New Bloodline

The competition venue was silent for a moment, the battle on the platforms kept going, some participants even lost because their focus was disturbed and their opponents took advantage of it.

The vagrant cultivators were the first one to shout at Li Pingjun, their curses rained down upon him. But Li Pingjun did not even listen to them, his focus was entirely on the window in front of him.


Quest Complete

Join the competition and do something noteworthy.

Reward : Physique Investigation


He smiled with content, he did not care that he is being looked at as a weirdo. At the end of the day, becoming stronger is number one priority.

"Now I can Just forfeit since I already got what I came here for" Li Pingjun murmured.

'Did you.. come here.... to act?' Xiao Jian asked.

'Maybe' Li Pingjun did not tell his real reason.

'Either way, I don't want to compete anymore'

'Fine' Xiao Jian agreed.

Li Pingjun did not expect Xiao Jian to agree with him, he thought he had heard wrong.

'Look at... the podium'

Li Pingjun turned to look at the podium, everyone there was looking at him. He saw seven people sitting on luxurious chairs while the elders just stood like servants. He wondered who those people were.

'Who are they?' Li Pingjun had that thought.


He noticed Yan Yuan was there standing behind a woman. He even noticed that Zhan Hua was there, further making him convinced that he shouldn't use her bloodline ability here. She also stood behind an old man.

'Don't that mean they're experts above seed creation stage?!'

Li Pingjun immediately decided to use his ability on them, but he didn't know which one he should use it on. He was afraid that this was the only time that he will be able to see them.

Looking closely at each of them, they all look remarkable.

The old man in the middle seems to be the leader and probably the strongest of them all, but he's not searching for the strongest. Li Pingjun is looking for someone with the best hidden ability, bloodline or physique.

'I can't be careless with this, I should get more information'

Li Pingjun knew that this might be the only opportunity that he had to gaze at such powerful cultivators.

Li Pingjun turned his gaze away from them, he was afraid he might offend them.

"Who can I ask for information about them?" Li Pingjun murmured in a voice that only he can hear.

He doesn't think that the vagrant cultivators would know them, the only ones who might know about the senior's abilities in detail are probably the elders, or.

Two faces appeared inside his head, Yan Yuan and Zhan Hua. Li Pingjun wanted to ask one of them about the seniors.

After thinking for a bit more, he decided not to ask Zhan Hua since he is basically a stranger to her, Which leaves.

Li Pingjun looked at Yan Yuan. And he smiled brightly.

Yan Yuan noticed his gaze and smile, a confused look appeared on her face. Li Pingjun started waving his hands at her which makes her even more confused.

The woman in front of Yuan Yan looked at her and seem to say something to her. The other seniors said something too but Li Pingjun wasn't able to hear them. Afterward Yan Yuan bowed to all of them and walked towards him.

"Do you need something?" Yan Yuan said as soon as she arrived in front of him.

"Oh it's nothing, I just wanted to give back your sword" Li Pingjun said as he reached out his hands to give back her sword.

Yan Yuan took the sword and a questioning look appeared on her face.

"You're just gonna use your sword for the competition?"

"No, I'm forfeiting" Li Pingjun said as a matter fact.

Yan Yuan was baffled, the seniors on the podium had weird expressions after hearing that.

"What?.. why, you haven't even competed yet" Yan Yuan said after she processed Li Pingjun's words.

"Well... I just realized that I am way too underpowered for this"

'Then why did you hype yourself up before?!' Yan Yuan's eyes twitched as she thought about this.

"By the way, who are those seniors?" Li Pingjun changed the conversation and asked about the seniors on the podium.

Yan Yuan stayed silent and only stared at him for a moment before answering him.

"They're leaf creation experts from the seven sects, one of them is my master"

As soon as Li Pingjun heard that, cold sweat ran down his back.

'leaf.. leaf creation' These people can literally snap him out of existence!.

Li Pingjun definitely do not think that he could ask for specifics of their ability from Yan Yuan. The seniors, with their cultivation base are probably listening in on their conversation and he does not want to offend them by asking about their abilities. But Li Pingjun thought of another way.

"Senior Yan Yuan, do you happen to know which of the seniors are the youngest?" Li Pingjun said with a quiet voice, he acted like he doesn't know that the seniors could hear him.

