Seven Seniors

As soon as the elder said that, in an instant sect disciples filled the platforms. Each of them looked like normal disciples, and had cultivation bases of 5th stage of water gathering and below. It seems the main fighters will not go up yet so that the little guys can get a chance to be tempered.

Before the vagrant cultivators could react, other sect disciples went up to challenge the people on the platforms one by one. From then on, the fierce battles of the competition started.

1500 spirit stones was not a small sum for a vagrant cultivators, as such most of the vagrant cultivators there were only people that paid to watch the competitions. Even from just observing the battles, they would be able to learn a lot of things.

The beginning of the competitions, was mostly filled with battles that were not too exciting. On one of the platforms two men fought, one of them had their fists engulfed in flames while the other had sword. Sparks flew out everytime the sword met with his fist, the man's fist was as hard as steel!.

"Brother Feng! It's time we settle the score from last year!" The man with the sword said

"Hahahaha!, Bring it!" The other replied.

On another platform a woman fought against a man, the woman was making hand seals and shooting out fireballs, but the man was able to easily dodge it and got closer to her. In the end the woman surrendered before she was about to be blown away by the man, the woman had entered the platform first, but the man that challenged her was a bad matchup.

The battles went on for half a day, when the big players from the sects finally came out. This was also the time that the vagrant cultivators chose to join the competition, the battles from here on out, will be the deciding the ten most powerful people here.

"Finally!, now this, is the real exciting battle!" a vagrant cultivator said, and everyone agreed with him.

"hehe, you all think the battles here are exciting, but for me they are nothing!" A vagrant cultivator said with his nose high up, he had a bundle that looked like a sword on his back.

"Stop boasting!, you're only at the 4th stage of water gathering!, what do you know?" Another person rebuked the boasting man.

"Kuhum!, brother, have you not heard of the saying to not judge a book by it's cover?" the boasting man said again.

"Then why don't you go join the competition!" a tall and skinny cultivator said.

"haah, brother, if I had the money i would've done so." the boasting man shook his head in an irritating manner.

"Humph, you're all talk!" a broad shouldered man said.

As the vagrant cultivators was talking down the boasting man, without anyone noticing a woman with a sharp eye and a sword on her back suddenly appeared behind the boasting man.

The boasting man kept boasting but was suddenly weirded out because everybody suddenly became silent. But he soon understood why.

"Then how about I pay it for you?" The woman said to the boasting man.

The Boasting man was surprised as he looked behind him. His eyes widened, he didn't know what to say as he looked at the woman.

"S... senior Yan Yuan, why are you doing here?" the boasting man said.

"Why wouldn't I be here, I'm a disciple of Heavenly Sword(debatable) sect" Yan Yuan said with a small smile on her face.

"I.. is that so?, but i think I'll pass" The boasting man said.

"Why?, I thought I heard you say that the battles are nothing for you"

"we.. well, you see.. I have a bit of a problem" boasting man said while stealing glances at the bundled up sword on his back.

Yan Yuan realized why, although she didn't know why he is hiding his sword, she knew what to do. She touched the pouch on her waist and suddenly a normal sword appeared on her hands. Everyone looking was surprised.

'Storage pouch!' everyone had this thought.

"Then you can use this" Yan Yuan offered the sword in her hands.

"I think I'll pa-, I'll take it!, Thank you for this opportunity senior!" The boasting man was about to refuse but his eyes became unfocused for a moment and he immediately agreed.

Yan Yuan looked content.

"Then, here you go" Yan Yuan gave him a pouch full of spirit stones.

"Thank you!, I will be sure to repay this!" The man said and walked toward the platforms.

The other watched in jealousy at him, but then they remembered that he was only at 4th stage of water gathering. The battles taking place on the platforms right now, are mostly between cultivators of 6th stage of water gathering and above. They thought that he will definitely make a fool of himself!.

The boasting man went to a disciple responsible for taking spirit stones from vagrant cultivators.

"I would like to join the competition!" The man said while handing out a pouch.

The disciple took the pouch and counted the spirit stones inside, he looked at the man and his cultivation base with doubt.

"Are you sure?" The disciple would get it if he had joined early on, but now?.


"Fine, then please fill out this form" The disciple gave the man a piece of paper.

The man filled out the form and gave it back. He hesitated for a bit, since this was actually a contract for accidental deaths, but he nonetheless signed it.

"Hmm, Li Pingjun, I believe you already know the rules yes?. Well then, you can just directly Challenge someone available on the platforms".

Indeed.... it was Li Pingjun all along!.

Li Pingjun nodded and walked to the platforms, but just as he neared it, he saw a man being blown away in his direction. The man was covered in blood, and Li Pingjun felt wind pressure as the man passed him.

'What?, Is he dead?!' He looked at the man on the floor, he was barely breathing. He didn't see anyone else making a fuss, so it seems it's fine as long as he didn't die.

Li Pingjun felt scared now, since using the bloodline was probably a bad idea here, he didn't know if he is strong enough.

'Aren't I going to become a cripple!?' He thought in his mind, cold sweat ran down his back.

