episode 4

(The episode opens with Jay, Luke, and Adam running through the hallway)

Jay: Where do we go?

(Luke look at the tracker and smiles)

Luke: Adam, Jay, I picked up on Don and Den's signal, which is weird according to Grey, they were way behind us.

Adam: It could be a trap, which way does it say it's coming from?

Luke: Behind us.

(Adam, Luke, and Jay look around and sees a room)

Adam: What's in the room?

Luke: It's not on the tracker, which is weird all the other rooms are on there.

(Footsteps are heard)

(Adam pushes Luke and Jay into the room and closes the door)

Luke: Wh (Jay covers his mouth)

Adam (whispers): Quiet, we don't know who or what is out there (looks out the door and sees red feet) That is definitely not Don or Den's feet.

(Luke and Jay gave Adam a weird glance)

Adam (whispers): I know how weird that sounded, but I do not have a weird foot fetish too scandalous.

Jay (whispers): I am surprised that you would be worried about something like that.

Adam (whispers): Hey, I may have make out with all of you and don't go on dates, but I have standards.

Luke and Jay (whispers): Liar!

Adam (whispers): Can we talk about this, when we aren't being hunted by aliens?

Luke (looks at the tracker) (whispers): Uh, guys, according to this, that alien or whatever disappeared.

Jay (looking worried) (whispers): Disappear like go somewhere or disappear

A voice: Like right behind you

(The boys run out of the room)

(The person is revealed to Kobe: an alien with cat ears, yellow skin, short pink hair, wearing a red jumpsuit)

(Kobe looks at Jay and smiles)

(Kobe runs off)

(The screen switches to Grey inside a broken robot)

Grey: How beautiful, it broke so easily, wait I'm getting distracted, I'm supposed to be getting back to my (looking confused) friends? Boyfriends? Whatever they are to me.

A voice: They must not mean much to you, if you don't know what to call them

Grey (blushes): Our relationship is complicated

(Grety turn around to see ize: an alien with pointy antennas, violet skin, wearing a blue jumpsuit)

Ize: The name is Ize.

Grey: I care less about your name, I'm wondering if you think you can actually capture me.

Ize: Hmm…and if I don't want to yet, I want to ask what's your worth of being the way you are.

Grey: I'm sorry, I don't quite understand your question, do you mean my intelligence or do you mean me associating with those boys?

Ize (walks up to Grey): Both

Grey: I fail to see why I should answer that question.

Ize: That's a good point (hands glowing)

(A bunch of robot parts surround Grey)

(The parts turn into a cage, Grey is trapped in)

Grey (thought): Shoot! I let my guard down.

Ize: You are an interesting human with your intelligence. You shouldn't be stuck in this situation, but somehow you are.

Grey: Isn't the same for you

Ize: Don't misunderstand, I do this to examine humans, not to just find playmates like the others.

Grey: Oh, so you're going to keep me here, until you figure out what makes me tick.

(Ize kisses Grey on the lips)

(Grey looked shocked as Ize kissed him)

(Ize departed his lips from Grey's)

Ize: Bingo

Grey(Thought): What do I do? (looks around the cage)

Ize: You won't find a weakness, it's protected by my power.

(The screen switches to Don and Den wearing their jumpsuits and shackles)

Kelyn: There's no way you two will be able to escape.

Don and Den: So, what now?

Kelyn: My colleagues are going to capture the rest of your friends.

Den: They won't give up so easily

Kelyn: You humans sure are interesting, you have such a fight left in you.

Don: Well, we were raised to be fighters.

Kelyn: You mean that human style of fighting, tell me you two do you have more fun (A flashback of Don and Den fighting Kelyn) fighting or do you (smirks) like (A flashback of Don and Den on separate screens being kissed by Adam) being in your club better?

(Don and Den looked shocked)

Kelyn: What's wrong, don't have an answer, Don, Den?

Don and Den: You actually know our names, so how come you didn't call us by it?

Kelyn: I didn't feel like it. But, maybe I will, if you call me by mine.

Don and Den: Kelyn, wasn't it?

Kelyn: Correct, now will you answer my question?

Don and Den: We never thought about it

Kelyn: Hmmm…interesting

(The screen switches to Adam, Jay, and Luke running from Kobe)

Adam: Luke, is there any chance of any weapons up ahead?

Luke (looking at the tracker): Up ahead, but I don't know how we are going to be able to grab it.

(Jay races ahead and sees a scepter)

Jay: Luke, what kind of weapons are these?

Luke: Flash bomb scepters, just throw it.

Kobe (thought): Uh oh

(Jay throws the scepter)

(Adam and Luke cover their eyes)

(Kobe tried to run away, but got blinded)

(Jay take Adam and Luke's hand with his eyes closed and also grabbed the scepter)

(They left Kobe alone)

(The screen switches to the main alien/Jonso has blue skin,short red hair wearing a red jumpsuit is shown)

(Jonso is looking at the big screen)

Jonso: Almost everybody seems to have found their match, so which one (turns) will you pick Bodrin

(Bodrin: an alien with green dragon scales, short purple hair, wearing a blue jumpsuit appears)

Bodrin: Hmm

(The episode ends)