Sudden Turn of Events

Near the gate, many corpses piled up. Many people tried to get close to the inheritance gate and were killed.

Jun Nie was about to attack, but Zing Ghe ran.

"Shit, he is coming at me with all his might from the beginning!" Zing Ghe ran with all his might.

Piercing Wind Blade, this cloth wasn't just known to the surrounding mountains. Zing Ghe had also heard of the method Jun Nie used. He, without any reservations, ran. As fast as he could.

Zing Ghe had not even activated his ire yet.

Jun Nie didn't stop, he ran after Zing Ghe, a cloth in his hand.

Zing Ghe is not stopping.

No wonder Jun Nie saw Zing Ghe in the eyes at the competition venue.

He summoned an ice spear and shot it at Jun Nie. Jun Nie managed to dodge it. Zing Ghe couldn't focus. He was attacking while running. After entering the forest, Jun Nie stopped, as did Zing Ghe.

They didn't stop to fight but didn't want to go far from the inheritance. Jun Nie turned around and returned. Zing Ghe did the same.

The war stopped. They all hesitated. Nobody knew what to do. If they fought, they knew a little bit more blood was enough to open the inheritance.

When they were hesitating, the gate suddenly started to exude an intense light, before it finally opened. Inside the gate, old ancient dry stone walls could be seen. Moss accumulated on them.

Everyone was confused, everyone was standing and nobody died, no blood spilled in the past minute or two, so how did the inheritance gate open?


On the other hand,

"That was the final one. We have eliminated every mortal in this village as well," said a disciple.

"But, why is it taking Yang Zhai so long to return?"

"Don't know, but thinking about what he said is already making me happy!"

"Yeah! Me too, he will finally step down from the class leader's position. We can now relax a bit."

"Once I become a class leader, I will make sure that we live every day to the fullest."

Everyone was happy. What Yang Zhai said—that he would not be a class leader anymore—made them happy. However, nobody thought of taking revenge on Yang Zhai. They had already seen what kind of a person he was. To him, death didn't matter, he could kill anyone.

"If he doesn't care for others' lives, do you think he is scared of dying?"

"Don't know, but nobody is foolish enough to not be scared of death," replied Hong Mi.



Nobody tried to run towards the gate. Everyone looked at each other. When Jun Nie went forward to attack Zing Ghe, everyone had moved back, fearing to get caught up in his attack. Everyone had seen what his attack could do.

Thus, nobody was close to the gate now.

They knew that the first one to move would get attacked.

However, a man ran with all his might towards the gate, it was Shu Ti. He didn't hesitate and used his full speed of a rank 5. His speed was quite shocking, no attack reached him. When the others saw this, they also ran.

However, the pile of corpses near the gate started to move. Everyone saw this, but nobody stopped.

"What's happening?! Is the inheritance going to attack us now?!"

However, a boy stood up from among the corpses. His chest had a burn mark.

"Yang Zhai?"

"Yang Zhai?"

Every elder of the Bai clan and Ma clan thought of this name when they saw the boy.

Not them, but also Zing Ghe.

"Didn't he die? I saw with my own eyes his heart pierced!" muttered Jun Nie.

Yang Zhai threw a pouch into the air, and along with that, he threw a stone as well. After that, he entered the inheritance gate.

After he entered, the gate shut tightly.

Everyone:: "..."

What were they fighting for?

And what did he throw into the air?

Everyone looked into the air and saw the stone burst. When this happened, the pouch exploded and the dust scattered. The dust particles flew along the wind and spread into the surroundings.

Jun Haru was watching everything from far away while hiding in the forest.

However, when he saw Yang Zhai throw a pouch and a stone into the air, he ran. He didn't even look back and ran.

"Yang Zhai, you really played with the two clans. I thought your plan would fail miserably, but…" Jun Haru muttered with a smile.

On the other hand,

Yang Zhai entered the inheritance and the gate closed behind him.

His robe was torn from his chest, revealing a burn mark.

What Yang Zhai did was: activate the Second Life Ka the moment his heart was pierced. The Ka replaced the injured part of the heart and slowly kept on replacing the real heart with itself. It ate Yang Zhai's heart, but it did it on a particle level to not affect his heart workings while he also used fire to seal his chest wound.

