Chapter 1 - Abilities


A girl walks into the book cafe on a dark cloudy day, searching around the bookshelves. Her dark brown hair is tied in a ponytail with a school bag hanging on her shoulders. She has brown eyes and is wearing a white and blue high school uniform. She hums while walking through the shelves of the book cafe.

Her eyes link onto a romance graphic novel. She grabs it and looks at the synopsis. "Mmm" she's interested and continued reading while walking to the cash register.

At the corner of her eyes, she spots a boy about to steal a video game. A game called "Almighty Heroes"

The boy's gray hood is covering his puffy blonde hair.

Behind the boy was another boy that's wearing almost the same clothes and has the same blonde hair as the other boy. They looked like brothers.

"I wouldn't steal that if I were you" she said.

The boy looks at her with his yellow eyes while nervous "I-" he couldn't speak.

"The game is super boring" she laughs.

"Oh- is- is it?" He stuttered.

"Yeah" she walks up to him and lends him some money. She puts it in his palms and curls his fingers to make a fist "Stealing is bad you know? Don't steal" she smiled.

The boy finds her attractive "Thank you" he said.

She walks to the cash register right as the sky flashes dark purple and blue. Everyone screams as the ground shakes for a moment.

The area was just blue and purple as the boy and the girl and a few others walk outside to see the sky.

It was scary, as if they were in another dimension. Fear overtakes the boy and the girl. Without the boy noticing, a load of purple molecules enter the boy's body through his mouth as it begins spreading throughout his body.

Nobody notices it, it's unnoticeable. At the same time, it was happening to the girl and the other boy.

"Shinji.. what's happening" the boy who was caught stealing the game asks his brother.

"I... don't know" Shinji answers.

Suddenly, the sky becomes sky blue and the clouds were gone. It was a sunny day.

"That's... weird" the boy says while from the sky, a lightning strikes down onto the three of them as they flew through the air.

Shinji's brother gets up in pain as his body is covered in blue electricity. It circles around his body as he looks at his hands, breathing heavily "What the.... what the hell" he said, afraid.

"Wataru!" Shinji yelled while sprinting to Wataru.

Wataru gets up, still looking at his hands as the electricity disappears.

Wataru feels weird. He feels all the electricity in his body tingling him.

"Did we just get.... struck by lightning?" Wataru asked while looking at the sky.

The sky was indeed blue and clear, but surrounding them were dark clouds from earlier today. It looks like if they were at the center of a hurricane where it is calm and the sun is out.




It's 8:15 A.M. A girl with snowy white hair slowly opens her blue eyes as she wakes up. She lifts her upper body up and sat there with her eyes closed and yawns.

Her roommate barges into the room shouting "We're gonna be late for school!!" blonde hair and yellow eyes.

The girl immediately opens her eyes and looks at her clock "Oh shoot!" She shouted while running into her closet to get changed "Hurry! Sayuri!!" Blonde girl shouted. Sayuri Itoo, a fourth year high schooler, 18 years old, living in Gofumura, Chiba, in Japan. She is the height of an average Japanese teenage girl, 161cm. Sayuri is bored of her life. She's tired of the same days just repeating over and over again. She believes her life is boring and she wishes for something to happen; something that will change her life forever.

Her daily routines go from school to work to homework and late night studies and eventually sleep or read books. Very boring. The only thing she had that makes her day a little bit more fun is Chizuru.

"You get ready! You don't have shoes on!" Sayuri shouted back. Chizuru Matsubara, a fourth year high schooler, same age as Sayuri and slightly shorter with a height of 155cm. They both are close friends and also roommates. Although Chizuru cried on the first day she moved away from her parents, she had no regrets living with her best friend, Sayuri.

Later downstairs they have their uniforms on and rams the door opened. They hop onto the bikes and petal fast. They go to Kofuyu High School, located in Japan, Chiba, and the city of Gofumura.

