
Around Sunny's house, Sunny's voice starts talking before Sunny walks out the front door.

Sunny: *Looking down at the sidewalk and sighs* (How am I going to look Hugo in the face after what happened? I mean, I know he stole my first kiss, but, I mean, I like him. A lot. Shouldn't I be more excited about this?) *Looks up and sees Kai* K-Kai!

Kai: Hey Sunny, walking to school today?

Sunny: Y-Yep! Just walking to school today! Anyway, It's great to see ya! Hahaha!

Kai: Heh, it's great to see you, too. You seem more... jumpy than usual.

Sunny: I do? Huh, well, that's probably because I had a really crazy weekend! Hehe!

Kai: Really? Want to talk about it?

Sunny: No! Uh, I mean, I'd rather talk about what you did this weekend. Heh!

Kai: S-Sure.

They walk to school. Timeskip to them talking in front of the school

Sunny: Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. Soccer practice sounds brutal.

Kai: Yeah, but I like it. By the way, Hugo told me you're into soccer.

Sunny: H-He did?

Kai: Yeah. You should have told me sooner.

Sunny: Sorry! Heh, just didn't cross my mind! D-Did Hugo tell you anything else?

Kai: Just that, really. And that you played soccer at the park with his brothers. Next time invite me. I'd love to come and school you.

Sunny: Heh, you know, I'm not that bad at the game myself.

Kai: Yeah, but you've never gone up against a captain before. Uh, speaking of which, I have to get going to the field. We have a game this weekend and team's getting first period off to practice.

Sunny: Then you'd better get going. Don't want you to slack off.

Kai: Heheh, thanks. We're still on for that match though, right?

Sunny: Heh, for sure. See you, Kai, good luck!

Kai: Thanks, beautiful. *He turns and walks away. In the background, Gene is walking towards Aphmau*

Sunny: Heheh. *Sighs* Oh Kai. I really like him, too. *By this point, Gene is right behind Sunny*

Gene: *Using a baby voice* Aww! Isn't that cute? *Back to his normal voice* Kai seems to really have a thing for ya.

Sunny: Huh? Wha- Oh, it's you.

Gene: It's kinda sweet how he waits to walk you to school.

Sunny: Hmph!

Gene: Still don't want to talk to me because of Kai? When are you going to learn to think for yourself?

Sunny: I am thinking for myself! I don't want to talk to you! Every time I've seen you, you and your Shadow Knight gang have been up to no good. Give me one good reason why I should give you the time of day.

Gene: Because, I know you're hiding something from Kai you don't want him to know about.

Sunny: Huh? What?

Gene: But, if you don't want to talk to me, then I'll just be on my way.

Sunny: W-wait! What do you know?

Gene: Meet me by the lockers at the far end of school in fifteen minutes.

Sunny: What?! I can't do that! I'll be late for class!

Gene: Fine! I guess you don't really care if Kai finds out about what you're trying to hide from him.

Sunny: I do care!

Gene: Then do like I asked. See you then, freshman.

Sunny: What does he want?

Later.. Sunny is waiting in the designated area. The bell rings, announcing the start of class.

Sunny: *Growls* Where the heck is he? Maybe I can get to class in time if he hurries up.

Gene: I like to take my time.

Sunny: Gene! I'm here. Now what did you want to show me?!

Gene: Hey, calm down. What's the rush? We've got some time to just get to know each other and talk.

Sunny: Pft. Unlike you, I actually care about my education.

Gene: Oh, I care about my education. They just don't teach what I want to learn. Now, let me- *Sees FireStone walking down the hallway* Huh? You. Come to start something?

FireStone: Ugh, I don't start fights.

Gene: So why don't you just keep walking?

FireStone: Heh, you should consider doing the same.

Gene: Walking is so two minutes ago for me.

FireStone: So is that stupid haircut.

Gene: Back off, or I'll make you regret saying that.

FireStone: *To Sunny* Why don't you run, you dumb Snivy?

Sunny: Excuse me!

FireStone: Can't you see I'm trying to help?


FireStone: From the looks of it, you have no idea what you're getting into.

Sunny: Maybe I know exactly what I'm getting into!

FireStone: *Growls* Now you're just being stubborn.

Sunny: Heh! That coming from the guy that doesn't even call me by my real name. Do you even know my name?

FireStone: Why does that even matter now?

Sunny: I don't appreciate being called just a dumb Snivy!

FireStone: Then stop acting like one! You don't want to hang out with someone like him.

Sunny: Maybe that's exactly what I want! So why don't you leave us alone so I can talk to the guy who actually talks to me!

FireStone: Fine, do what you want. (He walks off)

Sunny: I will!

Gene: Wow, you stood up to the notorious delinquent. Heh, I had no idea you could get so feisty. This is going to be fun.

Sunny: Just, shut up and tell me what you want!

Gene: I want to show you this. *He shows her a picture of her and Hugo kissing*

Sunny: That- Where did you get that?!

Gene: Man, Hugo is like his best friend. Sasha told me she overheard Kai telling Hugo how much he likes you too. Such a shame Hugo did this to him. I just wanted to show you this before I showed Kai.

Sunny: What?! No! D-Don't!

Gene: Hm? Well, let's make a deal, then. I won't show this to Kai as long as you don't tell anyone about this! And, you become my pawn.

Sunny: I- *Bell rings*

Gene: Huh, that's the late bell. Tell ya what, we'll finish this conversation later. Meet me and my gang at lunch outside. *Starts to walk away*

Sunny: Outside?! But-But we're not allowed to-

Gene: *Yelling from halfway down the hall* I'll be waiting! *Continues walking down the hallway*

Sunny: H-He can't be serious. This can't be happening! *She runs off to class*

Timeskip to Sunny walking outside trying to find the Shadow Knights.