The Ka not only replaced the heart but also his heart veins. It showed how valuable this Ka was. No wonder, to him, only this Ka was able to rival the Bloody Storage Ka, even though it was only used once: whereas, the Bloody Storage Ka was used by him time and again.

There were intense battles going on around him, so nobody noticed him using the Second Life Ka and fire path technique. The inheritance was about to open, and he couldn't compete with the rank 4 cultivators.

Only when it was not at its intense moment, could he get close to the gate. However, too quickly, and nobody would have let him stay close to it. They didn't even let Zing Ghe stay close to the inheritance, a rank 5 cultivator, let alone Yang Zhai.

So, there was only one way, death. He made everyone believe that he died. He stayed under the pile of corpses, waiting.

Once he got a chance, he struck.

After the Second Life Ka was used, Yang Zhai didn't need to activate it again. He only needed to feed it from time to time to keep it healthy, it was a living being too, after all.

"The walls are quite old, there is Moss accumulating on them,"

Yang Zhai examined the walls.

There was a narrow passage of three meters. At the end of this passage, he could see a light. These walls were tall, so tall that he could not even see the end. Yang Zhai checked the floor to see if there were any traps, but he didn't find anything strange.

He begins to walk, extremely cautious. He had already stored around 3000(3kg) grams of blood in the Bloody Storage Ka.

He walked through the passage. After reaching the end, he saw something he didn't even imagine.

In front of him stood a wide canyon. There was a lake, with grape purple color leaves and lotuses on the surface. The water was crystal clear, depicting blue marbles and stones of different sizes and colors.

Above the lake lay a small wooden bridge, connecting this side to the gazebo on the other side of the lake. Around the lake and the gazebo were red and sugar maple trees.

The walls of the canyon were tall, so tall the peak was not visible. Large green vines extended down the canyon walls. The walls were also covered with a slight layer of moss.

It was not too bright. But slight sunlight shone on one side of the wall.


Beauty was still something that could awe him.

There was complete silence around him.

"Where is it?"

Yang Zhai muttered and looked around to find something. From the start, he was after only one thing, the inheritance. This was the reason he had stopped the war previously. If it happened, he would definitely not be able to cultivate properly and by the time the inheritance opened, he wouldn't be strong enough to obtain it or would have wasted too much time.

Not just that, he had to reach rank 3 Over Stage before the inheritance opened, at all costs.

In his previous life, it was discovered that the inheritance required blood, a lot of blood to open, and these two mountains were its veins. As a result, he waited, he waited and also became a class leader.

After reaching rank 3 Over Stage, he could also not waste many years waiting for the inheritance to open. As a result, he needed to fulfill the condition of the inheritance himself.

If he went alone to hunt the blood, it would take him a lot of time. Not only that, he would have wasted many resources and would also be a lot more tired by the time the inheritance opened. There was a high chance of him being discovered before he even annihilated all the villages on these two mountains.

Thus, he became the class leader and started to train the disciples to follow his orders. As time passed, he managed to instill slavery in those disciples.

In the end, he used it cleverly and opened the inheritance. In his previous life, it took many years for the inheritance to open because the blood accumulated slowly, but by the time the two clans realized the condition, the inheritance had already opened.

This time, there were more than just two clans because Yang Zhai interfered with the world. He went for the blood Hunt as well.


On the other side,

"Why is my strength increasing?!" Someone among the crowd shouted.

"Not just him, mine is also increasing."

"Shit, me too, I became rank 5 for no reason."

Everyone was shouting outside the inheritance gate.

"Forget about you guys, I am at the rank 5 peak stage and needed to go through a proper process to advance, but I advanced to rank 6, how is that even possible?!" Zing Ghe shouted, he was the most shocked.

The Crowd: "..."

Everyone understood that they somehow advanced to rank 5, but how did Zing Ghe advance to rank 6? It's called False Immortal, or Emperor rank for a reason.

Shit, I can't even tell that not only him, but I also advanced to rank 6 peak stage!!: thought Shu Ti.

"The first condition Yang Zhai asked for in exchange for saving my life were two materials: The Golden Dust of Adaptation¹ and the Burst Stone². At that time I didn't understand why he wanted these two, on top of that, he chose the worst Burst Stone among all, only a single-line Burst Stone. But later on, he told me something shocking," muttered Jun Haru with a smile.


1 The Golden Dust of Adaptation (130)

2 Burst Stone (129)