Back in the past|||C1

"It's finished! FINALLY!! Humankind will decimate those cursed beings!"

An old man covered in white rags, resembling what once was a lab coat, speaks up to no one in particular.

Around the man, thousands of tiny and big screens show graphs statistics, and other similar things.


The man chuckles like a madman but collects his thoughts soon after.

He takes the old watch laying in front of him, which contrasts with all the sci-fi screens and tools around him.

"50 years, that's what it took, when the second decade passed most of the other researchers left me. When the third decade passed only me and Maurice were left. And a year ago Maurice died too leaving me alone to finish it."


A small amount of water comes out of the scientist's eye, something that didn't happen in half a century. Even when his best and only friend died, his whole being was focused on this single project.

The man now wearing the ancient-looking watch looks one last time at the moon in front of him. A grin appears on his face once again.

The man searches through his desk pushing many coffee cups of it but ignores the mess he's doing.

A few minutes pass until he finds a keyboard.



The mechanical sounds of the keyboard resound in the whole space crammed with old research material and broken coffee machines.


The man finished his text and a small ding rings out signaling the successful sending of the message.

'Now that all of it is over I should allow myself a bit of sleep.'

The man closes his eyes and for the first time in months falls into the dreamland.









"Sir... SIR! Please wake up!"

Two agents wearing black tuxedos stand in front of the sleeping scientists trying to wake him up.


The other agent who knows this man's face from old data yells out his name combined with the rank he once held in the military.

Markoff shoots off like a rocket and salutes only to be met with confusion after seeing that he isn't in the military anymore.

As soon as he thinks about his times in the military a sad smile forms on his face showing just how much agony he has gone through.

Even the agent's mood turned sour but the job comes first.

"Sir Markoff a message was sent from this station so we were sent to inspect its source."

"Mhm... Ah yes, the message I sent. Project death to infinity was finished."

The two agents were stunned immediatly. They've done many missions for the Federation of mankind already but this is one of the weirdest they got till now.

A small research center that was built half a century ago and was thought to be lost to the enemy years ago sent a message encrypted with a code that was used for the last time three decades ago.

These agents were sent to clarify the situation and make a threat assessment.

When they entered the lab they were already pretty amazed at the fact that this small outpost is actually still active and humans still lived here.

They got even more amazed after knowing that an old war veteran sent the message.

But now their faces are even more stunned and shocked.

It's just this unbelievable.

Project death to infinity or D.T.I for short is an ancient project established at the beginning of the great war. 30% of all income tax humans made was used as funding but after losing more and more resources and personnel to the enemy the project was terminated.

Even before it started most scientists doubted its successfulness but now these two agents heard of its completion.

If the project was really finished that would mean.

'An end to the great war'










A space ship escorted by five star destroyers arrived in prime solar, the most important solar system to mankind.

Star destroyers are the most formidable weapons mankind ever created, even able to destroy great ones, the enemy of all humans.

Sending five of mankind's only weapons in the war against the great ones is a decision only insane people would make, especially in war times.

But this occasion could potentially end this whole war making it all the more important, with some of the high executives demanding more security.

The transport ship enters the atmosphere of the main central government of mankind landing near the command center, the most guarded place in the whole universe.

Thousands of soldiers exit the ship all surrounding one man.

He is wearing a borrowed uniform, has unkempt white-gray hair, and has a long gray beard.

The only thing looking somewhat pleasing about him is the ancient watch he's wearing on his arm.

The clock makes its occasional ticking noise and if you concentrate you could even hear the small gears inside shifting.

This man is Markoff Sebastian one of mankind's best tacticians and scientists thought dead until recently.

He and the elite soldiers of humanity enter the commanding center, a giant room with a table placed in the middle and many generals of the army sitting at it.

Awaiting them are those who lead humanity through these troubling times.

"Is that really him?"

"Do you really believe he created it?"

"To be completely honest, no, not one bit. But he is like a shining star for the morale of our troops and if he did it we can count this war as won."

The person with the highest-ranking position of the federation of mankind stands up from his seat at the forefront of the commanding table.

"You finally came back, I never doubted you, Markoff"

An old lady said to Markoff while hugging him, a few tears escaping her eyes.

"How have you been and what about Maurice where is he?"

"I've been good... but Maurice passed away last year"

The woman just stares at Markoff for a bit, remembering their good old times when the three of them were the shining stars of humanity, undefeated in any battle.

"Yeah we are getting older it seems, soon our time will pass and the younger generation will take over." The woman says with a hurt expression.

"You're right Liz, but with this, we'll win this war."

Markoff looked around the table inspecting everyone sitting at it and sighing afterward.

"Seems like our time is really over, isn't it? The only face I recognize is your Liz.

Ahem! Does anybody know the contents of project infinity"

A few hands were raised but for Sebastians taste not nearly enough, after all a few decades before even the low-class citizens knew of the project.

