Chapter 25of25 FINAL WAR

Bethany was preparing for work and Kay prepared breakfast as usual, they ate together and he dropped Bethany off and went to work himself," you guys look so cute every time you know." Emily smiled followed by a sigh," I wish I could find someone just as sweet and caring as your boyfriend." she added," those words sounds weird coming from you, I have never heard you speak like that, what's wrong?" Bethany asked looking at her best friend," I don't know, just watching how you two care and love each other, it just makes me realize how tired I am being single, I think I should find myself a boyfriend." Emily said as if a brilliant idea just hit her, Bethany chuckled softly," you finally want to have a boyfriend?" he smiled slightly," I'll think about it, now let's go, Ella wants us to report about a fashion show happening downtown." Emily said pulling Bethany's hand, Bethany could only follow.

Everyone woke up really early and waited for Alex and Lara outside the motel, Zeke on staring at his watch with a calm face but everyone around him could sense he was getting inpatient, shortly after Alex and Lara finally joined the group," wake up early huh." Zeke murmured and got into the car, Alex tilted his head and saw the little witch," you're here?" he raised a brow," Yes, just as promised King of vampires." Iris said," Alexander will do." he told her," I'm Iris." she introduced herself," you're quite Young, you weren't in line to be the new witch Queen, weren't you?" Alex spoke," no, Leona was supposed to be the new witch Queen, but she broke the rules and killed our Queen, the spirits of the previous witch Queens couldn't let such a person rule and lead our people, they choose someone who is pure in heart." she explained, Alex nodded," I see, we should start going now, we still have a long way." Alex said opening the door for Lara...Zeke, Iris and the other vampires traveled in the same car while Alex, Lara and James traveled in the different car, they had a long way to go, they traveled for seven days and seven nights, once they were away from many cities, they decided to abandon the cars and started walking for the rest of the trip, in order not to attract any enemies on the way, it was already dark and cold, Alex gave Lara the black clork so she could cover herself and keep herself warm, they made fire and arranged where to sleep for the women," won't get some rest? we still have a long way to go tomorrow." Lara said," we vampires can manage not taking any rest for a long period of time, we only sleep just for sake of it." Alex explained briefly, Lara nodded closing her eyes and fell into sleep, they continued the same journey the next morning and continued for the past two days, they finally caught up with the others, Zeus, Garvin and Nick," did you find out where they're hiding?" Alex asked," they're staying in a cave not to far away from here, they have a lot of turned vampires as an Army and they somehow look different with their eyes." Zeus said," alright, we will camp here for the night, and attack tomorrow." Alex said turning to Lara," we can't set fire here, it will give us away." it's alright." Lara nodded, they set where to sleep, Alex wrapped his arms around Lara's body while she laid back on his chest," Max is all alone, scared and must be missing us so much, I really hope his alright Alex." Lara said in a flat tone," I will not let anyone harm our children Lara! I will protect everyone including our unborn baby." Alex assured her, Lara narrowed her eyes slightly looking up at Alex," you know?" Lara asked even though she perfectly knew the answer," I can hear it's heartbeat." Alex gave a slight smile," ain't you angry that I hid something important as this to you? I mean I wanted to tell but I was afraid you wouldn't let me come with." Lara defended herself," you don't have to hide anything from me, I will always support you wife." Alex cupped her cheek, Lara kissed his hand dozing off till the darkness completely swallowed her up.

