Chapter 27: Giant City!

Chapter 27: Giant City!

White Eagles were close to the Giant City. Toya told other members to get ready. They came closer and closer. They finally entered the Spag Kingdom and it's first city the Giant City. Toya was entering the city carefully and slowly. But a car was heading towards the Dynasty at full speed. Toya noticed and he turned the Dynasty to more left. The car was colored Red and had fire shaped stickers on it. It looked like a high tech car. It crossed them very quickly. Toya looked out the window.

"That thing was too fast to see," Toya said.

"Looked like a Zuch car, didn't it?" Ariel said.

"I suppose so," Anna said.

"Well whatever, we should not waste our time," Ronald said.

Toya went ahead. He saw two roads. One was at right and one was at left. The left one looked like it had been banned. The right one looked the right way. So he decided to go right. When he entered he could feel the ground shaking. Not only him but also the other members felt it.

"What's happening? " Ronald said.

"Get off from the car," Ariel said and opened the door. They all got off from Dynasty. Toya turned off the car and got off too. The shakiness increased like something was coming to them. It increased more and more. Toya summoned Alice, Toya opened his sword, Anna got ready to chant spells and Ronald loaded his both guns. They saw a skin-colored thing which stopped after coming close to them. There were two of those things.

"What is it?" Toya said and went close to it. He touched it. He pinched it. He understood what it was. He gradually backed off. He was slow.

"What has happened, Toya?" Ariel said to Toya.

"Make a run," Toya said slowly and continued coming back.

"What did you feel?" Anna said.

"Run," Toya said.

"Why?" Ronald said.

"It's a... giant," Toya said and looked up. He could see the huge giant with an axe in his left hand. Gradually, Ariel, Anna and Ronald also looked up. The giant felt their movement. He moved his axe and struck them. They all jumped to dodge. They were successful but heavily damaged. They all fell on the ground. Ariel got up. He ran towards the leg of the giant. The giant saw Ariel coming towards him. He threw a kick towards Ariel. Ronald used ice elemental bullets to freeze the legs but he could only freeze two fingers. Then Anna started rushing towards Ariel with her magical broom. She got on time but both she and Ariel got kicked by the giant. They were on the air and were flown away. Toya saw it and used Thunder Style First Strike : Thunder Blitz on the giant's legs. But the giant grabbed both Toya and Ronald with his big hand. They were unable to move. The giant started going back to the way it came from.

The giant gradually walked slowly but steadily. Toya was looking here and there to find someone but he found no one. He was not satisfied. Then he turned around and saw some big houses. He understood the giant was heading for it's village. He also saw some kid giants coming towards the giant he was being carried by. They called them dad and asked him what he had in his hand. The giant said that he had humans and asked the kid giants to return to home and tell their mother that their dad will be late. The kids nodded their heads and went back.

"Where are you taking us?" Toya said.

"Why are you questioning now?" the giant said.

"Well…..I thought you were unable to speak," Toya said.

"We giants are also more or less humans. You should have known it," the giant said.

"I guess it's my fault. By the way, where are you taking us?" Toya said.

"You guys are suspicious," the giant said.

"How?" Toya said.

"The other he asleep?" the giant said.

"Nooe, he has fainted," Toya said looking at Ronald who fainted long ago.

"A supreme general came to this city a while ago and asked us to hand over the Giant of Sun to him. We refused his proposal and I think you guys are his soldiers," the giant said.

"Do we look that much suspicious?" Toya said.

"Shut your mouth and let me take you guys to our leader," the giant said.

"What's your name?" Toya said.


"I asked your name."

"It's Drofil."

"That's a cool name."

Toya stopped talking and stayed quiet. Drofil advanced to their leader's base. It took a lot of time. They came closer. Toya looked at the base. It was a giant house made out of wood and colored red and black. It had a gold giant logo on the top.

"That's the base?" Toya said.

"It is."

There were only trees around the base. It was a jungle with only one path. There were no civilian giants. There were two bodyguard giants in front of the base's gate.

"What have you got today, Drofil?" one giant said to Drofil.

"Suspicious humans," Drofil said.

"So what are you gonna do now?" another giant asked.

"Let me go to the leader."

"Ok you can go."

Drofil entered the base. The height of each floor of the base was huge. Drofil proceeded to the second floor and then went to the third floor which was the leader's room. He knocked on the door. The door opened. Drofil entered the room. It was looking fine. There were several giant soldiers guarding the leader.

"What brings you here today, Drofil?" the leader said.

"I have got suspicious humans with me."

"Today really isn't a great day. Who are they?" the leader said. The soldiers who were guarding the leader moved from the leader's sight. Toya looked at the leader. Toya flinched. Ronald regained his consciousness. He looked at Toya but couldn't understand anything. Then he looked at the leader. He started shivering.

"Who are you guys?"

"We….are…...White….Eagles," Toya said.

"Woah! White Eagles! I heard about you guys and wanted to meet you guys. Where are the other members and where is Ariel K Wind?"

To be continued ~~

Next Chapter : 01.02.2022