Power.... Surging!!

Li Pingjun ran as fast as lightning to the city, aside from his first step which broke the ground apart, each of his steps this time was as quiet as a cat's. Before it took him an hour to get to the forest. With his newly gained power it only took him an incense stick of time for him to cover the same distance.

As soon as he reached the outskirts of the city he found a bush to hide in, he turned off his ability and his eyes turned back to normal. With the overbearing aura coming off of him gone, he took off his pants and took a squatting position. If someone were to see him now, they would think that he is taking a sh*t.

Only a minute later, Li Pingjun felt like someone was looking at him, he could not move an inch. It was the spiritual sense of an expert!, he felt like he was laid bare in front of the owner of this spiritual sense. The owner of the spiritual sense examined him for a bit and noticed what he was doing and retracted their senses immediately. Li Pingjun felt the pressure on him disappear.

He wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

'I fooled them!' Li Pingjun rejoiced in his mind.

This was indeed one of the plans he formulated in his head should something go wrong. Li Pingjun knew that there will definitely be many experts from each of the top sects attending the competition, with their senses, nothing will be able to escape their notice. He didn't want to catch the attention of experts way above his cultivation base, should they want to do something to him, he wouldn't be able to fight back at all.

Li Pingjun stayed squatting for around 30 minutes, not because he wanted to keep hiding, but because he ended up wanting to sh*t for real. After burying his treasures, Li Pingjun used a small trick to create a ball of water to cleanse his a**. After finishing his business, Li Pingjun started to walk back to the city and back to his inn room.

On the way back Li Pingjun felt like he had forgotten something, but he wouldn't want to go back to the forest, that place must have become a hot spot now. In the city, everybody was in an uproar but Li Pingjun ignored it, back at the inn room, Li Pingjun took off his clothes and looked at his body.

"Damn!, I look good!" Li Pingjun's body had truly became perfect, the him from before was like a stick compared to now.

Although Li Pingjun had turned off his ability, the changes his body experienced did not disappear. He flexed his muscle's and they bulged out, his muscles looked lean unlike a gorilla's, he could probably smash someone's skull open with just his bare hands without the help of spiritual energy. When the bloodline was active his power was amplified many times more, not to mention his senses becoming basically that of a beast's.

"Maybe I can detect earthquakes before they happen?" Li Pingjun murmured to himself.

He needed to do more experiments on what kind of power the bloodline gave him, right now he only knew the basic things the bloodline gave him.

'I wonder what would happen when I use the physique transformation and the bloodline in tandem' He wondered to himself.

Li Pingjun let out an exhausted breath, he felt tired now, The extreme pain he experienced in the transformation took a toll on him. The sun was already going down, so he laid down on his bed to sleep and closed his eyes.

'Maybe I'll be able to train the sword in the dreamscape again' a thought surface in his mind.

As Li Pingjun drifted off to sleep a thought kept appearing in his mind.

'train the sword'

'the sword'



Li Pingjun forcefully opened his eyes, his eyes became bloodshot as he realized what he had done.

"XIAO JIAN!" He screamed while jumping out of his bed.

Indeed, Li Pingjun with his adrenaline overdosed brain, had forgotten to bring Xiao Jian which he had put on a tree with him when he was running away.


inside the forest where Li Pingjun undergone his transformation. A group of disciples, each wearing different clothes gathered together. They had been sent by the sect to investigate.

"Someone was here" A burly man with fiery red robes, looked at the cracked ground and said. He had investigated further in the direction of the cracks on the ground, but the further he went the less prominent the cracks became. Soon, not even a footprint was left behind.

A snort of derision sounded not far away from the burly youth.

"even an idiot can tell Qiang Jinshu" a skinny man in black robes with an eerie aura said.

The burly man Qiang Jinshu frowned, but he did not retort and left to investigate more of the surroundings. Seeing this, the skinny man's face darkened.

"Tch, you're no fun" The skinny man looked at ground where a dark stain existed.

When they got here he had noticed some blood on the ground, but before he could do anything the blood evaporated into nothingness. Nonetheless he still went and took a sample of the stained dirt into a box, after doing that he continued investigating the surroundings with the other disciples.

Some distance away from the both of them a woman with a yellow robe leaned against a tree with her eyes closed. An incense stick of time later, she opened her eyes and walked to a particular tree.

"A sword?" The woman had a serious look on her face.

A sword was on one of the branches of this tree, it was currently night time and if it weren't for her spiritual sense, she wouldn't have been able to notice it.

The sword didn't look special and looked quite unremarkable, but just the fact that it was here means it could be evidence, a clue for what happened here and that tiger's roar.