the next morning, Alex and the others prepared their swords and daggers, Iris took out her Cristal ball to see how many vampires were surrounding the area," they're about one thousand outside." she said," and inside?" Zeke asked, Iris rubbed her Cristal ball but nothing seem to appear it was all white as if something was preventing her from seeing anything," something is blocking my view as if there is a shield, it must be Leona." Iris said, Alex turned to Iris and said," I have a favour to ask of you Iris, protect Lara at all times." he told her, Iris nodded and turned to Lara and murmured some words," this spell is connected to me, it's a protective invisible shield, as long as I stand and have strength, it will keep protecting you from harms way." Iris explained," thank you." Lara thanked her, the cave was far down and Alex and the others were on a Hill," Garvin you will come with Lara and Iris once we have killed the ones outside, for now stay here." Alex ordered," be careful." Lara said anxiously, Alex kissed her forehead giving a reassuring smile before he leapt down with the others, as soon as the rouge vampires spotted them, they attacked them, Alex swing his sword cutting off their heads and slicing their bodies into two, Zeke threw his daggers on their neck cutting their throats, each move was swift and smooth, Alex was fast as lighting, James grabbed the vampires neck separating it's head from it's body, Zeus and Nick threw daggers at the vampires before slicing them with their swords, the fight went on for a really long time, Alex slaughtered the last one pulling out his heart with his hand, Lara held her breath, she no longer recognized Alex, while he was on the the battle ground he was a total different person, Gavin led Lara and Iris to the others," are you okay?" Lara immediately asked Alex when she got near," don't you worry." he told her, the group proceeded inside when Alex suddenly turned to Lara and held her shoulders looking deep into her gray eyes," remember when I told you, if I say hide you hide?" he asked her," yes, I remember." she nodded, Alex showed her where to hide behind a huge curved rock and when he was sure she was safe him and the others approached the enemy," welcome, I was beginning to wonder how long it will take you." Kassandra smirked sitting on a throne like stone with two vampires on each side, with Leona standing behind her," my son! where is he?" Alex said calmly but with a sting of coldness and danger in his voice," he has been such a pain in the past few days that I almost- anyways his calm now and sleeping like an angel for the past hour now." was smiled sweetly," but I will make you an offer Alexander! join me, you and I are powerful, we need no one especially that so called wife of yours, she's only making you weak and soft, you and I could rule the world and make these humans our slaves, what do you say?" Kassandra offered waiting patiently for Alex's response," I will let my sword decide that." Alex stretched his sword towards Kassandra, Kassandra sighed leaning back boredom returned all over her face," then you leave me no choice, Attack." she gave an order, the vampires immediately ran to attack, Alex leapt stabbing five at once with his daggers, he moved to the other side cutting off their heads with his sword, one was of them attacked him from behind scratching his back with it's sharp claws, Alex's back began to bleed but thankfully it was healing, but his healing was very slow which wasn't normal, another one attacked him scratching his chest and face, Zeke leapt over to Alex grabbing one of them on their neck and slaughtering it before her threw his daggers to the other vampires, his moves were quick and amazing, Iris murmured a spell and white mist appeared between her and the vampires, it was hard for them to see anything but she could easily see and detect them which made it easy to attack and kill them, just then Leona jumped in cutting Iris' arm with her dagger causing a deep wound, Iris stumbled back with a painful groan holding her upper arms trying to stop the bleeding with a spell but Leona moved to attack her again," look at you, I can't believe they chose such a young, weak, fragile witch like you as the witch Queen." Leona snared jumping on Iris to punch her but she moved to the other side," it was your own doing Leona! you betrayed our people, you killed our Queen." Iris spoke," shut up! you're so annoying little witch." Leona murmured a spell, Iris found herself unable to move it was like she was stuck to the ground," don't worry I will send you to your Queen on peace." Leona gave a sly smile swinging her dagger about to slit her throat, Iris eyes widened, her whole body was trembling she couldn't break Leona's spell, closing her eyes she just prepared herself for the coming pain and death but that pain didn't come, she didn't feel any cut or her body falling to the ground, Iris opened her eyes slightly and saw a tall figure standing between her and Leona, Zeke grabbed Leona's neck knocking the dagger out of her hand and threw her across the side of the cave, Leona hit the hard stone with a painful groan which weakened her body and Iris was able to break her spell," thank you." she said to Zeke," be more careful." he told her and leapt away, they killed half of the vampires suddenly the dead those vampires which were killed earlier woke up, this time their eyes were not red but green, it was like they were under a spell or mind controlled," damn it, what's going on now?" Zeus cursed, Alex prepared his sword for a fight," they seem to be under a spell." Zeke said," how do we kill them the?" James asked preparing his daggers," do we even stand a chance?" Garvin said helplessly," of course." Alex smirked diving in and slicing their throats to the ground, Zeus threw his sword to one of the rouge vampires which went through it's chest and fell to the ground but they kept on waking up, a shadow like figure moved like lightening slicing off the vampires heads, his movements were quick and unnoticeable, shortly after the vampires fell to the ground," sorry I'm late, I had a stubborn kitty cat that couldn't let me go easily." Kay smirked charmingly, running his slim long fingers through his hair," just glad you showed up." James said and the group jumped in to attack, while on the other side Iris was figuring out how to break the spell that Leona casted on the vampires, Kassandra was losing patience her hands was craving to fight and she needed to end them all for her to go to the next step of ruling the world, she searched the cave and saw Leona was still unconscious," useless." Kassandra said standing up, she needed to get rid of the witch Queen first, Iris settled on the ground closing her eyes while murmuring some words, blue dust surrounded her, Kassandra took her sword aiming Iris chest and leapt to stab her when Garvin stepped in between and ended up being stabbed instead,"such an idiot." Kassandra said adding more pressure to the sword which went further into his heart causing internal bleeding, Garvin groaned painfully blood sipping through his mouth and fell to the ground, seeing this Alex got really mad and leapt towards Kassandra and bruised her chest with his sword the two began to battle each other," I told you Alexander, whoever stands in my way dies." Kassandra said attacking but Alex grabbed her wrist punching her on her face and threw a kick at her, she went falling across the room with a groan.

