
The clan leader stood up, tired. Even though he was already healed and fine, the stress he accumulated during these fights took a toll on his body and mind.

A cultivator could fight many battles and can still be fine. However, Tai Qi was chased constantly and fought constantly, getting injured and then running again after killing his opponents. He was already under a lot of mental stress and pressure from the recent situation: but under this stress, he was also pulled into constant battles, tiring his mind and body.

"Elder Zihao, what's the situation?" Tai Qi asked.

He wasn't worried about himself but wanted to know more about the situation.

He was a leader and had to fulfill his role first to maintain his position. Otherwise, not only the clan but also his life could be at risk, as was evident from today's situation. He needed his people to survive this battle.

"Clan leader, the situation is not looking good. The whole clan is surrounded by 30 to 40 enemy cultivators, and we don't know about the enemy higher-ups yet. They might have many rank 5 cultivators in their ranks as well. Even though they are not outside the village, we can be sure that they will soon be attacking us if we don't do something quickly." Zihao De replied with a serious expression.

"I see. You might not realize it, but the situation is far worse than that. On my way back to the clan, I was attacked by many rank 5 cultivators. Not just that, they also recruited separate cultivators," said Tai Qi.

It shocked everyone present. No wonder the clan leader was so injured.

And they also recruited separate cultivators?! Everyone, including Zihao De, Tai Qi, and others had thought that the Ma clan would only invite clans if they do decide to invite someone in case a war broke out. But, recruiting separate cultivators?

"The Ma clan is going too far!!!" Shouted an elder.

Recruiting clans was understandable as they could provide a lot of help during the war. So, even if it comes to this, the inheritance could be divided between the clans, but recruiting separate cultivators meant spreading the information about the inheritance.

Clans would mostly keep their mouths shut to get as much share as possible. But, separate cultivators were no match for a clan. So, what would they do? Obviously, they would ask for help from other separate individuals.

So basically, the Ma clan was spreading the information about the inheritance, unless the Ma clan didn't promise the clans and these individuals about the inheritance but something else. However, that was unlikely.

"Forget it, get ready. Get the elders to come to the main hall, we need to make decisions about our future plans."

After saying this, Tai Qi left.

Yang Zhai also left for his house. On the way back, he saw Lie Yi¹ and Hyun Hae².

"Yang Zhai, you traitor!!!"

Lie Yi shouted and directly attacked Yang Zhai. His anger was visible on his face.

A blue fire shot out of his hand.

Yang Zhai easily dodged the attack and moved his right index and middle finger together. When he did that, a hole—as wide as half a meter—appeared below Lie Yi's feet.

Lie Yi was about to cast another technique but fell as the hole appeared.

When Hyun Hae saw this, she shook her head.

"I told him many times to not mess with brother Yang, but he won't listen to me. Hey! You idiot! Stand up already," said Hyun Hae to Lie Yi.

Lie Yi was embarrassed and slowly stood up.

"Brother Yang, it's like this. You rejected becoming a noble family, which shattered our parents' dream. As a result, my father's personality has been affected a little bit. He is always shouting at us, even throwing and breaking things in the house. What's more, my father sometimes sees Lie Yi as you and beats him. Lie Yi was already angry at you, but after getting beaten by our father many times, his anger towards you had reached the skies. I hope you can forgive him." Hyun Hae said respectfully.

She respected Yang Zhai greatly from a very young age. Even her basic fighting style resembled Yang Zhai a little bit as she was taught by Yang Zhai before becoming a cultivator. As for Lie Yi, his pride and arrogance came in his way, and considered it humiliating to learn from Yang Zhai.

However, that was it. She listened to Yang Zhai only during normal times. If a battle did happen between these two, the result would be one of them dying.

Yang Zhai did not want to waste his time on these two. He also didn't need to teach Lie Yi a lesson like he did in the past as he didn't live with them anymore.

"No worries, just keep him at bay. You are powerful enough to do that. Know this, not everybody is like me, someone might kill him with a single blow, without giving you enough time to react," Yang Zhai said this to Hyun Hae and was about to leave but was stopped by Hyun Hae's voice.

"Yes, brother, I will remember this!! Also, brother Yang, I am already at rank 4," said Hyun Hae with excitement.

"Whattt?!! When did you reach rank 4?! Why didn't you tell me?!!" Lie Yi was shocked.

"As always, I wanted Brother Yang to know this before I told anyone." Hyun Hae said with a smile.

"Shh," Lie Yi turned his face around with indignation.

"Oh, congrats!" Yang Zhai said with amazement.

Even though he knew that Hyun Hae had also reached rank 4 in just a year in his previous life, he was still amazed.

Reaching even the rank 2 peak stage in a year was considered great, and that too by using many resources. However, a person with a physique surely had an advantage in many regards.

Even Yang Zhai took one year to reach the rank 3 peak stage and that too when he had the help of the Strength Ka, Blue Gems he used to advance sub-stages, the help of the Spirit Garden, the Over Stages, and more.

