Sword Expert!

In an endless space of blue skies and white clouds, with the mirrorlike ground. Two individuals fought face to face. They swung their swords as fast as lightning, each move was calculated to best over the other.

This was a battle of pure sword skills, without any spiritual energy being used. As time passed,the both of them moved even faster, sword clangs sounded endlessly, a single loss of focus will not be tolerated.


Indeed, it was Li Pingjun and the mysterious woman. In this battle, Li Pingjun mainly stayed on the defensive, at first he could barely fight back. He would lose promptly after the battle started.

Before he was just mimicking the moves of the woman, he had no idea on how to implement them in actual battle. Now, he was properly using those moves perfectly for every situation, be it staying on the offensive or being defensive.

Each time Li Pingjun got better and was able to fight back, the woman would suddenly become faster. The woman was adjusting her speed to his current skill level, with this Li Pingjun was able to grow endlessly.

Throughout the battle, the woman's face had been emotionless, it's as if she was just playing with a child. Currently their battle had stagnated, Li Pingjun had not been able to improve much anymore, and with each tiny improvements he made in the battle. The woman took a little bit of time to adjust to his improvements, before, it took her an instant to adjust to his improvements.

Li Pingjun could feel that she is reaching her limits, With a smirk on his face, Li Pingjun activated two skills at once. Bear's strength and the white tiger transformation, both gave him more strength while the physique transformation also gave him speed. Of course, the flexibility skill was always on he would not be able to move the way he is now, without it.

With his increased strength and speed, Li Pingjun first parried her attack, and instantly aimed for her neck. Her eyes trembled at his weirdly quick parry, but she quickly assumed a defensive position to protect her neck. Although Li Pingjun had became even faster, it was still within a tolerable range for her.

Their sword meet with each other, the woman tensed her muscle preparing to block the force within Li Pingjun's sword. But as soon as their swords met, she was overwhelmed by the force contained within his sword. Her eyes widened, her hands was no longer able to hold onto the sword from the sudden power, her sword was flung away.

Li Pingjun immediately put his sword on her neck.

"I Win!"

The woman's eyes was still wide from shock, but soon after she became calm again, the corner of her lips curved upward slightly.

"You're that sword right? did you make this space?"

Li Pingjun had a sneaky suspicion the sword brought him here, since the only new item he had gotten was the sword. He was curious about this space, after all the fighting he had done here, he did not feel tired nor hungry at all. This is the optimal space for training.

'indeed this space is something I can bring people to when they are asleep. It is essentially a dream space'

The woman's mouth did not move, but Li Pingjun heard the sword's voice inside his head. The voice was talking smoothly, there was no semblance of the slow speak the sword was doing outside.

'I knew it' Li Pingjun said in his mind.

"does time move normally outside here?" Li Pingjun had calculated and he had stayed in this space for about 1 day straight

'it is currently already morning outside'

"Damn!, so this space is like my very own H*per B**ic Time Chamber!" Li Pingjun said excitedly. he continued speaking.

"Is there a reason you brought me here?" He was curious, a thought then appeared in his mind.

Before the sword was able to reply back, A cheeky grin emerged on Li Pingjun's face.

"Did you get mesmerized by my sword talent?, indeed if I were you, I would also be mesmerized by my genius."

Li Pingjun had a shameless face, he said that with a cheeky voice while poking the woman's arm.

The woman had a dumbfounded look on her face, but the next moment her face scrunched up in anger, the veins on her head bulged. She said nothing, and took a few steps back, with a wave of her hands, the sword that was flung away was brought back into her hands.

"Hah!, you think you can beat me?" Li Pingjun had a disdainful look on his face, but the next moment that look disappeared.

A form of energy similar to that of spiritual energy emerged from her body, a burst of that energy emerged on her sword, forming a sharp edge on the sword.

"Wa.. Wait!, let's be civilized people and talk about this!, I can't do sword techniques yet!" Li Pingjun frantically.

