Francisco is a very humble twelve-year-old boy who lives with his mother and six little brothers in a humble place where thieves live. Despite that, they get along well with each other.

Francisco, like his family, never had problems with anyone, because they never got into trouble; quite the contrary, they get along well with everyone. Every day, Francisco and his little brothers played with all of them, not only with children their age to minors; but also with adults; they also told them stories that were products of their imagination, and they loved their imaginary stories.

Despite being ten years old, Francisco has the capacity and mentality of a fourteen-year-old child due to the maturity with which he speaks and the same maturity with which he always solves his problems and did not let anything or anyone helped him solve his problems.

His mother, Eliana, has always made sure that her son has the best education he has ever dreamed of.

Eliana has taken it upon herself to give him everything, to take care of him, to protect him, to make him a child capable of solving his problems alone because she has always wanted the best for her son.

Eliana has taken responsibility for the education of her children; apart from the education they received both at school and college, they also received it at home.

Their father left them at the age of six because his father came up with an excellent job offer, which consisted of working in France as Head of an international company.

Francisco papa has always wanted to leave that place because he saw that he was never going to leave there, much less that he was going to have the opportunity for a better life.

Every time Eliana was alone at home that is rare because she was always busy with all the work she has to do: washing, ironing, cooking, working selling empanadas on weekends, working as a cook from Monday to Friday until midnight, six in the afternoon, working as a cook at night, etc., in those little times, she remembered Rafael, her husband, and all the conversations they had:

"Love, we should leave this place, here we are never going to progress," Francisco said to his wife.

"But this is our home, and here we have our friends who, for the most part, are our childhood friends," said Eliana.

"Yes love, but here we are never going to make our dreams come true," Francisco said to his wife.

"Our dreams or yours?" Eliana asked him.

"Our dreams Eliana, because I have always dreamed of giving all of you the best. Seeing the potential that both Francisco and his little brothers who are my children have, I realize that here the potentials of our children are going to be wasted instead of being produced; That is why we must look for another place to live, but to live calmly and better; without having to worry about anything "said Francisco.

"Since we met for the first time, you have always dreamed big of grandeur and luxury and you are not always going to do this, you always have to see the reality of things; also I do not want and it does not seem fair that your dreams of greatness, transmit them to our children, that is something that I will not allow you, because we must raise our children with humility, full of love towards others and towards oneself, seeing always the positive side of things and never give in to the badness of people. I know that our children are capable of more, but I want our children to live here in this "world" as you always say so that they are humble, gentlemen, and kind to others "said Eliana.

"My dear, every parent dreams that their children have the best of the best: that they fulfill their dreams, that they are better people and better human beings, that they enjoy and live their respective lives, but not here; but in another part, far from all this, from so much evil, far from this place also because people will always see this place as the worst of the worst and they will not see that there are good and honest people here, people, our people who would give the life to each other, that here despite what people think of our neighborhood; here we are all united and we defend each other, not like elsewhere ............…., and our children along with all the children in the neighborhood of this place are intelligent, good, tender, sweet They are not bad and they are better than all of us together and that their fantasies and dreams make their mind explore and go beyond what any child has gone; and on the other hand, there is no malice in any of the children who live here. We cannot forget that all of us are good or bad, we have good feelings and our children; Whether they are our children or other children, they have hearts of gold, because they are good, tender, sweet, kind, gentle, shy, and they know when to stop before so many falls. I am concerned about the great minority of people who are bad as a whole, that they are going to harm the children who live here and make them what they are; because I have seen how they have made many children become them: thieves and I do not want that, and I know that nobody wants that.

It is for this and other reasons that I not only want to get our children out of here; but also to you, because I don't want you to end up like the other women have.

Please love, let's get out of here; I know that this has been our place for a long time, and that is why I know that if we stayed, our children and all of us, we would end up badly here; Please love, let's get out of here.

I don't know if Francisco has talked to you about the bullying that is being done to him at school, his classmates to be more precise with this; not only are they bullying him, they are also hitting him and doing worse just because he lives here, in this neighborhood and because Francisco's teachers have him as a genius child and compare him with other children, something that is not right because teachers can't say that; let alone use our son as an example because all children are different and the teachers or the principal cannot expect that all children are the same; something that will never happen and that is causing all those children to attack our son more, something that not only bothers me; but also worried about how everything is happening there and how the teachers and the principal are "running things" because they don't know how to handle anything.