Chapter 13of13 Betrayal

Lara ran towards the woods her high heels were so painful while running that she took them off running bear foot she would step on sharp twigs stones and broken glass she would feel pain but it was no match to the pain she was feeling in her heart she had no idea where she was going all she wanted was to get out of there to go somewhere far somewhere she could be alone she ran as fast as she could her white dress was covered in dirt and torn tears rolled down her eyes till she finally broke down falling on the ground and started sobbing loudly it was dark and cold in the woods so Scarry and quiet Lara was so depressed and broken but she wasn't the only one there, there was someone there standing from afar a tall woman with long dark hair tied Into a ponytail there was two men with her her eyes were fixed firmly on Lara as she ordered her men

" Shoot and don't you dare miss." Tina ordered

" Yes ma'am." the man loaded his gun and targeted it on Lara's heart

while on the other side of the forest Alex was like a mad man looking for Lara everywhere he was so worried about her he was losing his mind searching for her if anything bad happens to her he would never forgive himself he screamed for her name everywhere

" Lara!" he screamed out

" Alex please wait the troop will be here soon it might be dangerous." James said

" Wait..are you kidding me my wife is out there she might be in danger I don't have time to wait. " Alex said with grit teeth and strode off to look for Lara

" Lara!" when Lara heard Alex' voice she looked straight ahead and saw a familiar figure it was Alex it was her husband he came to look for her Lara was furious she did not want to see him nor did she want to go back with him standing up she clenched her hands into fists and said

" Why..why are you here leave me alone get away from me." she screamed out Alex didn't no why she was angry with him nor why she was sending him away but one thing he knew was that he wasn't going anywhere without her taking few steps towards her he said

" Am sorry if I did anything wrong please forgive me wife, but I won't leave without you am here to take you home." Alex said in a low calm voice this made Lara even more angrier she did not want his apology she did not want to go back with him she just wanted to be alone clenching her fists even tighter blood oozed down from her palms looking into his deep blue eyes she said

" Home tell me Alex is that place still called my home, I have no home to go to no do I have a husband to call my own please leave I am alright right here Go." Lara sobbed Alex frowned his heart was aching burning inside his chest her words like daggers hit him hard he was about to approach her when an order was made from afar

" Shoot." Tina ordered the man pointed the gun at Lara's chest and a gun was fired

" Bang!" the bullet went through Lara's chest the pain hit Lara so hard the world around her began to spin everything around her was falling she could smell her own blood in the air she could see death embracing her slowly yes she was dying she could feel it

" Lara!" Alex shouted out her name running towards her he caught her before she could hit the ground

" I dying? " Lara said in flat voice

" No I won't let you die I won't let you leave me Lara please stay with me my love." Alex held her close to his body

" Alex take care of our kids love them always be there for them don't let them miss me to much don't let them think about me to much and yes don't spoil them to much also they might become naughty, I love you husband take care of yourself and our kids tell them I love them and will watch over them in heaven." Lara took shallow breaths each word painted her but she had to say it all out Alex has never felt so much pain and helpless but no matter what he would not let his wife die

" Lara we will raise both our kids together you will tell them you love them yourself and look after them I won't let you die." He gathered her into his arms and left the place Lara could not open her eyes any longer the darkness was slowly swallowing her when James and Maya saw Alex holding Lara his arms they got scared

" Lara what happened to her?" Maya teared up

" James make sure this forest is searched I want the person who did this." Alex grit his teeth and drove away to the hospital when they reached the hospital the doctors rushed to them immediately

" Doctor do anything to save my wife if anything happens to her I will sue this hospital get that." Alex said firmly the doctor felt a cold sweat on his forehead he knew Mr Grey wasn't someone to bluff he always keeps his words swallowing hard the doctor said

" Don't worry Mr Grey we will do everything to save Mrs Grey." he assured Alex and went inside the operating room Alex sat on the beach waiting it has already been an hour James, Maya , Kay and Stacey arrived at the hospital Madame Grey also arrived there as soon as she heard what happened

" Alex what happened to my daughter in-law who would dare try to kill Lara. " she sounded displeased at the moment James came up to them and said

" Aunt the troop are still investigating the area we will soon find out who wanted Lara killed. "