They both looked up at the sky and looks at the large comet in the sky. It is blue, purple, orange, red, pink, yellow, and so on; basically rainbow. It's beautiful. The comet is just in place, but slowly coming down to Earth. The people around the globe are still getting used to the comet in the sky. It is said that the comet will not crash on Earth and will simply pass, but some theorize it'll strike Earth. It is super close.

Sayuri and Chizuru continued down the road on their bikes.

Later in school, the bell rings and it is lunch. Sayuri and Chizuru walks to the cafeteria to get their lunch "Sayu" Chizuru calls Sayuri, Sayu, for short and Sayuri calls Chizuru, Chizu, for short.

"Have you heard the news lately?" Chizuru continued.

"No, I don't really care about political-" Sayuri tried speaking.

"No, no, it's not something political" Chizuru laughed "The government are at it again with trying to find life"

"Hahah, one day they're gonna awaken something dangerous; I'm telling you" Sayuri laughs.

"Yeah, agreed, I wonder what they'll do if they do find something out there, you know?" Chizuru and Sayuri sat down in the cafeteria with their lunch. Rice, curry, vegetables, and milk or water fills their tray.

"Ughhh, I feel so off today, though" Sayuri pushed her tray foward and leaned her head on the table.

"What do you mean? I thought you were excited to see Bryson today" Chizuru laughed and pats her on the back.

Bryson Moore, a fourth year high schooler, the same age as Sayuri and Chizuru, he is an average white boy with shiny blonde hair and brown eyes. Sayuri has a huge crush on him ever since freshman year. He has noticed her a few times and spoke with her, but Sayuri would always get nervous and respond with very short answers.

"I need to focus on grades, not boys" Sayuri lifts her head up and notices Bryson with his friends. They both make eye contact and she looks away. She slowly put her eyes back on him and he smiles. She blushes "Why did he do that!? Why did he do that!!?" She shouted in her head.

Sayuri gets out of her seat and runs away into the hallways with Chizuru following along.

"Sayu, what is it??" Chizuru spoke out.

"He smiled at me!!" Sayuri shouted, but then they hear a sound in the distance.

A sound of someone getting punched and beat. Sayuri curiously walks toward the sound as Chizuru tries to stop her. They find three girls picking on another girl "What the hell are you doing to that girl!?" Sayuri shouts.

"Huh?" The girl said. The girl's name is Tsubame Tanaka, the same age. The other two girls were the same age as well, but the girl on the floor is a year younger. Tsubame has a very mean looks and her two friends looked innocent, but are just there to avoid being bullied by Tsubame.

"Get out of here, or you're next" Tsubame says as she continued making fun of the girl's family, saying things about her mother who recently passed away.

"Leave her alone! What did she ever do to you?"

Tsubame turns around with an angry look on her face "You little shit" she sweared.

"You picking on students makes you a little shit" Sayuri says.

"What did you say to me?" Tsubame while making a fist.

Chizuru grabs Sayuri by the neck and whispers "What the hell do you think you're doing??"

Sayuri answers "I'm gonna fight Tsubame if she doesn't leave the girl alone"

"No! No! We don't do that. We apologize and get the hell out of here!"

"No. I'm not leaving until she leaves the girl alone" Sayuri slaps Chizuru's hands off her neck.

Tsubame attempts to land the first punch, but misses entirely, then second as Sayuri dodges.

Sayuri punches Tsubame in the face as Tsubame falls to the floor. Tsubame's friends and a few witnesses were shocked "Woahh" "Oooh"

Tsubame screams and grabs Sayuri by the hair and says "apologize"

Sayuri looks up at the ceiling "Welp. Regrets" Tsubame yanks Sayuri's hair and began punching her head again and again as a few hall monitors and teachers break up the fight.

Later after questioning Sayuri and Tsubame, Sayuri walks out and sat on the bench next to Chizuru "Was it worth it?" Chizuru asked.

