Chapter 6

The next day at school was very... normal. We had normal classes such as english, physics and chemistry. It was surprisingly different. There were some very simple concepts while some challenging. The hero course was tailored for future heroes so that they are well equipped in every situation.

The pads on my shoulders were very sensitive to vibrations. If I concentrated hard enough, I could count the number of people in the next room just by sensing their breathing patterns.

So, when the pads sensed intense vibrations fast approaching the classroom, I immediately understood who was coming.

"I am.. Coming through the door like a normal person!!"


As he burst into the classroom, everyone began talking excitedly among each other. Meanwhile, I was having a hard time controlling my laughter.

'It's way more funny than the anime!'

As he stood in front of the class, while making an exaggerated pose, All Might began, "Foundational Hero Studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! You'll get tons of credit for it! Let's jump right in with this!! The Battle Trial!!"

"And to go with your first battle!" All Might continued, "We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks!"

The class was excited as they were getting to wear their hero gear so early in the session.

Even I was excited. Why wouldn't I be? I carefully designed it based on one of my favorite armours from the game 'Shadow fight 3'.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at Ground - Beta! The garb you bring into the battlefied is vitally important, boys and girls! And remember, from here on out, your all officially, heroes."

I got up from my seat and followed my classmates to the changing room.

My hero gear included a black, fireproof longcoat and pants, a black and brown colored kevlar vest worn under it. The coat and the vest had special holes on the sides for my vine whips to be freely unleashed. I had two bulletproof gauntlets that covered my forearms. Fireproof gloves with holes for my stingers. On my legs, I had shin guards and metallic knee pads. Special, fireproof boots that allowed me to stick to surfaces with my frog-like feet. Metallic shoulder guards that were sensitive to vibrations. I had a black and yellow gas mask made of a special alloy that covered the lower part of my face.

All in all, I looked badass with the final addition of a water shuriken on my back.

As I entered Ground - Beta, I could see the variety of costumes my fellow students wore. From a full body armor as that of a knight to a very revealing costume that left little to the imagination. She was completely unfazed by the stares of all the men.

If you think fifteen year old Yaoyorozu was hot, you have no idea how much hotter eighteen year old Yaoyorozu looked, especially in her hero costume.

That was when a blushing Uraraka, jumped right in front of Midoriya and said, "Ah, Midoriya-kun! Cool costume! It looks really practical."

Uraraka's costume was skin tight and it highlighted her curves in a very good way. Also, since she was grown up, it only made look sexier than ever.

Midoriya looked at her and said while smiling, his face as red as an apple, "Th-Thanks, I-I came up with the design with my m-mom's help. Y-Your costume is good too, a-and by the looks of it, you tried to emulate another hero's costume right?"

Her blush intensified and she replied while rubbing the back of her head.

"I wish I'd drawn my request sketch a little better. It came out to be a little puffy. Hehe, it's embarrassing. And yeah! I wanted to look like Thirteen's costume. She's my favorite hero!"

Midoriya gushed over the mention of the hero while I talked to Shoji.

"So, dupli-arms, huh? What else can you do?"

He folded his arms and said with humor, "Wouldn't that be telling? It's battle training. The name suggests we will using our quirks, a lot. Why would you name your quirk, 'Ultimate Frog'?"

I raised a brow and asked, "How do you think this big ass shuriken appeared on my back?"

"Isn't it a weapon issued to you?"

"Hah! Hell no! I created it, with my quirk, using water in the air and my body!"

Shoji's visible eye widened at the implications of what I could possibly do with my quirk.

A little midget wearing a diaper with balls growing on his head said something about heroics being the greatest. Indeed, it was the greatest.

An overly formal voice came from a student wearing a full body armor, "Sensei, regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock city from the entrance exam?!"

That was Iida Tenya. His costume looked like that of Ingenium.

"You'll see, in fact-- take two steps forward and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial. Villain clean up is usually seen out in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors. Imprisonment... House arrest... Black market... In this hero-saturated society. Why? Any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows!! For this test, you'll be separated into 'hero' and 'villain' groups. For a two-on-two team battle!!"

The two-on-two battle... Aside from Midoriya vs Bakugo, none of the battles were shown in the anime. I was excited to see how the other fights would play out.

Pairing up with someone random in hero business was quite common. All Might explained to us the rules from a small piece of paper and then we were asked to draw lots. I ultimately got paired up with Midoriya in team A.

'Guess it was truly randomized selection.'

I looked at the boy and he was trembling at the thought of fighting his doggie.

'Come on! Why so scared? Just throw him a bone! He'll be a good doggie!'

Puns aside, I walked to him and asked, "You're Midoriya, right?"

His head snapped towards me and he said, "Y-Yeah! M-Midoriya Izuku. You're Asui Tozen, who scored the highest points in the entrance test. You defeated Kacchan!"

I could hear a growl from the Pomeranian and ignored it. Instead I smiled and said, "Yeah."

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it to calm his nerves.

"What are you so nervous about? This is just a training scenario. We just have to do our best! There's nothing to worry about, alright?"

The boy tried to calm himself down, but, one look at Bakugo sent him into another shivering session.

I suppressed a sigh as I thought, 'I know what it's like to face a bully. You get so nervous and angst that you can't even get your voice out. Bullying destroys your self-esteem, your confidence is reduced to nothing and you begin to hate yourself for existing. You start to believe that you deserve to be ridiculed, to be beaten, to be hated... I'm very familiar with what comes next. All that hate, all that anger, all those pent up negative emotions... you self-destruct. All Might truly saved him by bestowing him with 'One for All'. This little guy needs a lot of conditioning before he can be a hero, especially in this world.'

"And the first two pairs to do combat will be--

Team A will be the heroes! Team D will be the villains!"

It was Midoriya and I versus Bakugo and Iida. I glanced at Bakugo and found him glaring towards us with barely suppressed rage.

As we went to the building, I looked at Midoriya and asked, "Ok, I want to know what your quirk does and we'll plan accordingly."

Midoriya nervously chuckled and replied, "I-It's just a s-strengthening quirk."

I pretended to think by stroking my chin and said, "From what I'd observed during the quirk assessment, you don't have much control over it, yeah? Late bloomer?"

He was sweating as he replied, "Y-Y-Yeah.. S-Something like that."

"And you seem to have some history with that boom-boom guy."

"You mean Kacchan? Y-Yeah. We've known each other since kindergarten."

"Hmm. Tell me about him. His character? Is he co-operative? Anything that may trigger him? We'll plan accordingly."

As we talked and planned... we heard All Might's voice in our ears, "Trial of indoor battle, start!"


A/N: So far, I've thought of these hero names:

Poison dart hero: Sting

The Mighty hero: Throg

The Ninja hero: Phantasm




Yūdoku Toad


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