" James let me know as soon as you find that person I won't spare them." Madame Grey said with grit teeth she cared and loved Lara like her own daughter if anyone dared to harm her in anyway she would not spare that person

it has been two hours since the operation started after a few minutes the light to the operation room went off the doctor walked up to Alex and said

" The operation was successful we managed to remove the bullet out of her chest but the wound is quite deep she needs a lot of rest and close supervision she will need to stay here for some days. " when Alex heard that Lara was out of danger he took a relief the doctor also took a relief knowing he could still keep his job a few minutes later the nurse took Lara into the other ward to rest Alex stayed with Lara the entire time he never left her side he never took a nap his eyes were glued to her body and face the entire time

" Won't you eat something nor take a nap you haven't moved the entire day ain't you hungry?" Madame Grey said from behind

" Am not hungry and yes I don't need you to show me your fake concern get that don't try to act like a caring mother it doesn't suit you." Alex said without turning to look at her Madame Grey could only sigh I guess this was the price she needed to pay for sending her son away at a very young age and now she will still have to repeat the same mistake by sending her grandson away when he reaches a certain age she hated the thought and feeling but those are the rules you have to undergo as the heir she had no choice but comply to them Madame Grey did not know how to make her son understand how could tell him she loves him so much without him doubting it closing her eyes for a while she finally moved and laid the food on the bedside table and said

" Please eat something for Lara's sake." she turned around and left Alex stared at the food laid on the table and frowned he went back starring at Lara holding her hand and murmured some words

" I will only eat when you wake up alright but better wake up quickly otherwise this husband of yours will die with starvation. " Alex teased two days past by Alex continued taking care of Lara he never left her side he clean her wound and change it as well when he was done with his usual routine he sat beside her and held her hand he kissed it lightly and said

" I miss you wife please wake up I promise I will never let you suffer again am sorry." Alex cupped her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead just then Lara flattered her eyes open she looked around and did not recognize the place it smelt like sanitizer was she at the hospital? she remembered running to the forest Alex came looking for her she did not want him near her when a gun was fired it went right through her chest then everything around her started to spin her surrounding became dark then she past out, Lara turned to the side and saw a familiar handsome face when Alex saw her open her eyes he was happy

" Hey are you alright? " he smiled stroking her hair gently Lara tried to get but it was so painful that she groaned painfully


" Hey lay down the wound is still fresh you need rest." Alex said Lara did as he said she laid down turning away not to meet his gaze as if knowing his little wife did not want to look at him he spoke first

" Why did you run away from the hotel ? I was so worried about you." still Lara never said a word

" Did I do something wrong?" he asked Lara still remained silent Alex sighed he was about to touch her face when Lara spoke out

" Don't touch me I will not allow you to touch me with the same hands you touched another woman." Lara glared at Alex coldly Alex finally realized something," did she see him with Adriana in that room that's why she decided to run away so it's all his fault. " Alex thought.

" Am sorry I did not tell you earlier I was afraid I did not want to lose you Lara. " Alex apologized his apology made Lara even more furious

" Sorry why say sorry I don't need your apology Alex you betrayed me it's total betrayal you're still seeing your ex girlfriend not only that but she has your child Alexah is your daughter yet you introduced her to me as your niece you lied to me from the beginning I trusted you damn it." Lara sobbed

" Believe me i wanted to tell you but I was waiting for the right time. "

" Right time! are you kidding me Alex you kept something serious from me I thought I was your wife we vowed not to keep secrets from each other. " Lara said in an annoyance voice Alex simply held her hand looked straight into her moonlight gray eyes and said

" I made a mistake am sorry I know there are times when saying sorry simply means and feels nothing it can't fill the gap of pain inflicted in your heart I should have told you about Adriana and Alexah but to be honest with you Lara I love you and only you, It's been five year since Adriana and I broke up I never knew she was pregnant I had no idea she had my kid till I got a call from James telling me to go back to England, but believe me I have no intention of leaving or hurting you my love please forgive me." Alex kissed her hand no matter how much she wanted to believe him and forgive it was hard for Lara to forget she was hurt and still hurting turning to the other side of the room she said

" Am tired I need rest. " she closed her eyes Alex could only obey her words he kissed her forehead to let her rest when Alex stepped out he saw James and Maya

" Alex is Lara okay can I see her? " Maya said

" Sure stay with her." Alex said Maya went inside leaving them alone Alex turned to James and said

" Hope you're making it hard for her make sure she never repeats this mistake ever again torture her to no ends."

