Chapter 19

U.A. Sports festival, knockout tournament, round 2.

The first match was between Todoroki and Hagakure.

The invisible girl stood absolutely no chance against Todoroki. His attack was so fast that she couldn't even remove her gloves before she was frozen in ice.

She was taken away by recovery bots with a blanket covering her naked and invisible body.

Midoriya seemed to be more level headed than his canon counterpart. Perhaps it was his age that he was able to handle his stress and anxiety in a better way.

'Of course, an eighteen year old's level of maturity is way higher than that of a fifteen year old.'

A level headed Midoriya is a dangerous person to go against. Yaoyorozu, with her confidence issues, was not ready to fight him. He was successfully able to use 'One for All' to a minimum without injuring himself. Yaoyorozu had a hard time fending off his attacks with her shield.

Finally, Midoriya managed to shove her out of bounds and won the round.

The next match was short, but, exciting nonetheless. Kendo and Iida, both were strong fighters with one focusing on powerful palm strikes while the other focused on speed and powerful kicks.

They were quite evenly matched for the most part. Until, Iida decided to use 'Recipro burst' to tackle Kendo and drag her towards the boundry and push her out.

Finally, it was my turn.

"Yeaaaah!!! How are you liking it, folks? The students are really putting in everything they have and what a show it has been so far!! Up next is the man with a thousand tricks, he is 'The Trickster', Asui Tozen!!!"

"Aaand!! He is a loud package of explosive aggression, Bakugo Katsuki!!"

I kinda liked the title given to me by Present Mic. As I climbed the stairs of the ring, I looked at Bakugo and observed him.

Unlike usual, he was completely focused without a hint of anger on his face.

I then said to him, "No hard feelings, yeah? May the better man win."

He scoffed and said, "Say that after I blow your ass out of the ring, frog breath!"


We blasted off at each other, ready to fight it out until one of us would either faint or be thrown out of bounds.


Bakugo started with a widespread blast that covered almost the entire ring. I had two options while trying to evade it. I could either use 'Shadow sneak' to dodge and attack Bakugo from behind, or, I could jump high in the air and use 'Aerial ace' to decend towards him with a powerful attack of my own.

I knew that he anticipated my appearace from his shadow as I had used that trick more than once. So, I chose the second option.

Jumping high in the air, I created a big swirling ball of water and used 'Aerial ace' to crash towards him. My speed was way too fast for Bakugo to respond quickly with a powerful attack.

His instincts kicked in and he used an explosion to push himself out of harm's way as I landed on the ring and blasted the ball of 'Water pulse' into the ground. I wasn't going to give him any time to think. Quickly looking towarda him, I used 'Snipe shot' and spat a blob of water at subsonic speeds towards him.

Bakugo's pupils expanded and he barely managed to used an explosion to stop the shot from hitting him. I emerged through the smoke with a 'Mach punch' that landed clean on his chest.

The punch was strong enough to send him tumbling all across the ring. He was going to roll out of bounds, but, he managed to gain controlover himself and used his quirk to stop himself at the edge.

He groaned and then yelled before propelling himself towards me. While in the air, he sent a blast towards me which I intercepted with 'Vacuum wave'.

As he landed, we were within reach for a melee.

He brought his hand forward to send an explosion at my face. I expertly twisted his hand away and kicked at his face. He was pushed away with a bruise forming on his jaw.

Again, he tried to use his quirk and I grabbed his hands to twist them away from us. Following that, I wrapped him in my vine whips and used 'Supersonic'.

Bakugo yelled from the discomfort which changed to pain when I used 'Hyper voice' at such a close range. Stopping the attack, I swung him around with my vine whips and threw him away with enough force to make him crash into the wall of the stadium.

Bakugo still had enough fight left in him and he used his quirk to stop himself and fly back towards the ring. The moment he was about to land, I used 'Pursuit' and quickly attacked him with body blows.

The boy's endurance was enviable as despite of all the damage inflicted upon him, he still managed to use his quirk, forcing me to move away and stop my barrage of attacks.

He was breathing heavily and the injuries were showing their effect. He was on his knee with blood coming out of his mouth and the various cuts on his face and limbs. Midnight had to ask, "Bakugo Katsuki, can you continue?"

To which he replied, "I'm just getting warmed up! Don't you dare stop this fight!!"

He then looked at me and said, "Don't you dare go easy on me, you hear?! Asui!! I'll blow your fucking head off if you do!!"

A hint of a smile appeared on my face as I replied, "At least you acknowledged me. I won't be pulling any punches now. You better be ready!"

He looked at me with a savage grin and yelled before blasting off towards me.

Using a combination of 'Quick attack' and 'Water pulse', I charged at him and managed to hit him point blank with the move. Bakugo was sent spinning in the air and he fell hard on the cemented ring.

He was still not done. Using his quirk, he flew in the air and began wildly spinning, forming a tornado of explosions as he decended towards me. He was using his most powerful move in a mast ditch attempt to defeat me.

Acknowledging his tenacity, I coved my right leg in blazing fire. Then, using 'Quick attack', I barreled towards him and used 'Mega kick'.

The combination of 'Blaze kick', 'Quick attack' and 'Mega kick' met with Bakugo's Howitzer impact, creating an explosion that broke the windows of all the surrounding buildings. It was so strong at almost nothing was left of the ring.

When the smoke and the dust settled, I was standing tall at the edge of the ring that had remained intact. On the other side was the carcass of Bakugo... alive but unconscious.

"Winner, Asui Tozen!!!"