The years passed, and Francisco is an exemplary child both at school and at home, he has always liked to help others and give the best of himself every day, just like his little brothers.
At school, Francisco always got excellent grades and solved very complex math exercises. In all matters, Francisco always stood out from the rest, due to his ability to solve, analyze things. His teachers always told him how proud they are of him, just like the Headmaster. The same thing happened with his little brothers at school.
In the neighborhood where Francisco lives with his family, they were respected there, because they always cared about their neighbors and have always had good relations with all the neighbors and that they did not put anyone aside regardless of the vast majority of them were thieves or murderers, they were always there for their neighbors.
His little brothers were not far behind either, because they also got the best grades and always gave the answers before their classmates and their teachers; because of practically all their lives, they have been surrounded by adults, listening to the conversations they had and listening to how they expressed themselves so as not to make mistakes when talking to other people.
Francisco along with his little brothers in their free time, played with their friends and from time to time, slept at any of their houses.
When his mother found out from the doctors that he has cancer, Francisco took care of his little brothers, he prepared food not only for his little brothers but also for his mother, he bathes them, helps them dress, and prays with them.
Francisco has asked not only his little brothers, but to the whole neighborhood not to say anything to his dad because:
• His father is in France, and he was not going to leave his job to be there with his mother (that's what Francisco thought).
• He knew that his father has made his life there in France: he divorced his mother to later marry another, he has children with that woman and he is happy.
• Because he thought his dad stopped caring what happened to them.
• Because Francisco no longer wanted to see his father, as did his little brothers.
His neighbors agreed, and his little brothers always agreed with Francisco's decisions, they not only agreed; they supported Francisco in everything.