The woman said nothing. With a flash, she appeared in front of him. Li Pingjun instinctively put up his sword to block, but the woman swung her sword without a care. Before Li Pingjun even realized it, he was only holding a sword handle, the blade of his sword had disappeared.

Li Pingjun Dumbfoundedly looked at the handle, the woman then used the pommel of her sword, and slammed it to his head.


"AAAAAAAAAAAHGGGHHHHHH" Li Pingjun sat up from his bed like lightning, cold sweat ran down his back.

He looked around and found that he was back in his inn room. He felt like he just had a nightmare, he looked at his bedside and found a sword. he picked it up and did a sword dance.

If a passerby had seen him do this, they would think that they are looking at a sword expert. Li Pingjun's sword flashed like lightning, he was truly an expert of the sword now. And of course among the true experts that knew sword techniques, he was nothing.

Li Pingjun was exalted, he put the sword infront of him and used the sword communication ability.

"I'm gonna call you Xiao Jian!"


"Tomorrow We're gonna train again right?, you're gonna teach me sword techniques right?"

'Fuck.... YOU!'


a formless energy seem to emerge from the Xiao Jian but it dispersed again afterward. That scared the crap out of Li Pingjun, but from the look of it Xiao Jian isn't able to use the energy outside of the dreamscape.

"Gosh, why are you so quick tempered?"

Xiao Jian kept lashing at him without a stop after that, so Li Pingjun turned off the ability.

"I wanna find that girl now"

The competition is around the corner, although he was sure that there are probably other protagonist level characters there, he's just wants to be safe. With that Li Pingjun went out of the inn, with the Xiao Jian proudly strapped to his back. Although Xiao Jian didn't look fancy and looked like a normal sword, there was no debating that Xiao Jian is special.

Li Pingjun patrolled the streets of the city, all through ou tthe morning he did not find her nor Wei Suo, so he used his ability on a sickly looking person, and he got the ability of hypnosis. After having his way with two random women NOT, he was only able to hypnosis at most two rodents, when he tried to use it on humans it completely did nothing.

He continued his search and actually found her not too long after using his ability.

"Damnit, I'll pass out if I use it again now"

Li Pingjun didn't think that he will find her not too long after using his ability to gain a useless hypnosis ability. Li Pingjun looked at her, he thought about stalking her until he can use his ability again, but nothing good will happen from stalking a protagonist's companion.

His inn was a bit of ways from where he is, if he used his ability he wouldn't be able to fight off the sleepiness before arriving back there. In the end, Li Pingjun decided to bite the bullet, he didn't want to miss this chance. What if she gets taken by an expert before the competition starts?, what if he could not find anymore protagonist level character's in the competition?.

Li Pingjun searched the area for a hiding spot while keeping watch of the girl, after finding a hiding spot, He used his ability on the little girl.


Name : Han Fen

Cultivation Base : 1st stage of Water Gathering.

Hidden Ability : None

Ability Awakening : None

Bloodline : None

Estimated Cultivation Achievement : 5th stage of wood consolidation


An overwhelming sense sleepiness overcame Li Pingjun, before passing out he ran to an alleyway between two buildings and went inside a nondescript barrel. He didn't have a chance to read the description of the little girl, but a quest finished window appeared in front of him, after reading the reward he got, he was excited, but he fell asleep afterward.


Quest Complete

Investigate at least 5 protagonist level characters

Reward : Bloodline Simulation


Unknown to Li Pingjun, a beautiful woman with a sharp eye and a sword on her back was watching him from afar.

'Is That him?' the woman said inside her mind

'yes' her sword replied.

The woman observed Li Pingjun watching this little girl from afar.

"don't tell me..... is he a..." the woman was afraid that he was a child predator but then his next move made her dumbfounded.

"what is he doing?" She watched Li Pingjun go inside a barrel in an alley way.

She noticed that Li Pingjun did not come out even after she waited for a while, and decided to come to him.