"Yeah, Tsubame's getting expelled from school, so she won't be able to bother anyone for a while-"She looks at the girl sitting on another bench.

Sayuri walks up to her "Hey" she sat down.

"Hey" the girl greeted "Th- thank you for helping me"

"Of course" Sayuri smiles.

"Why did you do it, though?" The girl looks at Sayuri.

"I did it because... I know how it feels" Sayuri answered.

She knew how it felt because she gone through that back in middle school when she had no friends. When she finally entered high school, the bullying stopped suddenly. And then she meets Chizuru and they became good friends and end up becoming roommates the year after.

"Thank you.. What's your name?" The girl asks.

"Sayuri, but you can call me Sayu" Sayuri answered.

"Sayu, I love your name" she smiles "My name is Yuki Miyamoto"

"Yuki" Sayuri smiles as the bell rings for them to get back to class.

In class, just a few minutes until school ends, outside is very bright because of the comet. It's never been seen like this before so it's completely new to them. The comet is the size of a ten floor building. A rainbow trail follows behind the comet as it enters the atmosphere.

"What the-!!?" The classroom shouts as everyone gets out of their seat to witness what was happening outside.

"It's not supposed to be hitting Earth, calm down" Mrs. Yamamoto says.

But looking out the window, her face was stunned as the comet was super close. The comet passes by the school, but the sky is still very bright. Suddenly the ground shakes rapidly as the sky becomes brighter, but purple; the comet has landed on the west side of Gufumura City. The bright light explodes in the sky and a purple explosion shockwave expands throughout the entire globe. It passes all the students, turning the area into a dark purple and blue colored dimension.

"What the hell... was that?" Sayuri says confused.

A purple molecule from the comet enters Sayuri's body through her mouth. It slowly spreads everywhere in her body; her veins, blood, cells, everywhere.

Everyone looked outside. The shockwave spread across the globe. It got faster, and faster, and faster, and faster until the shockwave met each other at the other side of the world. It got brighter, then it suddenly disappears.

Everyone in the classroom was talking about the light. No one really knew what was going on. The bell rings.

"Uhmm... I thought you said it wouldn't hit Earth" Sayuri says.

"The news told me that!" Chizuru replied.

"Well, I'll see you later at home" Sayuri said as they leave the classroom and split apart. They both have separate jobs. Sayuri works at a convenient store and Chizuru works as a waitress and cook at a restaurant.

On Sayuri's bike, she feels something off in her body, but she ignores it; assuming it's nothing harmful. Suddenly she gets a headache and stops her bike. The sky is dark as clouds are still covering the sun. It's a breezy day, but suddenly rain drops onto her head. It's a light sprinkle.

"Ugh" she said because of her headache "I think I'll go home" she opens her phone and texts her manager that she doesn't feel well and requests a day off. Suddenly her hair begins floating she feels electricity flowing in her body "Uhhh.. what the hell!??"

Looking up at the sky, the sounds of thunder roars in the sky as it strikes down onto Sayuri. She flies through the air and collides into a brick wall "Aah!!"

She falls to the ground and lays there on her stomach. She lifts her head up, amazed that she survived, but her body is surrounded by electricity "What the heck!!?"

"Wa- woah." She said as she looked at her hands. She thinks if today is the day her life is going to change. Her boring life will change and she will become something. She assumes she's either gonna die, get superpowers, or just be a normal human being again.

The streets are empty with no presence of any other. She double checks and then aims her palm toward a streetlight. She focuses energy into her palm and blasts out all the electricity surrounding her body.

It hits the streetlight as the glass and metals break. The debris fall onto the floor as she's amazed. The electricities were gone, but she can still feel the energy "Do I have... powers?..." she asked herself out loud as a boy behind her answers "Yes, you do"

She quickly turned around in fear "Whaaaat!!!??" She yelled "Where did you come from!?? I checked everywhere!! I mean-! I had a spasm attack!!"

