Running and Hunting

"Brother, I saw a girl and a boy on their way here,"

Jun Haru said.

"What do they look like?"

"Well, both the girl and the boy seemed to be around eleven or so years old. The girl has short black hair that extends to her shoulders, while the boy has short red hair. Both of their eyes' irises also matched the color of their hair."

"Hmm, Si Yu and Li Na have arrived. Good, it's about time for us to leave, let's go."

After saying this, he left in the direction Jun Haru pointed towards.

For the past three days, he had placed Jun Haru and The Last One as guards around this area.

Jun Haru tried to inquire about the inheritance and The Last One, but Yang Zhai ignored him.

He hid and observed the ones who were coming.

After confirming that they were Si Yu and Li Na, he walked up to them.

After Si Yu and Li Na saw Yang Zhai, they were excited.

"Brother Fen, it's you!!" Both of them said with excitement.

"I am impressed that you managed to arrive here safely," Yang Zhai commented.

"Well, we avoided all the high-rank beasts and could deal easily with low-rank beasts with the help of the Golden Shield you gave us. Also, for some reason, the Bai village was in a lot of commotion, so we managed to leave it easily."

Li Na exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Good, now, let's leave before it's too late, follow me closely. Remember, the Ma clan and the Bai clan will for sure be sending cultivators behind us."

After saying this, Yang Zhai started to run in a certain direction.

We are already too late. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. I am sure these clans would come to a consensus soon enough.

Both the Ma clan and the Bai clan had lost more than half of their elders. If they didn't come to a consensus soon enough, they would be for sure eliminated by the other clans.

Not only that, but many of the other clans had also lost their elders in great numbers.

So, it's most likely that the Ma clan and the Bai clan will end up coming together to avoid annihilation and might work together with the other clans to hunt me. The more I stay here, the more time I will be giving them to surround me.

Even though staying here for three days helped Yang Zhai with his injuries a little bit, he couldn't stay here any longer.

Even though Mah Qi was unwilling, she didn't have any other choice but to follow the others.

"Brother Yang, who are these two kids?" Jun Haru asked.

"Brother Fen, who are these two?" Si Yu also asked.

"Listen to me carefully now. The place we are going to is not ordinary; the more of us there are, the better. Remember, no matter what happens, you need to trust me completely when we reach Mantora Mountain. For that, you guys need to develop good coordination."

"Also, remember, on the Mantora Mountain, we can only rely on ourselves and nobody else. Mantora Mountain will soon open itself to the outside world."

Yang Zhai was explaining while running. He didn't even look behind.

"Jun Haru, you will be working with Si Yu, the boy beside you. Mah Qi, you will be working with Li Na. Why am I doing this? It will be easy for you to develop cooperation with each other this way."

I need to make them comfortable with each other. Even though I can coordinate with them easily, they cannot do so with each other. As Si Yu and Li Na already have good coordination, I don't need to worry about them. So, it is better to pair them with others.

Mah Qi is not so good with the boys or even the girls, so I can't waste our time by pairing her with me, Jun Haru, or Si Yu. As both Li Na and Mah Qi are girls, they can feel more comfortable with each other and also can share their feelings with each other easily. This way, their coordination will have a positive effect and be more efficient.

As Jun Haru and Si Yu are both boys, they should also feel more comfortable with each other. As all four of them see each other fight and cooperate along the way, they should be able to understand each other and develop trust.

These were Yang Zhai's thoughts.

Nobody said anything. Even though they were hesitant, they kept quiet.

Jun Haru wanted to pair with Yang Zhai if necessary, while Si Yu and Li Na preferred to pair with each other or with Yang Zhai. However, they remained silent.

Jun Haru, Si Yu, and Li Na knew Yang Zhai and were aware of how Yang Zhai worked. If Yang Zhai did something, he did it for a reason. Especially Jun Haru had seen firsthand how meticulous Yang Zhai was with what he did. Everything he did had an ocean of thoughts behind it.

As for Mah Qi, she was following Yang Zhai, so she had to listen to him. She didn't know anything about the outside world or the Mantora Mountain. Forget about the outside world, she wasn't even familiar with the area outside the Bai clan.

Also, she was paired with a girl at least. If she insisted, she feared she might end up being paired with someone else. On top of that, she had already witnessed how strong Yang Zhai was, so she also couldn't do anything to him but follow him.

"Hide!" Yang Zhai suddenly warned everyone and hid.

They saw a few cultivators running towards the direction of the two clans.

Yang Zhai and the others had already left the territory of the two clans.

These areas were mostly filled with forests. Even though a few pathways were established over time for easy transportation, these areas mostly had trees everywhere. From time to time, mountains would appear. Although a few were connected, many had gaps between them.

As for the plain areas, even though they would appear rarely, there were many.



"So, what have you decided?" Tai Qi inquired.

"It isn't obvious; we do need to work together if we want to survive. We incurred a heavy loss because of the traitor you nurtured. But still, I owe you for saving my life."

Ma Wan Liu thought and answered.

He was saved by Tai Qi. Even though Tai Qi had wanted to kill Wan Liu and destroy the Ma clan, he refrained from doing so after what happened at the inheritance ground.

This was the reason Tai Qi saved Wan Liu. He knew he needed Wan Liu if he wanted the Ma clan to combine forces with him.

However, the condition Tai Qi placed was that the Ma clan would move to the Bai village. As for the Ma village, it will become their subsidiary force.

Almost everyone in the clan knew what Yang Zhai did. Tai Qi had heard everything Jun Haru said to Jun Nie and didn't hide anything. Both clans were utterly shocked. Nobody believed that a single disciple could do all this.

As for Jun Nie, he was imprisoned. Even though he had gone crazy, nobody took pity on him. After all, he was the major pawn used by Yang Zhai to accomplish his plans. Following him were the two clans.

While they were speaking they heard a loud explosion.

"What happened?!!"

Tai Qi shouted and came out of his residence with Wan Liu.

What they saw shocked them. Many cultivators were entering Bai village, killing and destroying everything in their path.

A war again broke out between the clans. This time, the Ma clan and the Bai clan were against the other clans.

"Tai Qi, my clan cultivators should be arriving any minute, we need to hold on. Also, I think this war will go on for years, so we need to trust and help each other completely if we want to survive." Wan Liu said to Tai Qi.

Tai Qi nodded and both of them started killing the intruders.

The other clans had attacked the Bai and the Ma clan for what happened. These clans lost many of their prominent cultivators because of them.

However, even though they were fighting, everyone's target of hatred was only one person, Yang Zhai.

Thus, every clan in the surroundings sent its own team separately to hunt down Yang Zhai. Yang Zhai wasn't just the focus of their hatred; he also possessed a powerful inheritance.


On the other hand,

Yang Zhai and the others came to a stop. They had run out of food and were looking at a deer. This deer was ranked 2 but was quite fast and clever.

If it was alerted before being put down, it would alert the others and Yang Zhai and the others would end up fleeing.

As a result, they would be wasting their energy for nothing and might end up going hungry for an entire day.