Even Lie Yi reaching rank 2 Peak Stage in 8 to 9 months was shocking enough.

"Bye, brother Yang" Hyun Hae greeted Yang Zhai as he left.

"Lie Yi, also, did you hear brother Yang? I told you to not mess with him again and again. I am sure Brother Yang took mercy on you,"

"What mercy?! He was just too weak to mess with us both."

Hyun Hae shook her head. This brother of hers couldn't let go of his pride even once. At this rate, he might end up dying.

Yang Zhai returned to his rented house. He knocked on the door and a boy opened the door.

"Welcome back, brother," this boy was Si Yu³.

Yang Zhai entered the house and also saw a girl³. Her name was Li Na. She also greeted Yang Zhai.

"Nice to see you again, brother Fen."

Yang Zhai nodded and said.

"Both of you, come to my room."

Yang Zhai went back to his room and sat down. Both Si Yu and Li Na followed him.

"You two, get ready and try to reach rank 2 peak stage as quickly as possible, but don't let your physiques go awry. Make sure that your physique powers don't linger out of this house during this time," said Yang Zhai.

Both of their physiques were connected somehow and benefited each other as long as they sat together to cultivate. Not just them, but also the people around them if they could not control their powers.

Not just this, but this also healed the injuries. If anyone else got to know about these physiques, they would surely be chased and imprisoned for the others' benefit. As a result, they won't be helpful to Yang Zhai this way.

It was because of their unique physique properties that Yang Zhai recruited them. If these two were nurtured properly, they would benefit him greatly. But for them to benefit him, he needed to make them completely trust him and listen to him. In their eyes, he needed to become the only one who cared for them besides themselves. And he had already succeeded in doing that. These two completely trusted and listened to him.

"All three of us will be leaving this mountain soon. I will tell you the place you need to reach when you hear that the inheritance place has opened. Here, I will draw the directions for you to remember. Remember, do not mention my name in front of anyone, or your lives will be in danger. Here, take this as well." Yang Zhai said with a serious expression.

He handed the Golden Shield ire to Si Yu.

"Remember that this ire is counted among the top ires of rank 2. When activated, three transparent round shields will appear around your body, around two feet each. These shields will circle around your body and will protect you against external attacks. It's a top-notch treasure in rank 2. When all three shields combine, they can even match rank 3 treasures and will be able to block rank 3 attacks," said Yang Zhai.

He handed the Golden Shield Ire to Si Yu as he didn't have any use for it. He could rival any cultivator below rank 4 easily, except for Hyun Hae and body cultivators. In a fight between them, the fight could go either way. She had her physique powers and battle instincts on her side. Whereas, Yang Zhai had extensive experience and methods. If his body cultivation was weak, then Hyun Hae's chances of winning would surely increase.

As for body cultivators, of course, they use rank 3 Kas to refine their bodies, unlike Yang Zhai who had only used rank 3 Kas, not even rank 1 Kas. They also use materials like Brown Dacite⁴ to practice constantly. The only advantage he had was that he had been using Strength Ka⁵ constantly. He could also fight from a long range.

Not every cultivator could be a master in both body cultivation alongside range cultivation. After all, between a single cultivation and a dual cultivation, people preferred single cultivation.

From Earth's point of view, it's like a 'jack of all trades but master of none'. A person studying 2 subjects would always remain behind the one studying only one subject. As was said by Bruce Lee ' I fear not the man who practices 10,000 kicks once, but the one who practices one kick 10,000 times'. As a result, a dual cultivator would almost always lose throughout history: thought Yang Zhai.

As for Yang Zhai, he didn't need to waste his time like others as he already had the knowledge and practice of many paths. Thus, he could have an advantage over body cultivators in this regard.

And as Yang Zhai handed such a top-notch ire to them, their gratitude towards him increased even more.

"Brother Fen, really?!!!"

Both Si Yu and Li Na could not believe their eyes. Yang Zhai was giving them such a valuable ire. Just a few months ago, they couldn't even provide for themselves, but now they were getting such a valuable thing.

Also, the battlefield Yang Zhai was about to enter belonged to rank 4 and 5 cultivators. Those cultivators possess a power that was said to rival the heavens—void power— the power of the black sun. There, the Golden Shield Ire was nothing.

They were already grateful to Yang Zhai for making them a cultivator, but now, he was even giving them this.

"Thanks, brother Fen!! We will never forget your kindness!!"

Si Yu and Li Na said while holding back their tears.

"Remember this, the battle that is coming is to cover this mountain in red."

In the previous life, only two clans were involved, the Bai clan and the Ma clan. But this time, many were involved.


1 Yang Zhai's cousin. (Boy) (49)

2 Yang Zhai's cousin. (Girl) (49)

3 Were recruited by Yang Zhai for their physiques. (139 and after that)

4 Brown Dacite (212)

5 Strength Ka (58 and Rank 3 197)