"Spasm attack? You flew twenty meters toward me" the boy answers, but he looks familiar to her. The boy has puffy blonde hair and yellow eyes. "You're.. Wataru.. Fujita from school, right?" She asked.

"Yeah" Wataru answers "And you're Sayuri Itoo; and you've just got superpowers. Get up" Wataru takes his hands out.

She takes it and stood up "Wataru, don't tell no one-"

"Agreed" Wataru answers "But I'm not here because I just saw you shoot lightning out of your hands, I'm here because I need your help"

"My help with what?" She asked.

"Come with me" Wataru said as they both walked into an alleyway later.

"Oh no.. oh no, I'm gonna die, aren't I!!? He's gonna kill me for my money!!!" She began thinking in her head and fearing Wataru "Why the alleyway!? What are we doing here!!? I need to get out of here-!" As she was about to run away, Wataru speaks out "I know this might look like I'm gonna try to kill you or something, but I'm not" he turns around "It's about your powers"

"What- what about them?" She asked.

Wataru snaps his fingers as electricity zaps our, impressing Sayuri "Woah- wait.. you got powers.. too?" She asked.

"Yeah... do you know about Kanagawa comet?" Wataru asks.

"Yeah, why? Oh... were you... there?" She asked.

"Yes... in the Maruzen Book Cafe... I was checking out a book.. well- not exactly checking it out, but anyways- I was there with my brother and a girl until the comet crashed near us, turning the sky purple, but only in our area, later we all got struck by lightning, giving me" he takes his hands out and snaps it again while saying "this"

"So... you've had these powers for three years now?" She questions more.

"Correct" Wataru answers "And now.. another one has crashed onto Earth, a bigger one, now who knows how many people has powers now! The entire world probably has super powers now and we wouldn't even know it! And you know what happens when that much individuals have their own super power?? Chaos"

Sayuri agrees with Wataru and realizes he is right. If everyone on Earth has superpowers, everyone would go crazy and try to take over the world, mostly the crazy people. What's happening? What will they do about it? Sayuri thought for a while "So... you need help on... saving the world from chaos?"

"Yes... so I'm gonna ask now.. will you help me?" He takes his hands out, waiting for her to shake it.

She thinks for a while again and thought about all those times she wanted her boring life to finally become change. She realizes this will change her life indeed, but it's gonna put her in a lot of danger. She might die. It's get back to the same boring life or fun, she thought.

"I'm sorry... Wataru" she says "but... I don't want to risk my life trying to save the world... it's too dangerous" Wataru puts his hands down "Okay" he replied.

She walks away from the alleyway as Wataru looks up at the sky "I have to find more people" he said while jumping up on top of the roof of a building.

She turns around to see if he's still there, but he's gone "It's okay... there are plenty of other fun things to do in life" she said to herself "Wouldn't wanna put myself in danger, right?"


It's almost night, the clouds are slowly clearing as the sun shines in the distance turning the sky orange, red, and yellow. Sayuri enters her home and locks the doors. She goes into the room and throws her bag on the ground and falls onto her face on the bed. She then turns and lays on her back, looking at the ceiling.

She thinks for a moment and realizes "Wait!" She gets shocked again "I have powers!!?"

She runs downstairs and out in her backyard "Okay" she got in a stance and looks at the target practice Chizuru practices archery on.

She aims and closes her eyes. She focuses the energy of electricity onto her palms, but then stops "Wait! Would she be mad if I destroyed her target practice!?"

She looks around her small little yard and finds nothing to aim at, so she aims at the sky while sighing. She shoots out electricity as it blasts through her palms and into the sky. Sayuri was amazed.

She gulps and looked at her palms "I have a lot of power... in my hands... but.. there's no point in having it" She says.

"I guess I could charge my phone" she laughs at herself, then realizes she's talking to herself "Oh.. why am I talking to myself"

Sayuri puts on her hoodie and heads out to the gas station on her bike. It is dark outside now.