" You don't have to worry I have everything under control. " James said calmly silence followed before James spoke again

" seems our long time friends will be visiting England soon I got a call from Zoey, James paused for a while and continued, " Zoey had a thing for you if she meets Lara then.-

" I don't care about her, Alex cut him off," she knows the type of person I am Zoey is a smart woman she would never do anything reckless but I am worried about one person. " Alex said

" Ezekiel?" James said

" Ezekiel is the only man who represents me we are quite alike we're both cold indifferent and under his calmness there is something sharp just like he is not able to read my mind I am also not able to read his but we both feel the tension. " Alex said calmly James nodded even though the four of them knew each other since kids Alex and Zeke were different Kay was always talkative and cheerful when he was a boy even now he has not changed much his still cheerful and playful while Alex and Zeke still kept that indifferent personality maybe because they all had a rough childhood, meanwhile inside the room Maya was busy coaxing Lara as she sobbed In her best friends arms

" Lara please stop crying you're still hurt the wound might worsen."

" don't you understand Maya my husband has another child with another woman how am I able to relax of course am upset." Lara sobbed even harder Maya robbed her back gently usually James already told her everything two days ago he told her about Alex' past with Adriana and that he has a child with her of course even she did not take it lightly she was angry and wanted to confront Alex but James stopped her instead he asked her to make Lara understand but seeing her best friend right now she doesn't know what to say where should she even begin to tell her to forgive Alex after a while of deciding what to say she spoke

" Lara dear I know what happened is injustice to you but they met a long time ago before you came along Adriana is his past you're his present and future you're his wife and mother to his kids Alex loves you and not her I mean you both have a past right everyone has a past put yourself in his shoes for minute you can't stay angry with him forever right."

what Maya said seemed to get through Lara she was right she should trust her husband she should always be there for him it would not be right to stay angry with him Adriana is his past she is his present and future she is Alex' wife. Lara stopped sobbing she wiped her face and said

" you're right I should not be weak I will fight for my husband for my family I won't be weak thank you Maya what will I ever do without you."

" let's see absolutely nothing. " they both chuckled and talked for a while when Alex came in Maya stood up and left them alone Alex sat beside Lara holding a bow of soup and some fruits he lifted the spoon to her mouth Lara opened her mouth and ate in silence when she was done eating Alex helped her take a bath and changed her wound and cloths he cleaned up everything and was about to leave so she could rest but Lara held his hand to stop him

" Stay with me don't leave I want you to sleep beside me." Lara said in a flat voice Alex did as she said he laid beside her pulling her into his arms

" Alex." Lara called out in a flat voice

" Hmm." Alex answered

" If there comes a situation were you will have to leave me would you?" Lara asked biting her lip

" No I would never leave you cause you're my wife my life you mean the world to me." Alex said simply

" am sorry for not giving you a chance to explain yourself am sorry for acting up and making you worried about me I love you Alex. " Lara apologized

" I love you more." Alex kissed her hair Lara leaned into his chest inhaling his sweet scent before falling asleep

Lara spent another day in the hospital the next day she was discharged and went back home the first thing she did was to see her babies she missed them so much it seemed they have grown so much in this past three days Alex did everything for Lara he took care of her and the twins every day.

while downtown of England in a dark room a woman was chained her body was covered in bruises and blood her face was beaten up with a whip scaring her pretty face the door to the room opened and a tall handsome man walked in James looked calm as he stared down on Tina he crouched down on her level and said

