Chapter 3 : The Culprit

Chapter 3 : The Culprit

"What?" Luka said to Ariel.

"What do you mean by 'what'? Take us to the place where the incident happened, " Ariel said.

"Oh! Got it. Come with me, " Luka said.

Luka took Ariel and Toya to the place where the incident had happened and the place was named 'Cerus's Garden Road'. The place was marked using rope and nobody was allowed to enter here. But our investigators had permission, so they were able to enter that place.

"Here's the place. Now do what you guys want to do but I can assure that the result will be negative, " Luka said with great confidence.

"Yes, let us do our job, " Toya said to Luka.

"Ariel, let's search the area first, " Toya said to Ariel.

"Ok let's do it, " Ariel said and started to look for evidence in the place.

"Wait can't you use your wind power to find any object?" Toya said to Ariel.

"Well no! I do have the power of wind but it doesn't mean I can do everything with this power."

"Ok. Just find some evidence. "

Ariel and Toya started to look for evidence. On the other hand, Luka seemed to be frustrated and he was doing nothing!

"Hey Ariel, I think I've found something interesting. Come here, " said Toya.

"What did you find?"

"Look, blood! "

" I guess the blood was dropped two or three days ago. "

"I think so too. "

"We have to find the culprit fast. The old lady is in danger. "

"Hey Ariel, that Luka guy is suspicious. Be careful of him."

"Why do you think so?"

"It's just that I don't think he can be believed. "

"Ok I'll be careful. But for now, we have to focus on finding the woman. "

"Yes, you're right. We should follow the dropped blood on the road. "

"At the end, we will be able to find the lady. "

"Hey Luka, we have found a lead and it will take us to the culprit. Follow us," Ariel said to Luka.

Then they started following the drops of blood and after going a long way they arrived in front of a wrecked black house.

"This place is the right place to kill humans, " Ariel said.

"Let's go in," Toya said and they entered the house. The house was totally black. One couldn't see another. And at that moment they heard a scream.

"That's coming from the second floor."

"I'll lead the way. Toya, be ready with your sword and Luka, come after me and Toya, " said Ariel.

"Yes, I'm ready."

They started going to the second floor using stairs. As planned, Ariel was the first, then Toya and then Luka. But suddenly they heard the door getting closed.

"As I had assumed, it was a trap, right Luka?" said Toya.

"Yes, you're right. That scream was a bait. Now both Matsuyo clan and Wind clan will meet it's end," Luka said and laughed loudly.

"What a plan! But you know you won't see tomorrow's sunrise," Toya said and attacked Luka with his sword. Luka dodged the attack. And two descendants of the King of Kings attacked Ariel from behind using their Water power out of nowhere. Ariel dodged instead of attacking and the stairs broke down because of the heavy movements on them. Ariel and Toya got up and took position to fight.

"Why did you plan this Luka?" said Toya.

"I was actually planning to turn this city into a city where the clansmen of the snake clan could live. But the Wind king came out of nowhere with the Matsuyo clan's leader and appealed for an investigation. You guys became a danger for my plan. So I must kill you guys."

"But how?" Toya said to Luka.

"I was planning to take over this city at the time of Gera's execution. But you appeared and asked for an investigation therefore the execution got delayed. If I kill you two right now, the execution will be held sooner than twenty four hours."

"Sorry for ruining your nice plan but what are the descendants of the King of Kings doing here?" Toya said.

"I formed a contract with them to help me as I can't take over this city all by myself and my clan. "

"Oh! You're the Snake King but you still can't even take over a country all by yourself. That's a shame. " Toya said.

"You should shut your mouth and get ready for your death. "

"Same goes for you too, right Ariel?" Toya said.

"So you're the Snake King. Become the first king to be defeated in my way of becoming the King of Kings. " Ariel said and then he spelled, " Wind Crafting Technique : Alice! " and then a sword arrived on his hands which was made of wind.

"Get ready, Snake King."

"Come Ariel."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of those nuisance . Focus on your fight," said Toya.

To be continued ~~

*Snake Clan - It is a sub clan of the Beast Clan and it's called 'Cerebro'. The clansmen can communicate with snakes and use the snake and it's poison in different ways.