Entering the gas station, she purchases a few snacks and instant noodles. Suddenly an explosion from outside is heard as Sayuri quickly crouches down in time as metal debris fly towards her. The cash register and Sayuri were terrified along with the customers.

"Aahhh!!!" The customers screamed while hunched over, too scared to stand up straight.

Sayuri looks at the exit door and sees a figure in the fire. The figure walks out of the fire and says "What's wrong with me?"

Sayuri was shocked and realized it's a superhuman. The man walks into the store and up to Sayuri "Help me" he cried. She tried super hard to breathe and to calm down, but she's too terrified. She began explaining what's wrong with him "You've... been affected by the comet today.. it gave you super-" She tried to explain, but the man cries "I don't want to be like this! Turn me back! Turn me back now!" The man grabs onto Sayuri's shoulders and starts pulling on her hoodie.

Sayuri was terrified and so was the other people in the building. The cash register manages to hit the man onto the floor, saving Sayuri "You okay?" He asked.

Sayuri about to say "Yes" until the man unleashes his powers. Fire consumes him as the entire place began burning up. He screams "Aaaaaaahh!!!!" He throws flames at them and yells "Turn me back!!!"

"Watch out!!! Get down!!!" Sayuri shouted as everyone follows directions. Then the cash register guy points at a back exit and tells everyone to get out from there.

Sayuri focuses her energy and releases them through her fingers. It hits and electricutes the man, but the man gets up in anger. Sayuri began explaining more "We don't know how to change you back! But we could maybe use this power to save the world! I have a friend who's desperate to save the-!"

"I don't want to be a superhero! I want to be a normal human being!" His flames got hotter as he blasts more fire out his palms. Sayuri hid behind a shelf filled with snacks; no one is in the building anymore, so she tries to unleash the rest of her powers. She closes her eyes "Please.. please work... give me my special ability; I know I have one!"

The man cried out while a powerful flame aura surrounds him. "Please" Sayuri kept repeating. The man slowly walks toward Sayuri as he says one last word "Please... change me back"

It was silence as she didn't know what to do because she can't control her powers. The man screamed out loud and was about to kill her with his flames until "Hey!"

"Huh!?" The man shouted, looking around the room.

But Wataru dashes toward the man with electricity and full rams his hands onto his stomach. The man flies out the window and into a car.

"Wataru!" Sayuri hugs Wataru while relieved that he's here. She begins to cry, but Wataru stops her "No time for crying, Sayu"

She thought for a moment there, why did he call her Sayu? Only Chizuru calls her that. Does he know Chizuru? Other than that, she's fine with it.

"Be strong" he continued.

She wipes her tears, but it kept running down "I... I can't" she said while looking at the fire surrounding them. It takes her back to the time her parents were both killed in a fire when she was only six years old.

The fire started in their apartment building when there was a drunk chef. He also passes away in the fire later that day. When Sayuri woke up in the middle of the night, she hears screaming. She opened her door to a smokey hallway filled with flames. It was very hot and she couldn't breathe. She runs to the hallway, spotting her father on the floor while the ceiling roof was on top of his lower body, trapping him.

He had blood dripping from his forehead and scratcher on his hands and face. "Tatsuya, I'm not leaving you!" The mother cried.

"Leave me" he said sad "Leave me right now, go save our daughter! She is the future! Hurry! Mika!"

She cried and cried and Sayuri was terrified. "Mom! What's happening to Dad!!" She stood there, shaking, couldn't breathe, and terrified.

"Come on, honey, let's go" the mother said while her eyes were closed.

The father smiled "Go"

Mika grabs Sayuri and picks her up, running into the main hallway of the apartment building. They were five floors up in the ten floor tower. The fire started in the fourth floor so it'll be a bit challenging to get down to safety for them. "Mom! What about dad!! Mom!!" Sayuri shouts, but Mika continued running, suddenly bumping into a man running full Sprint "Ah!" She made a sound while falling to the floor, also dropping Sayuri.

