25- First calamity (III)


:"...The four stages are the end of the first calamity , as for the actual calamity that would happen before the trials begin , it is about you , and Vermin going to the first layer of spatiotemporal hell , that has cultivators in the realm of the elementary realm , now as you already know , the first realm in the chi cultivation path is the elementary realm..

It is a greater realms , that consists of 4 smaller realms :

First smaller realm : Chi Sensing - Sensing Chi in the air, and the more potent Chi one senses , the more powerful Chi they can use on their spells.

Second smaller realm: Body Tempering - Tempering the body using Chi , but since your bodies were only tempered by the Ki in the air that specializes in cultivating battle cultivators -- In this plane , it makes you use your body's potential to the limit by tempering your body with the Ki in the air , but this realm uses all 4 energies to temper your bodies .

The reason for you having a better usage of your body is obviously Ki - as in the first realm on this plane you only use Ki to temper your body , while on the elementary realm you can't use a specific energy from Chi to temper your body , so it's quite random what energy tempers your body in this realm for others.

Though that might not be true for the two of you - as you can make your body's limit break through to a higher level , because you can differentiate between the 4 energies , thus able to bring every energy to temper the body to yet another limit.

But that would only happen but using the primordial balance technique -- as it requires the energy from the beasts that are special , but in your case now, once you go to the spatiotemporal hell , low-level demons.

As for the ranking on the spatiotemporal hell , it is : low level demon , middle level , high level and peak level.

That's for the elementary realm , but once you reach the peak of it you would need to face yet another calamity , thus making you fight higher level creatures on the spatiotemporal hell, but that's a talk for another time.


Moving on , as for the third smaller realm : Shell Closure, it closes off the body as a shell , while it's done for the both of you on the mortal realm ,the same goes for this realm as you can sense the various 4 energies , thus you are able to close the body's shell after the body tempering realm.

And then the fourth and final smaller realm :Shell Shedding - Sheds off the shell that was created by putting the max Chi they could put in.

The maximum one can do is lead 128 threads of Chi to their body , slowly getting red of the shell , the highest a genius has ever channeled is 256 , while the both of you can channel 128 threads for each energy , thus 512 threads in total in order to get shell the body -- officially having an elementary body.


"...Now that we're clear about the cultivation realms, the calamity can't be called as such if it weren't a misfortune that you got to face -- a the same level of that fortune you got before.."

"...The spatiotemporal hell is but 1% of the actual hell , even at its peak it is unknown whether it resembles the true hell or not.."

"...Because Heaven and Hell are something beyond what power can manipulate , as it requires something more than power , since it is related to the actual karmic laws when one gets judged , they get sent there.."

"..Karmic laws are one of the impossible laws in the world , that only once you achieve omnipotence can you grasp 1% of it , thus able to bring the souls to Hell or Heaven..."

"...So many powerful clans have similar artifact's to that of the spatiotemporal hell , while it doesn't resemble the true hell in appearances since it's impossible to get back from hell after one gets into it..."

"..Thus the similarities is that spatiotemporal hell is resembling 1% of the true hell , while only relying on a bit of its aura , as for how they sensed hell's aura , well that's a talk for another day.."

"..Now for your mission on the spatiotemporal hell , or I'd say the calamity you have to face , it is..."