"Disappointing but whatever. As you all know our enemies are the self-proclaimed great ones, a race of hive minds with different abilities to control humans and immortality.

Fifty years ago when the first great one was 'defeated' the great war started for real.

We discovered that, though immortality they can't escape the forces of physics so creating a black hole near their main consciousness will slow the time around them imprisoning them.

Their infection can of course still spread a bit after their time slowed down near them those infected can be taken care of by normal human troops."

Markoff takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Humankind finally found a way to destroy the great ones and with the leeway, we just won we decided to spend it with researching about other methods to manipulate time, project death to infinity was born.

Most of humanity's scientists failed with their research but some were successful, a good example being the star destroyers that can as the name implies destroy stars, and while being at it create black holes and imprison the great one's consciousnesses in a prison of eternity.

Now after I got hit by a turned human I retired to help create a weapon to really kill those bastards.

And this is what I created!"

Sebastian reaches out with his old and wrinkled hand decorated with an old but stylish watch.

"And how can a watch destroy great ones?" A loud officer screams out.

"Well, that's none of your concern mister. The only reason I even got here in the first place was to say a final goodbye to Liz"

Everybody gets silent only a few understand what Sebastian implied.

Liz or Elizabeth looks Sebastian in his eyes. "NO YOU DON'T! We've seen us the last time decades ago! You won't die without me, Maurice already left you can't let me be alone."

The old woman rushes in Markoffs direction.

The old general and scientist shifts some of the clock pointers to a specific time, he also fiddles around with a certain part of the clockwork changing the date to 12.12.5661 his birth.

As soon as he is finished and presses the button on the side of the watch, Liz reaches him just as the button push was finished.


The sound of glass being shattered is heard throughout the universe temporarily deafening every human being.

An attendant yells out to the other military men and women inside the room.

"Sir, all the great ones vanished just now."

Most of the people sitting here doubt the words of the man who said that just now but soon look over to the place Markoff and Elizabeth just stood.

In their place was a small spark of withe and black energy spewing out a few strands of itself every now and then.

The fastest thinking people in the room immediatly caught on to what happened right now.

"He really did it."

One of the first to comprehend what just happened barged back into the room with a small cart full of alcohol.

"Let us drink to... VICTORY!"

The rift of energy slowly passed away but none of the officers noticed with how drunk they are.

They didn't even think about what had happened to Markoff and Elizabeth, they were on full alert for almost their entire life so hearing of mankind's victory was like a switch for them that let all their stress and worry flow out of them.

Even those that doubted even their own family's love just relaxed and went with the flow.










///_With Sebastian and Liz_\\\






Like a primordial screech, a ticking sound is heard throughout this plane.

The room once filled with the bravest of humanity is now bathed in a gray light shining through matter like a knife cuts through butter.

The only color in this colorless world being the bronze hand watch on Sebastian's hand.



Sebastian's eyes open slowly and like a crack in the matrix his body moves through a world without time.



Liz's eyes begin to move soon after and just like Sebastian her body was able to move in this unmoving world.

"You idiot what did you think you were doing sacrificing yourself and leaving me to rot!?"

"I'm sorry I... I just wanted to end everything... this damned war, my life, everything."

"I understand it's not like I didn't think about ending my life during these times but still you could've taken me with you, Anyways where are we."




"To be completely honest with you I don't know, not even in the slightest."

"What do you mean? You were the one who brought us here!"

"Well yes.. but actually no"




"Care to explain Seb"

"The wristwatch here is actually a normal watch in every way just old. The special thing about it are the three crystals I inserted into it, all three of them are pocket dimensions Maurice and I created during the last few decades.

One is storing unlimited energy, it's used to power the other two. The second is a space with unlimited mass in it, compressed into a single crystal. The third is space, just an unending space with nothing inside of it other than space."





I won't go into much detail but I used all three of them to stop time and then take all those vile great ones with me into the empty crystal. So we are basically in a dimension without any time, without any law dictating physics nor anything else something in existence needs to sustain itself."





"You basically imprisoned yourself and humanity's enemy in a dimension that's going to destroy itself soon."


"Well then let's spend our last moments together shall we?"

"Sure we've got a lot to talk about don't we?"









White ripples started forming around Sebastian and Elizabeth, both holding hands and telling stories to each other.

"What do you think is on the other side?"-Liz

"Well, my mother would say that heaven and hell await us on the other side, a grim thought considering everything I did for humanity's sake. But I think it will be eternal darkness nothing more."-Seb



"I think we will all reincarnate like in those novels from the 21rst century, really a bumper that the entertainment industry ess so bleak considering the times"-Liz

"Well whatever may come, let's meet up with Maurice again in the afterworld."-Seb



The withe light draws nearer to both Sebastian and Elizabeth.

"I promise."


"I promise."


The last sound in this universe rounded and the white energy engulfed both humans ending their existence shortly after.