I Am Finally Ready

The Ka Yang Zhai activated was Rank 3 Blood Demon Ka. This Ka was not an ordinary Ka. It was considered to be one of the most evil Kas of the blood path in the whole world.

This Ka had three abilities: it could manipulate blood to move anywhere, shape it into any form, and insert it into any organism to control it by modifying the blood.

The first ability allowed the Ka to control the blood of any being, moving it anywhere he wanted. However, this manipulation did not grant unlimited control over the blood.

The second ability enabled him to shape the controlled blood into various forms, such as a spear, sword, arrow, needles, and more.

Lastly, the third ability allowed the Ka to modify the blood and then insert it into any organism to control it, either by changing the blood or simply by modifying it.

But, he couldn't control Qian Fa with blood. The reason was that Qian Fa was too strong for it to control him.

It was just a rank 3 Ka. But this Ka could greatly complement the Corpse Collector amalgamation. Combining them with the Earth Burial Ka could increase their effectiveness.

What Yang Zhai did here was that he threw one knife at Qian Fa's right leg and pierced it. After that, he activated the Blood Demon Ka to control the blood coming out of his wound. Then, he moved it close to his right knee and turned it into a small needle that pierced his joint tendon, making him unable to move.

The reason he didn't throw the knife directly at Qian Fa's right knee was that he feared he might end up completely disabling Qian Fa's right knee. Resulting in the essence of the body being affected. Even though he could try to aim it with just the right force, he decided to be careful. After all, he wasn't in any desperate situation, but Qian Fa was. So, he could take it slowly.

He wanted to absorb the complete essence of the body as long as he could, even his joints' essence. A person with a disabled body definitely had less essence than a person with a healthy body. Injuring it was fine, but removing a complete working part was something else.

As a result, he transformed the blood into a fine needle that pieced his knee joint tendons.

This pain was enough to stop Qian Fa.

Whenever he attempted to move his leg, a piercing pain stopped him. Even a cramp could render a person unable to move their joints properly, let alone a piercing pain.

Yang Zhai didn't stop there; he manipulated the blood, bringing it closer to Qian Fa's right elbow. But this time around, he targeted the tendon between the shoulder and the elbow.

"Stop you, scoundrel! What are you doing?! Stopppp!!!!!!" Qian Fa was feeling extreme pain. He couldn't understand what was happening. The method Yang Zhai was using was completely out of his understanding.

Yang Zhai didn't stop and continued. He repeated the process with Qian Fa's left arm and left leg respectively.

"Dam…n…it. You… are ju…st a rank 2… cultivator!!!" Qian Fa couldn't even speak properly now.

Yang Zhai approached Qian Fa and used a cloth he pulled out from the Bloody Storage Ka to cover his mouth. Then, he tied Qian Fa's mouth with a rope. He also tied his arms and legs.

He also used fire to burn the wounds of Qian Fa and stop the blood. Following that, Yang Zhai beat him until he was covered in injuries and weakened. However, he ensured not to inflict severe injuries that could be fatal.

After that, he began to use Earth Burial Ka to dig out a huge pit in the cave. He dug about 4 meters wide and 6 meters deep. It took him about two or so hours. It took him this much time because he would from time to time check if someone was coming or not. He also had to absorb essence from the essence stones to refill his essence water.

After that, he grabbed Qian Fa and jumped into the pit. Thereafter, he closed the entrance to the pit.

As the entirety of the pit was dug by the Earth Burial Ka, it had no difficulty closing the pit's entrance. However, for breathing, he left a small hole above the ground but not directly above the pit. He had left the hole about three meters away from the pit and had connected the hole with the pit by using the Earth Burial Ka. All of this process took him around two hours. And during all this, he made sure to check on Qian Fa again and again, to not let the situation go awry.

This cave was small and someone might walk here. So, he dug a pit to be safe because, during the process of opening a black vortex, a cultivator was at their most vulnerable and sensitive point.

So sensitive, that even a mortal could kill a rank 5 cultivator.

