Nomu came at me with a whole another level of ferocity. I had a hard time dodging its attacks. Luckily, I was a smaller target than him and I could maneuver around his fists.
I attack him with a combination of 'Quick attack' and 'Drain punch'. Along with them, I used a combination of 'Vine whip' and giga drain' to hasten the loss of its stamina.
It wasn't a perfect idea.
While trying to hit the Nomu, I did have to take more than a few of its punches.
I was really thankful that I had the vine whips and giga drain as Nomu broke my ribs numerous times and I was unable to hit it with 'Drain punch'. The excruciating pain from broken ribs and pierced lungs was unbearable and I tried very hard not to cry out.
The giga drain healed me and set the ribs back.
Nomu also got a liver blow in and even ruptured my spleen. I would have died if I did not have those moves.
I responded in kind with all out attacks using my stingers coated with extremely lethal poison. Along with that, I used 'Stun spore' for it to get paralyzed for a second or two which allowed me to get more attacks in.
The overall gain in stamina allowed me to temporarily increase my speed. Slowly, I was beginning to enter the same trance-like state.
I got the same feeling of heat rising in my fists and legs. Soon, smoke began to rise from my fists and I could see the burns appear all over the Nomu.
'Just a little bit more.'
A punch to my gut knocked the air out of me and I barely managed to use vine whip and giga drain to heal from my bleeding intestines.
I wretched and coughed the blood out with my mask pulled down. The crippling pain left behind by my injuries was taking its toll on my mind.
In my past life, I belonged to a race with a bloody history. A history filled with overwhelming battles and sacrifices. Battles against tyranny and oppression, against powerful emperors and their religious crusades.
I took pride in belonging to such a race.
That pride had not diminished in me. I still had the values tought to me as a child, I still held the admiration for those amazing warriors and their tales of bravery against all odds.
I was not going to back down against a foe such as Nomu.
The burning will to never give up errupted from deep within my soul. My fists burned bright and my blazing legs carried me ahead to attack the Nomu with everything I had in my body.
The mindless creature responded in kind. I dodged its charge with 'Shadow sneak' and bludgeoned the back of its head with a kick so devastating that the ground underneath Nomu caved in and blew up in smithereens.
Nomu's head was pushed into his torso. His ribcage and his spine shattered and his organs crushed under the force of the kick.
Once again, it began to heal from its injuries.
I had made up my mind.
I was going to burn it to the point it couldn't heal itself.
With a roar resembling a berserker's warcry, I kicked the Nomu in the torso followed by an over head kick that crushed it into the ground. Then, I decended from above with my burning fists and crashed on top of it with a thundering explosion of fire and strength.
Nomu was covered in a blazing inferno and it violently thrashed around to put the fire out.
Meanwhile, I stumbled out of the bus sized crator and was about to fall when someone held me and put my arm around their shoulder.
It was none other than Midoriya.
Of course, it was him.
Nomu's screams filled the air that echoed with the distant shouts and screams from other zones all over USJ. The villains who were still in the plaza and were awake, saw that I was barely able to stand up. They decided to capitalize the moment and ran towards us with killer intent.
They wanted the blood of future heroes on their hands and gain notoriety.
But, all they became was just another statistic in total villains apprehended by All Might.
An All Might absolutely pissed at the villains.
The flames around Nomu had extinguished, but, not before doing permanent damage to its body. It was barely alive with its regeneration quirk working hard to healing its body. Most of it was turned into molten and burned flesh.
It was a miracle that Nomu was still alive.
Shigaraki was still down. Seeing that the battle was lost and All Might had made his appearance, Kurogiri thought it wise to take Shigaraki back to 'All for One' and the two dissapeared in a portal of his creation.
The rest of the villains were apprehended with utmost vigor by the backup.
Back at the entrance of USJ, Aizawa and Thirteen were taken away in an ambulance while Recovery Girl checked up on our injuries.
Tsukauchi and Nezu walked towards me and asked, "Student Asui, we have recorded every other student's account of the events that took place today. Student Midoriya and Mineta told us that you stayed behind to hold the 'Nomu' back while they rescued Eraserhead. What happened after that?"
I winced a little from the lingering pain in my body and the needle inserted in my arm to give me some glucose and fluids. Looking at the two, I recounted how I found out about Nomu's quirks.
I told then how I was able to use fire, saying that it was an ability I awakened during battle. it was backed up by the second degree burns on my legs and my arms, thus, showing that my body was not resistant of the fire.
Nezu then addressed us all while the police took away the grotesque looking remains of the Nomu with them. It was producing mild noises from pain, indicating that it was alive.
I did not have a death on my conscience and it made me relieved.
"Thirteen suffered from lacertations on her back, though, he wounds aren't too severe. She will fully recover. Eraserhead, on the other hand, suffered from major injuries to his arm and head. One of his orbits has been shattered. It may affect his eyesight in the future. The police will begin investigating all over the campus. Meanwhile, we will work on bolstering our security measures. A quirk like warping is extremely rare. It's sad that it fell in the hands of the villains. You all really showed the villains how foolish they are to think they should attack U.A. students. You will make fine heroes one day!"
Suffice to say that the event was broadcasted all over the news.
Battered from the events, I took a cab back to my appartment building.
Later that evening, as I opened the door of my appartment after hearing a lot of knocks, I was engulffed in a bear hug by my neighbor.
"I saw it on the news! I was so glad that you weren't hurt! *Gasp* These bandages!! You did get hurt!!!"
Tears formed around her eyes and I had to placate the girl again.
'I'll just cook for her again. Although, the painkillers are sure making me a little woozy. Hmmmm... lavender soap. Nice.'
It was a fun evening for a very stressful day. We had oolong tea and she cooked an amazing meal for me, given that my hands were all bandaged up.
Wish I had a girl like Sunao in my last life...