" Is it worth it suffering for someone who doesn't want you who doesn't even bother you exist or not I understand you were contracted to marry Alex at first but you're barren Tina you're useless you're nothing you're lucky Alex only ordered to get you tortured and not kill you after what you did to Lara hope you remember this day and you don't repeat this mistake in future. " James turned to his men and ordered," you can release her and take her back to her house." he turned around and left

it's been one year in September summer was here the sun shinned brightly with a cool breeze Lara recovered quite well the twins were now one year old they have grown up quite a lot that they could now say mama and Papa Alex was the happiest he loved his kids he would take them to the entertainment park with Lara and later on Lara would help Maya choose a wedding dress James proposed to Maya few weeks back they planned to get married in summer since Maya was half Italian half Korean she wanted a simple beautiful Japanese wedding dress so James told his designer to design three and Maya could choose her best one James parents also came to England for their only son's wedding Lara's parents apologized for not being able to make it but they sent Evan and Bethany on their behalf

the next day was the wedding day Maya got dressed in her gorgeous wedding dress she looked so beautiful and happy her heart was beating so fast soon she will be called Mrs Lan if her parents were still alive they would be so happy for her she has always dreamed of her father to be the one to walk her down the Aisle but he was not there that breaks her heart but Alex offered to be the one to walk her down the Aisle Maya was both thankful and happy when everything was done Lara held her chin and said

" you look absolutely gorgeous sweetheart you look like the most happiest bride on earth more happy than I was on my own wedding day. " she teased Maya chuckled and said

" It's to early to tease me don't you think. "

" if I won't tease you who will." Lara smiled just then the door opened and a tall woman walked in it was Kina with Kara trailing behind her they all dressed beautifully kina wore a pitch long dress made of silk it had a long slit that reached her thigh her long brown hair was tied into a bun with pretty pitch high heels her makeup was not heavy but looked beautiful Kina wore a short leather black dress that reached her thighs with long leather black high heels boots her black hair was tied into a ponytail with red lipstick on and make-up on she looked hot and bad ass

" Well well look at you gorgeous thing you look absolutely beautiful hope my brother won't lose his breath after seeing you." Kina smiled

" you look beautiful yourself. " Maya smiled

" Beautiful. " Kara said

" thank look beautiful yourself. " Maya gave a slight smile

" I know it's not like me not to stand out." Kara gave a side way smirk Maya ignored her and stared at her reflection on the mirror just then a knock echoed inside the room Kara went to open it and saw Alex standing there handsome as always he wore a fine gray suit with a White shirt inside and a gray tie with black leather shoes his brown hair was perfectly combed back making smooth waves his deep blue eyes shinned brightly like the sparkling bright stars Kara could not help but drawn into mesmerizing gorgeous beauty self she was dazed all she wanted was to hold him pull him into her arms and never let go Lara was indeed lucky to have a man like Alex as her husband Kara was so jealous

" Is Maya ready?" Alex spoke pulling Kara back to reality Kara snapped out of her daze starring at Alex and said

" Uhm yes she look great." Kara smiled slightly

" Thank you.. you too." Alex complimented it was the first time Alex complimented about her look Kara was so happy she wanted to scream out in excitement but held back her emotions after a while Lara and kina brought out Maya with them Alex scanned Lara's body she looked beautiful she wore a long silver dress that curved her body it had a long slit that reached her knees with black leather high heels her brown hair was left hanging loose with wavy waves like mermaid hair his eyes made Lara blush and feel the heat burning her inside

" Alex if you continue starring at Lara like that she will surely pop her face is already turning a bright red." Kina teased Maya giggled while Kara rolled her eyes Lara blushed even harder

" You look beautiful wife and Maya you look gorgeous." Alex smiled

" Hey what about me don't I deserve your compliment. " Kina complained

" You look great."

" Just great thought I gave it my all."

" you should be thankful I gave you a compliment I don't usually do." Alex said simply Kina gave a slight nod Alex took Maya's hand and proceeded to the church James was waiting anxiously for his bride when the door opened to the church and Alex and Maya walked in he held his breath he could not help but admire her beauty she looked beautiful everyone found Maya beautiful and humble she was a good person with a good heart James wore a black suit with a white shirt inside with black leather shoes his black hair was combed back perfectly he looked attractive and handsome Alex led Maya to the aisle and gave her hand to James before saying their vows and kissed the bride, everyone congratulated the new couple Lara took Maya aside and whispered

" now don't delay your baby I want Mariana and Max to have the greatest best friend just like the two of us."

" i see you're teasing me now Mrs Grey." Maya raised a brow

" something like that but am serious about giving me a little niece or nephew. " Lara smiled

" don't worry I will." Maya nodded, everyone enjoyed themselves after a long time of celebration they went back to their respectable homes.