Sunny: Ugh, *Comes around the corner and sees them* huh, *Sighs*. *She walks over* I'm here, Gene.

Gene: Look at you, acting like a bad girl already.

Sasha: I like this new look for her. It would be nice not to be the only female member of this group.

Zenix: Can't stand the pressure, Sasha?

Sasha: I can't stand your face, Zenix.

Zenix: Shut up, you love me.

Sasha: I'm not that desperate.

Zenix: Same.

Gene: Quiet, you two. You're going to scare away our little fish. Sorry about that. Uh, what's your name again?

Sunny: *Sighs* It's Sunny.

They're all quiet for a bit.

Gene: I don't like it.

Sasha: Sounds ugly.

Zenix: You should give her a nickname, Gene.

Sunny: Huh?

Gene: Hm, well, earlier today she stood up to that FireStone guy, so, she's got claws. Let's call her Kitty.

Sunny: W-What!

Sasha: Heh, I actually like that. A pet's name.

Zenix: Sasha and Kitty. I like it, it's got the acronym for SK.


Gene: Hm? That sounds like the tone of someone who wants me to show Kai a certain picture that would destroy his friendship with his best friend.

Sunny: Ugh. *Inhales, then exhales*

Gene: Face it, Kitty. I have the upper hand in the situation here. And I'm going to make you into a member of my gang.

Sunny: H-Heh! There's no way I would ever join you.

Gene: Oh, no? Why don't you tell Kai what happened between you and Hugo, then?

Sunny: It's none of his business!

Gene: Tell that to his face, then. Look behind you.

Sunny turns around and sees Kai standing a little ways off, looking at her

Sunny: Huh, what the- *Sees him* Ah!

Kai: Sunny!

Sunny: K-Kai! W-Where did you come from?

Kai: Is Gene bothering you?

Sunny: N-n-n-

Kai: We just finished a quick pick-up game, and I saw you over here.

Sunny: Uh,

Kai: Come on, Sunny, let's go. You don't want to be around Gene.

Gene: She's actually okay with being around us. Tell him, Kitty.

Kai: Huh?

Sunny: U-um... Yeah... I- I am. Uh, Gene isn't such a bad guy once you get to know him, heheh.

Kai: What?!

Gene: You heard her. She's actually been a really nice gal. I think I'm starting to see the error of my ways because of her.

Kai: ... Really? Well, she is a sweet girl, so if you're helping Gene, I'm glad to hear that!

Gene: Yup! In fact, she came out here to tell us to get back inside, I've never been so moved! *He turns and gestures to the other SKs to follow his example*

Sasha: Huh? Oh, riiiiight, We see the error of our ways. Hehe!

Zenix: Oh, hooow could we have been so blind?

Gene: Here Kitty, take my phone number and text me later - I might need help with my homework after school. Go on with Kai. We'll see you around later.

Sunny: Huh, uh, um, ...

Gene: I can just picture our friendship blossoming now! Hahahaha!

Sunny: Heh, Um, okay. Come on Kai! Heh! Uh,

Kai: That's the first time someone has managed to make it through to Gene. You're really amazing.

Sunny: Uh, don't mention it. U-Um, n-now l-lets get to class. Heheh!

Kai: Yeah!

Timeskip to Sunny walking to meet up with Gene after school.

Sunny: This is where you want to meet me?!

Gene: Yeah, I need a favor of you.

Sunny: What's that?

Gene: Meet my mom.

Sunny: What?!

Gene: She's coming to pick me up.

Aphmau: Your mom?! Why?! Wait, that means- Dante's mom, too?

Gene: No duh. Dante and I are brothers. Thankfully, Dante's sick today at home, so he won't be here to ask questions about you.

Sunny: Why do you want me to meet your mom?

Gene: My mom knows Sasha and Zenix, and she isn't too fond of them for obvious reasons. I want to show her I know a good egg in school, so she can stop pestering me with her worrying. I'm tired of hearing her say, "I don't want my son hanging around bad eggs."

Sunny: But you are a bad egg!

Gene: Exactly. *Car honks* Hm? Oh, here she comes. Put on your best goody-two-shoes act or this picture will find it's way to Kai.

Sunny: Ugh!

Gene walks over to his mom (Maria, not Maria the Lycanroc)

Maria: Hi, Gene.

Gene: Mom.

Maria: Hmm? Who's this proper-looking little friend of yours?

Gene: She's my really good friend with amazing grades I've been hanging out with.

Sunny: It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Gene's mom. M-my name is Sunny.

Maria: Oh Gene, honey, she's absolutely adorable! I didn't realize you were capable of making friends outside of your little club.

Gene: It's actually a gang, Mom, but whatever.

Maria: Do you need a ride home, sweetheart?

Sunny: *Gene shakes his head at her* N-no thanks! I have a- uh, math club to go to! Uh, yeah!

Maria: Proper and smart? I'm impressed. Gene, I'm so proud of you for finally hanging around with someone in a good crowd. Now say goodbye to your little friend. We've got mother and son dance lessons to go to.

Gene: *Sighs* Thanks, Mom.

Sunny: Woah, dance lessons?

Gene: Listen to me, little Kitty. If you say anything about what she just said, I'll make sure that the entire school sees this picture. Just remember who holds the cards here, Kitty. Heheheh. *He gets in the car and they drive away*

Sunny: Hoh, this is bad, this is really bad...