder Shu Ti called this forest its home.