"Why are you asking this?" Yan Yuan did not know why he would want to know this.

"hehe, I'm actually planning to write a book about the experts of the cultivation world. Since this is the first time for me to see Leaf creation experts with my own eyes, I want some information for this" Li Pingjun made an excuse straight out of his butt.

Yan Yuan looked back at the seniors, they had weird expressions on their face but did not object.

Yan Yuan looked at him again. But before she could say anything.

"Before that, could you also tell me about the seven sects?, I'm also curious"

Yan Yuan nodded and was about to say something when a flash of enlightenment appeared on her eyes. She smiled.

"hmmm.. well...."

Yan Yuan started a short explanation on all the sect. The wondrous sky sect has all kinds of cultivators in it, sword cultivators, mystic cultivators, dark cultivators etc. They are kind of like a jack of all trade, but they also have their own special techniques.

The Thousand Blood sect mainly focuses on the dark arts, sacrificial and everything. They are kind of a mystery.

Soaring Phoenix Sect, mainly focus on fire related ability, they worship a phoenix as a guardian deity. The founder of their sect had the bloodline of the heavenly phoenix.

The Hundred Beast Palace is a sect that mainly focuses on taming spiritual beasts to fight. There are 6 leaf creation stage spiritual beast that protects the sect.

The Golden earth sect focuses on the refining the body, it is said that their disciple's bodies are like diamond.

The serenity sect is a sect that focuses on enlightenment of the Dao.

Yan Yuan explained the six sects in a precise and concise manner, but when it came to her own sect.

"And finally there is the Heavenly Sword Sect"

The heavenly sword sect is a sect that had thousands of years of history, the founder was an almighty wood consolidation stage sword cultivator. It is said that his sword was able to cut through anything. He was the strongest sword cultivator to ever exist.

Their sect is guarded by the eight heavenly sword, they are all peak sword cultivators at the leaf creation stage. Each of them is able to fight enemies above their own cultivation stage. Her master is one of them.

The heavenly sword sect does not only teach the way of the sword, they teach the way of all kinds of weapons. The 8 heavenly sword of the sect also use different kinds of weapons that branched out of the normal sword. Though, of course the sword is their main cultivation path.

And of course, the sect had all kinds of facilities to facilitate the growth of your sword Dao and techniques.

"And thus!, with your sword communication ability, you can be nurtured to the greatest extent" Yan Yuan finished her brief explanation with a content smile.

Li Pingjun only had one thought in his mind as he heard Yan Yuan explain her own sect.

'Are you here to shill?!'

On the podium, senior Fang had a content smile on her face as she nodded at her disciple's words. The other seniors had ugly faces and realized that they have been had!. With the exception of old Yin who seem to not care about it.

"As for the youngest of the seniors, that would be senior Nian of the soaring phoenix sect, I heard that she had achieved leaf creation at below 300 years old"

'Bellow 300!?' Li Pingjun was surprised.

He had read in a book that a leaf creation stage expert's lifespan is around 2000 years old. that would mean she had a lot of time to reach Wood Consolidation stage.

'Which mean she's probably the most talented!, the fact that she could reach that stage that early means that she probably has some special ability, bloodline or physique!' Li Pingjun decided to use his ability on her.

Li Pingjun looked at senior Nian for a moment before looking away.


Name : Nian Fenghuang

Cultivation Base : 3th stage of Leaf Creation

Hidden ability : Innate Fire Control

Hidden Ability Awakening : Innately acquired

Bloodline : Heavenly Phoenix Bloodline

Physique : Heavenly Phoenix Physique

Estimated Cultivation Achievement : ***********************


'Jackpot!, this woman is stacked!'

Li Pingjun knew that bloodlines are powerful, he wondered what would happen if he used the white tiger bloodline along with the heavenly phoenix bloodline together.

There's also the physique, but he could only wait for a quest that rewards him the ability to use the physique.

Li Pingjun was lost in his thoughts for a moment, but Yan Yuan brought him back.

"So, would you like to join the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Li Pingjun blinked a couple of times, not registering her words.


It was at this time, that Li Pingjun once again remembered, that he was a genius now.