Chapter 43

It was supposed to be a night of fun.

Of a bacchanal in the darkness, as Tokoyami had said.

I knew what was coming, so I was with Pixie-bob and Mandalay when Spinner and Magne attacked. The former of two heroes was pulled by Magne and was going to be severely injured. Using my vine whips, I stopped her mid way and pulled her away from Magne.


As Mineta was busy panicking, Mandalay informed everyone of the presence of the villains. Tiger initiated battle with Magne.

Midoriya noticed Kota's absence and rushed to the cliff where the kid usually hung out after alerting Mandalay. Being the only one with a provisional license, I could engage the enemy in battle without asking for permission.

My gaze honed in on Spinner, and using a combination of 'Quick attack' and 'Mach punch', I struck his bootleg Samehada and shattered it!

"What?! How dare you!!" The lizard squawked.

"You petty wannabies thinking you can do whatever you fancy, let me show you what happens when you face someone who doesn't give a shit about your crusade."

Then, I grabbed using 'vine whip' and pulled him towards me. Then, I iced him using 'Ice beam'.

"We'll thaw you out after some million years, you fucking lizard brain."

"Spinner!" Magne exclaimed. She couldn't help Spinner as Tiger was pressing her.

"Magne, 9 armed robberies, 3 murders, and 29 attempted murders. As a provisional hero, I have the duty to apprehend you... Or neutralize you."

She was visibly alarmed at those words and took a punch to the face from Tiger. I spared no time and charged at her with a 'Mach punch'. My fist cracked her jaw and threw her into a tree.

Bleeding heavily, she tried to get up, but I was upon her again.

'Low sweep'.


The kick rammed into her head and opened her face up along with breaking the tree trunk.

Magne was visibly terrified for her life. She tried to get away, but she definitely had a concussion from the kick.

'Stun spore'.

... And that was all she wrote.

I looked at the Pussy-cats and said, "I'm going inside the forest. There's bound to be other villains in there, and unlike me, other students don't have permission to fight back."

I didn't give them a chance to reply and dashed ahead. I had my priorities straight. Using a combination of multiple 'Quick attack' and aerial aces, I zoomed through the dense vegetation and came across Uraraka being straddled by someone.

'Himiko Toga.'

I wasn't going to let her have Uraraka's blood.

Toga was a key member of the League of Villains. With her help, they'd managed to get Midoriya's blood, leading to the reveal of him being the ninth weilder of One for All.

She wanted to know where heroes drew the line after Twice was killed. 'The line... It simply gets harder to see it when you go deeper into this job. Heroes save people, yes, but they also protect them from other people. Leaving Twice alive could've been disastrous for the world. I guess... It all comes down to the greater good... Until you're the one who has to go as well.'

I rushed through at breakneck speeds and grabbed her off Uraraka before slamming her face on the ground and dragged it along. Then I threw her at a three and immediately used 'Stun spore' to incapacitate her.

Then, I grabbed the metal wire in my pockets and tied her hands and feet.

"Uraraka! Get her back to the base, and do not let her get away! She'll be stunned for a while! Be quick!"


I dashed away again. I ran as fast as possible and just managed to block a Nomu's fist, which was about to crash into Ragdoll's head.

'No fucking way am I letting All for One take her quirk!'

"Run back to the base! Quick!" I yelled to Ragdoll.

"You're a student!"

"I have a fucking license so let me deal with this!!" As I yelled that, I hit the Nomu with a 'Bullet punch' and sent it flying. Seeing that I was strong enough, Ragdoll heeded to my words and ran.

'Now I can go all out.'

'Bulk up' ×3

'Nasty plot' ×3

The Nomu roared and barrelled at me. I jumped up and dodged its charge and used 'Aerial ace' to strike it on the back of its head. Then, I wrapped my vine whips around its throat before activating my ability, 'Poison touch'.

With the most lethal dose possible infusing into the Nomu, I was certain that it was going to die if it did not have a healing quirk. The sound buds on my shoulders reverberated, giving me just enough time to dodge a speeding fist from my blind spot.

It was another Nomu.

'I don't remember there being more of them during the camp arc. Is it because of me?'

Two more Nomu pounced at me from the darkness and had me trying to evade their fists. I knew I wasn't durable enough to endure too many punches from them.

'Rain dance'.

My speed increased from the rain, and I launched my counterattack. The poisoned Nomu had a few minutes of life left in it, and being the mindless beast it was, it also joined the frey.

'Double team'.

It was nearly impossible for them to catch me after that. I dodged around their flailing arms and hit them with a few well placed 'Brick break' moves. I was getting the upper hand. My ability was already active. The Nomu were poisoned, and their deaths were inevitable.


Suddenly, I felt someone grab my feet. I was still at a place, and the Nomus rammed their fists into my face. My last thoughts... 'Gigantomachia?'



Never thought internship would be this hectic. I'm tired all the time...