The reason was simple: even though the black vortex was connected with the aperture, it could only send things made of spiritual energy into the aperture, other things would remain in the black vortex.

So, where would they go after the black vortex closes? They could not enter the aperture nor could they exit the black vortex. The answer was simple, they would appear in the body after the black vortex closes.

If a stone was thrown, then it would appear in the abdomen or the chest. If someone was unlucky, it could also appear in the brain and the heart. Of course, the outcome would be death. That was just a simple stone. What about a knife or something sharp?

He absorbed the spiritual energy with his aperture and a black vortex appeared on his abdomen. Yang Zhai made a small cut on the body of Qian Fa and began the absorption process³.

He already had the spirit stones, essence stones, Blue Gem, and rank 3 plants stored in the Bloody Storage Ka. So, he didn't face much difficulty during the process.

However, when Yang Zhai tried to connect the Spirit Stone with Qian Fa's soul and cultivation by covering it with Qian Fa's blood, it broke.

Yang Zhai didn't waver. He pulled out another stone and covered it with Qian Fa's blood: however, it broke as well. Yang Zhai repeated the process two more times, but the result was the same.

Spirit Spirit stones were used for spirit.

When a spirit stone connects with a person, it also connects with the mind and will, for it to recognize a person's soul and spirit. Right now, Qian Fa sensed it and rejected the spirit stone. As a result, the spirit stone broke.

"It seems like I have no choice. Your will is really strong."

Yang Zhai grabbed Qian Fa's right foot and activated the Red Poison technique. He didn't activate the rank 2 technique before, fearing that it would rot Qian Fa's face too much and might have killed him.

He didn't do so now as well. He wanted to keep as much of Qian Fa's essence as possible to absorb later. Even though activating the rank 2 or rank 3 technique wouldn't kill Qian Fa if it was thrown at his feet, he didn't do so.

The condensed amount of rank 1 Red Poison was enough. Just like a drop of hot oil could not give much pain and burn to a person; but, if a lot of oil was thrown together at one place, the effects would multiply.

A condensed amount of Rank 1 Red Poison was enough. A single drop of hot oil causes little pain and burning, but a large amount thrown at once multiplies the effect.


When Yang Zhai threw the poison at Qian Fa's feet, he wanted to shriek from pain involuntarily, but couldn't because his mouth was covered and tied.

When Yang Zhai soaked the spirit stone with Qian Fa's blood again, it completely recognized Qian Fa's soul, cultivation, blood, and cultivation essence⁴. However, it only managed to recognize all these because Qian Fa's mental strength and body were weak right now.

The Spirit Stone did not break, indicating that the Spirit Stone had successfully connected with Ha Kun.

A few hours passed and Yang Zhai closed the black vortex.

Yang Zhai checked Qian Fa and found him motionless. He had died. His body had shrunk and shriveled. His ears and eyes were bleeding. His hands were bloody from scratching his nails into them due to the pain.

This was to be expected. The process of cultivation extraction was extremely painful. Even more painful than a person who was operated on without anesthesia. The suffering was quite severe.

Yang Zhai had already reached rank 3 Over stage, and a fifth Yellow Line appeared into his aperture. His aperture walls had also turned Yellow, but not the essence water. Like the previous stages, it remained transparent.

Meanwhile, his essence water limit reached 100 as happens at the Perfect Stage.

He pulled out the Second Life Ka and fed it a little bit of the Qian Fa's flesh. After two minutes, Yang Zhai stored the Ka.

As for the corpse. Yang Zhai stored it in the Bloody Storage Ka. He couldn't activate the Corpse Collector yet as it could only be activated by the Void Power. The Bloody Storage Ka could store almost everything except for the Amalgamations.

"It's finally time to enter the war," muttered Yang Zhai.


1 For the vulnerable moment (95)

2 For Over-stage (93, 96, 97)

3 For the absorption process (96, 97)

4 Cultivation essence is like DNA and differs for everyone. Yang Zhai's cultivation essence is completely different from Qian Fa and other cultivators. It's like how everyone has different fingerprints.