episode 6/final

(The episode opens with Adam, Luke, Grey, Don, Den, and Jay appearing in the room)

(Grey enters the closet and closes it)

(Bordin appears in the room)

Jay: Hey, no fair we escaped you didn't said you would follow us here

Bordin: Don't worry, I won't try to take any of you away

Adam: Then what do you want?

(Bordin kissed Adam on the lips)

Bordin: That's it (disappears)

(Luke giggled)

Adam: That isn't funny

Luke: It is

Jay: Exactly

Grey: Guys look

(The boys go to the window and see the spaceship disappear)

Jay: Say, I didn't get attacked by an alien

Luke: Neither did I

Grey, Don, and Den: How lucky

Adam: He wasn't a bad kisser.

Grey: Of course that's what you would focus on.

Jay: So, what do we do now?

Adam: Want to watch some TV?

(The other boys nodded)

(The screen switches to Adam spinning a bottle)

(The bottle lands on Luke)

(The other boys laugh)

Luke: That is rare

Adam: Luke kiss Don

Don: That's even more rare.

(Luke and Don kiss)

(Adam takes a picture)

Luke: You didn't say you would take a picture.

Adam: Don't worry, it won't be put out online or make copies and give it to everyone at school.

Don; You are messed up if you would do that second one

Adam: Like I said I wouldn't do that

Den: Enough chatter, what are you up with that picture?

Adam: Just for my enough moment

(The episode ends with The boys having fun)