'Coward' the bundled up Xiao Jian, said.

'was all.. that training.... useless?' Xiao Jian continued.

Li Pingjun didn't feel humiliated at all, after all his skin is as thick as a wall. He looked at the battles currently going on on the platforms, he of course did not join the competition because he wanted to. Li Pingjun looked at the window in front of him.



Join the competition and do something noteworthy

Reward : Physique Investigation


Li Pingjun felt excitement running through his veins as he read it. From previous examples, if he completed this quest the next quest will reward him an ability to use or replicate the physique's he will investigate.

Although the term 'do something noteworthy' was quite vague, he at least knew joining the competition was mandatory to complete it.

'Xiao Jian, what do you think I should do to become noteworthy in the competition?' in the end he asked his trusty sword.


Li Pingjun had a blank look on his face as he heard it, he felt helpless, if he could use Zhan Hua's bloodline ability, then he could've finish this quest easily. But he couldn't, for obvious reasons.

He stroked his chin, deep in thought. After a bit of time, he experienced an epiphany.

'I'll just do something unusual, that everybody can't forget!'

'What...' Xiao Jian, hearing his thoughts, did not know what to say.


On the elder's podium, lots of ass kissing and insults are hurled all over the place by the elders of each sects.

At the corner of the podium, one person was aloof against all of the surrounding elder's conversation. Nobody seemed to notice but the goatee elder and a few others noticed. It was a woman from the Heavenly Sword sect. none of the other elders that noticed bothered to talk to her, or rather they do not dare to.

The elder with the goatee approached the woman while minding his manners.

"Excuse me, senior Fang. May I ask your reasoning for being here?"

"Nephew Wang, you do not need to concern yourself with me, you can just focus on the competition. I am merely here because of my disciple" The woman surnamed Fang said with a flat tone.

Elder Wang is an elder of Heavenly sword sect, although he is an elder there, his status compared to this woman is nothing. She is one the 8 heavenly sword of his sect, they can be considered the pillars his sect.

"Then I shall take my leave Senior" Elder Wang said nothing more and left

Just as elder Wang was leaving, a boisterous laugh sounded but only the elders on the podium was able to hear it. The elders was surprised, suddenly a muscular hunk appeared on the podium.

"Fairy Fang, you surely did not just come all the way here just for your disciple that's not even joining the competition right?" The man said to Senior Fang without a care in the world.

Senior Fang did not look surprised at the appearance of the man.

"I can say the same to you brother Shan, You're disciple is not even here" She looked at him uninterestedly, and answered his question with another question.

"hehe, can a man not take a walk?" brother Shan said with a grin on his face.

With the appearance of the both of them, the elders who was very lively before did not dare to speak too loudly. But just as they thought that things couldn't get any worse.

"If a gorilla like you can take a walk, then surely I can as well" a black mist appeared from the horizon and reached the podium in a flash.

As the mist dispersed, it revealed an ugly man with a hunched back and white hair.

The Gori- senior Shan looked at the newly appeared man with animosity.

"Old Yin..." He looked at the ugly man with dark face.

Just as the two of them was about to get into a fight, a voice stopped them.

"Now , now, you wouldn't want to make a ruckus in front of our juniors right?"

A man and a woman standing on a birdlike spiritual beast approached the podium. They dismounted the spiritual beast and stepped on the podium.

The man looked handsome but was quite short and wore ragged clothes, while the woman was much more taller than the man and wore a palace robe, it made for quite a weird pair. Senior Shan looked at the two of them with squinted eyes.

"For fairy Nian and brother Yingjun to come here together. Did you two became Dao companions?, " Old Yin said sarcastically.

"Oh please, we merely met on the way and decided to come here together" The man said with a wry smile while the woman just stayed silent and gave old Yin a cold look.

The elders on the podium was panicking, they were thinking about setting up luxurious chairs and tables for their respective seniors but before they can do that.

"It seems that we're quite late to the party" an aged voice sounded.

Two people flew in from the sky and landed on the podium, one of them is an old man with a long and completely white hair and beard, he had a friendly smile on his face that made it so that you couldn't see his eyes. The other a man looked plain and aloof, he was clearly a man of few words.

With their appearance, it became a cue for the elders, they quickly scrambled to set up proper seating for the seven seniors.

When the five people on the podium noticed the old man, they saluted him up as if to pay respect, this old man is someone with the highest cultivation base between all of them.

The old man was called Ming, and the aloof man was called Bing.

"Old Ming, why would someone of your caliber come here?" Senior Fang was bold.

"Hoho, fairy Fang I believe you should know the answer to that question" the old man said in a giddy manner.

Before they could continue, the seven elders who had now been reduced to nephews in front of these seniors stood together to salute them.

"Seniors!, please have a seat!"

"Ahahaha, it is truly a great thing to have mindful juniors!" Old Ming said with a laugh, he sat down on the middle seat. nobody objected that.

The others followed suit and sat down. When everybody had already sat down Old Ming said something everybody had wanted to say.

"Well then, Let's start our little impromptu meeting" Old Ming opened his eyes as he said that, the others could feel the power in his gaze.