"Senior sister, did you find something?" another woman in yellow robes came up to her and asked.

"A sword, I'm gonna bring this back, you guys stay here and keep investigating" the senior sister said.

She looked at the other disciples from the other sects, nobody seemed to notice what she did. The woman left quietly, but soon after she left, the skinny man looked at the direction she just left. An ominous glint appeared in his eyes.


In the dead of the night, Li Pingjun ran quietly into the forest, making sure nobody saw him leaving the city. He even covered his face with a piece of cloth.

'Damnit!, next time, I'm gonna keep the sword communication ability turned on at all times.' Li Pingjun thought in his head as he ran quietly.

As he ran deeper into the forest he suddenly heard a faint noise of battle from afar. He stopped and looked in the direction where the sound came from, he activated Cui Yan's ability just incase and he could see burst of spiritual energy coming from a certain direction.

After contemplating about what to do, he decided to check it out. Li Pingjun tried his best to erase his presence, he used the cat's stealth ability and also turned on the white tiger bloodline. His muscles enlarged and he even grew ten centimeters taller, his eyes became bright gold and like a tiger's.

This time, he transformed quietly, making no commotion. Li Pingjun just noticed now but, he could see much further and he could smell blood in the air. With the bloodline activated, he truly became a hunter, he could hide his presence with ease.

Li Pingjun moved fast but he made no sound, soon after he reached his destination. In his vision, two people are battling with each other, a male and a woman. The male was skinny and he had a dark miasma surrounding his body, while the woman had talisman papers floating around her. The both of them seemed to not notice his presence so Li Pingjun decided to lay low and watch.

"Yinliang!, I'm warning you, the elders of my sect will not stay silent about this!" The woman shouted angrily at the man.

The Talisman's surrounding the woman is materializing all kinds of elemental attacks at the man, but the man used the miasma surrounding his body to easily block the attacks.

"hehe, fairy Hua, all I ask is that you give me that sword and I will immediately leave you alone" The man said while materializing dark chains with the miasma to attack the woman.

It could be seen that the woman was losing the fight, but she did not back down. Li Pingjun who was watching the battle from the sidelines could see with the help of the bloodline, the cultivation base of the man was at 8th stage of water gathering, while the woman was at the 7th stage of water gathering.

'Damn!, this bloodline is overpowered' Li Pingjun did not feel any feelings of danger from these two, which means that the bloodline made him as strong if not stronger than these two. he also noticed Xiao Jian on the woman's back.

'Xiao Jian are you okay?!' he used the sword communication ability.




For some reason Xiao Jian didn't reply to him and only said those words over and over again, and it was getting more and more louder so Li Pingjun turned off his ability.

With that done Li Pingjun looked at the battle once again, the both of them are clearly not fighting to the death, so this battle will not conclude anytime soon. Li Pingjun did not want any more people coming here so he decided to take action.

'I'm gonna use my full power just in case'

Li Pingjun used cat's stealth, bear's strength and White tiger physique transformation. this is the first time he will be using the bloodline and physique transformation together, so he did not know what would happen.

As soon as he activated the ability, Li Pingjun felt his power and senses which was already super strong become even stronger, his nails turned into sharp claws, his teeth became that of a tiger's, and his hair turned completely white.

'What the hell'

Currently, in Li Pingjun's vision he was looking at the world in slow motion. The man and woman's movement looked like a snail's, without waiting any further Li Pingjun flashed and appeared behind the man.

He used his newly gained claws, the miasma surrounding the man tore open like paper. Since he did not want to create more trouble, he only knocked out the man. Only a second had passed after he did that, just as the woman's eyes were slowly opening in shock. Li Pingjun flashed again and appeared behind her, her talisman protection was useless in front of his claws, so she was promptly knocked out.

After finishing this, the world turned normal again for Li Pingjun.


"What the f*ck" Li Pingjun just stood still like a rock and looked at his hands.

He could not believe how strong he is, killing someone at the 8th stage of water gathering should be child's play now, and he would've done so had he not wanted more trouble. Li Pingjun had a thought that maybe he is as strong as seed creation experts, but he immediately dispersed that thought. The gap between seed creation experts and water gathering cultivators is not that simple, at least that's what he had read on a book.

Li Pingjun shook his head and hurriedly took Xiao Jian to run away, but before he ran away, an idea popped up in his head. he looked at the two unconscious people.

"Hehe this is my payment for not killing you" Li Pingjun said while taking both of their spirit stone pouches.

Li Pingjun did not take their items because he was afraid that they could use it to track him down, so he left them be. After that Li Pingjun did not dawdle around anymore and with a flash, he disappeared.