The Duke Assasination

"This is too dangerous," Raphael muttered as he gave his wife a serious face. Valerie, who was now at her house and changing her clothes, was immediately busy making plans. Maxwell asked her to follow Igor's orders. Valerie needs to do it in order to earn his trust. However, it was certainly not easy. She was asked to poison her own father. She had to make Jasper the new Duke.

"Raph, don't start," Valerie shook her head to remind him.

"You married a knight, I can't avoid this..I've been deeply involved and I realize that my position is now very important. I might be able to stop whatever the rebels are planning," Valerie said with her eyes busy looking at the book in her hand.

"I don't know if I can get through this every day. I mean, always worrying about you," Raphael complained while scratching the back of his head.