Frontline [2]

The All-Race Alliance, Hope.

Since even their systems merged, it is natural for them to merge their military might. As a uniform organization that has a single ruling power, it's definitely the peak strength that their World had reached. Even if the decisions need to pass by the Council of Twelve, it is known that once they've made a decision, expect their full power.

For example, the circumstances in the frontlines. They aren't dumb enough to deploy their forces half-assedly. They deployed most of their forces there, be it low-end combat power or high-end combat power.

The power concentration on that place had reached an all-time high. In every planet, there exists a Deity-Realm Combatant. It is made that way so that they can respond for help instantaneously. There's also more serious battlefields whereas one could see many Deity-Realm Combatants fighting.

For short, most of the Deity-Realm Combatants can be found there. The rest are stationed on the outer, inner, and core areas of the remaining territory of the Alliance.

"Of course, it will also serve as the place where you'll get stronger."

After his Master is done briefing him on frontline's situation, he was asked to prepare. Since there's nothing much for him to take except the Cultivation Jellies, Lugh finished it very fast.

"As a parting gift, take these."

When Lugh met with his Master on the usual basement training room, he gave Lugh a Circley. It looks like a bracelet with golden lines. The golden lines are carved in a way that they look like ley lines.

Surprised, Lugh called out the panel of the bracelet.

[Starry Sky Circlet (God)]

- A spacial artifact specially made by those of the Star Race. It has the effects of a pocket dimension, a defensive treasure, and a small space with a projection of a certain place.

-When the user is in danger, the following effects will be activated:

•Triggers a distortion of the gravitational field, in which only the ones hostile to the wearer would be affected.

•Triggers a distortion of space, in which the wearer gets teleported to a random area out of it. The distorted space contains many space cuts that can damage the ones hostile to the wearer.

•The Artifact Spirit would perform a set of protocols depending on the wearer's situation.

"This is.."

"You probably won't need it, but you can't go down without screwing over your enemy, right?"

After giving it some thought, Lugh realized that his Master is right. Even if he can survive under that enemy, he couldn't let them go away with nothing. Furthermore, his Master had just given him a new God-Ranked Artifact.

"You can check out the specifics later. You shouldn't be late."

"Thank you, Master."

"Just remember to show those frontline guys the power of my teaching. If I still didn't have any disciple, they will brush it off my face and brag theirs.."

Without lowering his voice, his Master told him his actual thoughts. It turns out that's one of the reasons why he picked Lugh as a disciple.

"Oh, and say hello to the Nebular Commander in your zone."


'Master asked me to specifically greet someone. Who is it?'

Before Lugh even fell into deep thoughts, the white light that enveloped him cut him off. It is his Master's very high level of [Space Manipulation]. As someone who even has the authority of Space on top of the natural [Space Manipulation] of the Deities, he is far stronger in terms of controlling space.

What's even more surprising is that in the time when Lugh is being teleported away from this place, he felt that he had just moved between dimensions. That's right. His Master's training place and the place where he went to just now exists in different dimensions.

After some time, he opened his eyes. Due to the distance between two dimensions, one would feel very dizzy if they had just arrived. Though, it's of no matter to Lugh, who has been travelling between two worlds for a long time already.

"You didn't feel anything after an interdimensional movement? You're really special."

What greeted his sight is a beautiful girl. It is one of the races that he hadn't seen before, an Elf. She has the usual blonde hair, but her eyes is different from the norm. Instead of green or blue eyes, they are gold.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Me? I'm your superior."

"Nebular Commander?"

"That's right."

Before Lugh left for here, his Master briefed him. One such thing was that someone would receive him. Though, he didn't knew who was it. Turns out that his superior is the one who waited for his arrival.

"Master asked me to say hello."

"Uncle Luke.."


Bewildered, Luke asked her a question. During his training, it was mostly him telling some of his troubles to his Master. There were few such circumstances where Master had told him his story. Respecting him, Lugh didn't ask any further.

"Didn't he tell you?"


"I guessed so. He must've been too obsessed training you."

'She guessed it right.'

After she said that, Lugh knew that she might be close to his Master.

"For starters, I'll introduce myself. You can call me Lucia."

"Lucia? You're Master's niece!"

"He talked about me?"


Recalling the conversation with his Master...

"Both Weizhe and his wives died, so I took care of their children."

'This looks way too familiar. Is this the start of a new manga?'

Because both him and his Master are close enough to be like true brothers, he entrusted his children to him in the off chance that something did happen.

The Heavenly Sovereign had 8 wives, and all of them gave birth once. Perhaps it is due to the World that this unbelievable phenomena happened. It's that difficult to have a child at Deity-Realm.

Anyways, what is even more interesting was that out of all 8, 5 of them are girls. The remaining 3 are boys.

'Lucia Ernea Evergreen.'

Based on what he had heard from his Master, she's the 4th child. She's a strong mid-rank Deity-Realm Combatant who can command an entire Star System against the attack of zergs.

She's a good commander and a strong Combatant at the same time. His Master also told him that she's an Elf, so he had been looking forward to meet her.

'Mn. So this is how they look like. Though, Aria's always the Rank 1 for me.'

"What is it?"

"Nothing. By the way, where are we?"

"The special area in the docks. We can't receive you in smaller areas since the difference between the dimension transfer might be bigger."

When he focused his sight on his surroundings, he saw many things such as a very good-looking interstellar ship, robots who are upgrading a huge cannon, and so on.

This is the sight that can only be seen in Sci-Fi.

"For now, follow me to your lodging. Uncle had arranged everything else, so you'll only need to fight."


Lucia and Lugh exited the Nebular Commander's dock and headed for his lodging.