"Sayuri" Mika cried "Are you okay-" she couldn't finish when the floor she was laying on breaks apart. She falls through the floor two stories down as Sayuri watched it all happen "Mom!!!!" She screamed out to the top of her lungs as firefighters came in time for her, but not her mother or father.

Sayuri bawled out crying on the floor "Aah!!"

"Sayu! What's wrong!?" Wataru shouted as he tried to comfort her "No time for crying!"

"No! Fire!! Smoke! My... family" she said to Wataru and he realizes that she was in an incident that happened twelve years ago.

"You were from the fire in Utsunomiya, huh?" His voice changes. Sayuri still sobbing, but quietly.

"I know how it feels to go through something like that" Wataru says "I'm sorry... you had to go through something like that"

Wataru kept hugging her "We're not gonna let that bother us" he says as she looks at him "Huh"

"We need to save the world and stop dwelling on the past, I know you went through a hard time, but... we can prevent that from ever happening again to anyone, right now. Would your parents.. had want you to whine and cry all day... or will they want you to do something good and make them proud" Wataru said.

It was silence as Sayuri looked at him with her tear-filled eyes. The silence broke when the man rams into Wataru "Aaah!!"

They flew into the wall, but it doesn't break through, so Wataru punches the man with his electrified fist to the right side of the man's face as he flew into the ceiling, but he flies back toward Wataru and stabs him with a metal stick from the shelves. The metal stick goes through Wataru's right stomach "Aah!! Sayu, do something!!" He shouted.

Sayuri watched while crying "Stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!!!"

"Sayu!" Wataru is pinned to the wall by the man in flames as he aims the metal stick toward Wataru. He makes the stick hot by surrounding it with flames "Turn me... back to... human"

"Sayu" Wataru says.

She still stared at him, thinking of what to do. Seconds later "Fine" Wataru says "Run, I'll hold him off" Wataru flips the man over and kicked him toward the cashier deck. The man doesn't fall, but dashes toward Wataru and stabs him in the stomach again "Aah!!.. Sayuri!! Run!!"

She sat there "No..." is all she said "What do I do?.. What do I do?... I- I don't know... Do I run... or do I help...."

"Aaauhh!!" The man grabs Wataru by the neck and burns his back. Suddenly, Sayuri remembers what Wataru said "Would your parents.. had want you to whine and cry all day... or will they want you to do something good and make them proud.."

Sayuri stood up "I can't take this anymore...." she said, looking at the man, angrily with her eyes covered by her bangs "I can't take this anymore!!" She screamed while electricity erupts out of her body from everywhere. It surrounds her body in an aura-like bubble.

Surrounding the atmosphere were electricity, sparking everywhere. Wataru was shocked, but then he begins to smile.

She looked at the man with a stern face. She dashes in a zig-zag while the lightning follows her trail from behind; it looked as if she was teleporting.

She kicks the man in the face as he flies through the wall. She sped up toward the man while shockwaves of electricity blew behind her, Wataru was happy "Yes!!! Sayuri!!!" He screamed out. It was his plan all along to get her to become stronger and fight.

Sayuri grabs the man by the neck "You won't kill anyone else!!" She held a fist filled with electricity and socks the man in the face; sending him flying into the streets. "Sayuri!" Wataru shouted while sprinting out the gas station "You did it! You saved me!! You... you became a hero!!"

Sayuri looked at Wataru "I am not gonna sit there and cry all day like a baby anymore" she said with a serious face "I realize that I cannot go back to my ordinary life anymore... The world has changed.. and it's become dangerous by all superhumans... the bad ones.. I can't live my normal life anymore because of them"

The man stood back up and looked at her in anger "Fine then... I can't turn back to human... Then I guess I'll kill you both"

Sayuri turned around and face the man "Wataru" she called his name.

"Yeah?" Wataru replied.

"I'm gonna help you save the world"