Iris finished performing the spell and opened her eyes just to be welcomed by a horrible scene, Garvin was half dead and struggling to breath," Garvin! what- what happened to you? who did this?" Iris' eyes began to water putting pressure on the wound as if that would help but it was too late for him, Garvin grabbed her wrist stopping her," I - I did as - as promised witch Queen." Garvin gave her a slight smile before closing his eyes slowly," Garvin! Garvin! wake up, please wake up." Iris could only cry her eyes out, she could not believe he chose to die in order to save her life, her who is a witch," it's no time to mourn witch Queen, get up." Zeke said calmly, Iris looked up at Zeke with swollen red eyes standing up slowly," one of your men is dead, don't you feel anything?" Iris said angrily," it's a war and it was his job to protect you, he did just that." Zeke said coldly, Iris couldn't believe him, he was so cold hearted and had no emotions at all, Iris wiped her tears going back to the fight, Iris fought the vampires bravery when she was done killing them she went after Leona, the two witches fought each other," I will end you Leona and all the bad things you've done." Iris shouted murmuring a spell and roots came out from the ground seizing Leona," but I won't be the one to end your life, he will." Iris stepped to the side and Kay came forward holding out a dagger," I have always wanted to kill a witch, I guess this is my lucky day." Kay smirked holding Leona's chin," such a pretty little witch, such a shame you will die in my hands, no, no, let me correct that, you should consider it a blessing." Kay smiled slaughtering her neck and Leona died on the spot, James and the other vampires killed the remaining rouge vampires, Alex and Kassandra were the only two left fighting, she gave it all she had but that wasn't still enough to take Alex down, Alex was now getting bored it was more like he was entertaining her than fighting her to him, it was time he ended it, swinging his sword he leapt stabbing it in her chest and she fell to the ground," Papa!" a little voice called out, when Lara heard Max' voice she came out and ran to her son embracing him," my sweet boy, are you okay? are you hurt? I missed you so much mummy was so worried about you." Lara placed kisses all over his soft chubby face carrying him in her arms," I know I was supposed to brave but I was scared, I failed you and father." Max said looking down, Alex rubbed his hair with a smile," I think you're brave enough to be my son." Alex told him Max smiled slightly," we should leave this place Alex." Zeke spoke indeed they should go home Mariana must be so damn worried about her brother, Alex and Lara turned around to leave with the others when she felt a sharp tool stab her back, she slowly looked up at Alex with watery eyes, Alex stared back and saw Kassandra with a sly devious smirk on her face before she finally fell down and died, Lara lifted her hand to touch her son's face," Max! my sweet - sweet brave boy, t - take care of yourself, your sister and Daddy, do - don't let them feel sad or - or alone, mom - mommy loves you." Lara stumbled on her words, Max wiped her tears with his little hand, Iris took Max out of Lara's hands and stood afar, Lara stumbled to back to fall to the ground but Alex caught her on time," Lara! don't close your eyes stay with me please." Alex said anxiously, Lara lifted her little hand to touch his cheek," husband, I love you so - so much, do - don't grieve for me, be happy, take care of our kids and please if it's possible move on and be happy, I love you Alex, I'll always will." Lara gave a slight smile blood sipping out of her mouth her eyes failing to stay open," Lara down close your eyes, I won't let you die stay with me wife." Alex held her closer to him but she could no longer hear him the sound and images were slowly fading away, her heart race was slowly stopping to beat till her eyes completely shut and her heartbeat died, Alex clutched onto her body tightly pulling her into his embrace, a black glow began to surround them," we should leave." Zeke said, he knew if they stay here any longer this place will crumble into pieces and destroyed, James took Max into his arms and leapt away, Zeke knew the little witch will only slow then down so he gathered her in his arms and leapt away and the others followed behind, Alex's eyes turned a bright glowing green, his back looked like it was breaking his shirt began to tore on his back," Ahhh.." he screamed out in a loud voice and majestic black wings appeared on his back, he gathered Lara's body in his arms and flew away breaking the roof cave and flew back to the castle and landed in his room, his wings went back in, he took off Lara's clothes, cleaned her wound and changed her clothes into a long summer white dress and gathered her in his arms, took her in a huge empty room, there was a small white bed in the middle of the room, Alex carefully laid her body down kissing her forehead," I will always love you wife." he whispered before leaving the room and locked it behind him and left.

Kay went back to England the following day, when he told Bethany about Lara's death she broke down into tears and sobbed all day all night, she just couldn't take the news of her sister's death it was really hard on her, but as time went by she began to accept it but she never told anyone about Lara's death not even her best friend, cause Kay strictly told her not to tell anyone about it, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and months turned into years. back in Country G in the Kin Castle, in a closed empty room, Lara's motionless body showed a slight movement, her chest moved up and down she opened her eyes with a gasp, her hair was back to it's long smooth brown hair, her gray eyes shinned even brighter than before she still looked young and beautiful, she touched her stomach and felt no pain or what's so ever, the wound was gone, Lara took a deep breath and whispered," Alex!" she said beneath her breath years welling in her eyes.




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