Then Francisco's godfather said: "This has to stop now, I'm going to school tomorrow, but first I will leave your little brothers at school, and then I will go to school to talk to your teachers and the school principal about this. I know you don't like Francisco when someone helps you, but what they did to you is too much, your teammates went too far with this attack. No matter how upset you are, tomorrow I go and you stay here at home resting until you recover. "

And so it happened. Francisco's godfather stayed at home helping not only Francisco or his mother in everything but also his little brothers, he assumed the role of the man of the house.

Since that happened to Francisco, all his neighbors were there for them, not that they were before but, now they are more so because everyone is united and what happened to someone, happened to everyone (that's the motto they had); always together no matter what.

The next morning, Francisco's godfather did exactly what was on the list and also what he told Francisco. As soon as he left the little ones to school, Francisco's godfather went to school to talk not only with Francisco's teachers but also with the principal about what was happening and everything Francisco was going through at that time.

Before Francisco's godfather left, both the teachers and the school principal told Francisco's godfather that they are going to talk to their classmates about it and that they are going to impose the respective sanctions on each of them.

In the training, the director spoke about what was happening with Francisco and everything that Francisco was going through right now. Then the director called the management one by one and sanctioned them according to the participants that each of them had in the attacks committed against Francisco.

When Francisco went to school after two weeks of absence with the approval of the principal, his classmates spoke with Francisco, apologized for the way they acted against him, that they did not know what Francisco was going through, and told him that any whatever he needed, he just had to ask.

Francisco told his classmates that he had nothing to forgive, that he was aware that they did not know anything about what he was going through, and that he was not the one to be telling his teachers or the principal what was happening and finally told them Whatever happens, he loved them all equally and did not want to have enemies at school but friends.

From that moment, things changed for the better at school for Francisco, he got along super well with his classmates, he even started playing with them, they also helped each other in everything.