Becoming a Big-Shot|||C3

A small boy no older than eight years old with black hair and eyes covered in a cloak from head to toe can be seen, walking alone on a dirt path.

His destination is the eastern empire or in its full name, the Nasca eastern empire, later it will be known as the Nasca Namrium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire, though this name will only be used after the Nasca Empire conquers both Namrium, the boy's homeland, and the kingdom of Ulmeria.

Days pass like this, the boy was in thought on most of his journey only stopping to hunt food.

Ray's senses kicked in suddenly, he decides to sidestep, the right decision. A three-meter big wolf emerged from the forest besides Ray and lunged at him with unnatural speed.

The wolf attacks once again after seeing its prey evade its surprise attack.

Ray uses this chance to train his usage of the time clock in real combat.

The wolf bites towards Ray but without it noticing Ray appeared behind it using a swiftness spell.


The sound of glass shattering is made as Ray touches the Wolf's back, stopping it from moving.


Ray used the dagger he stole to pierce the wolf's leg but no blood spilled out, the only thing that happened was a red streak forming at the place Ray cut the wolf.

Seeing the results Ray looked at his wrist, to be precise at the clock on his wrist.

"Huh ten seconds to go." A small muffled sound escapes Ray's mouth.

'9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0...'

The wolf's body reanimates again only to fall back to the ground shortly after, having lost its balance.

The wolf full of confusion tries to jump backward, but it doesn't work with its broken leg.

Ray stares at the wolf and gives off his killing intent, which he learned to utilize from his magic teacher.

The wolf is now in full panic mode ignoring every instinct telling it to fight or flee.

It bows down and sends a telepathic message to Ray.

"Please have mercy, I'll do anything if you let me live."


The wolf feels that it will die if it goes back on its words now, so it decides to just go with what it said. "Ye- Yes EVERYTHING"

"That's the spirit boy. I actually only want one thing from you" The wolf rejoices as soon as Ray finished his sentence. But his demeanor changes once again after Ray's final statement.

"Eternal servitude..... Oh cmon don't make that face here, I'll even give you a name: Cynus"

'Whoa that's almost all of my mana you beast'

A flash of golden light envelopes the wolf monster. Its size dwindles somewhat, its fur gets a dark hue, and last but not least its tail grows larger.

{[ Due to connection with individual Cynus uncommon skill: [Shadow cloak] was assimilated.

Description: Use magicules to cover yourself with shadows, making it harder for enemies to spot you ]}

A small and genuine smile forms on Ray's face. "Now do you accept my offer or do you want to have another useless battle."

Cynos shouts his answer waiting not even a single second. "No Master! I'll serve you till the end of my days."

"Now then let me ride on you, our destination is the capital of the eastern empire, just go along this trail and we'll reach it in about two days at the speed of a normal horse."

"Yes, master."

"By the way what's your gender and why were you walking alone without a pack?"

"I'm a male and I was banished from my pack at a young age because the alphas saw a potential threat in me for their position" Cynus said.








Almost two days passed by and Ray's evaluation of Cynus is as follows, truly loyal.

Giving the wolf a name was only a test, for Ray, to see a monster evolve firsthand. But he also wanted to know more about the why's and how's of evolutions.

It was stated in the WN that the goblins Rimuru named turned more human-like because it was to Rimurus liking.

Similarly, Ray concentrated on certain traits he wanted Cynus to own, and as the evolution transpired exactly those traits were manifested.

The traits he wanted were total loyalty and the ability to hide in shadows so Cynus can accompany Ray wherever he goes.

The smaller body seems to be some sort of equivalent exchange, the shadow ability a wolf normally gets after the second evolution was given to Cynus during the first evolution but in turn, his physique was weakened.

Ray couldn't come up with a theory regarding the long tail but he thinks it was caused by his love for cats, and the wolf has taken a form more to his liking, more catlike.

All in all, Cynus evolved into a separate species new to this world and as the creator of said species, Ray gave it the name Tigerwolves.

The city walls of Nasca city, the capital of the eastern empire are finally in sight so Ray got off of Cynus' back and walked towards the entrance alone, while Cynus was in his shadow.

Long waiting lines made up of mercenaries, merchants and simple travelers are located in front of multiple entryways.

Ray looks around a bit until he finds a line specifically for people wanting to join the army.

A lot of the people waiting look at him irritated.

"Is that a child?"

"No that can't be he must be some sort of dwarf."

A few people whisper to each other but Ray ignores them all, he is only thankful to himself for bringing a cloak with him when leaving.

An hour later and Ray is in front of the woman employed to sort new cadets into the different sections of the military.

She looks at the cloaked Ray with a scrutinizing look and begins to ask questions "Any previous Battle experience?"

"I killed a small number of humans and a wolf monster."

"In what type of combat do you specialize?"

"I'm able to use basic magic and have a unique skill."

The border guard raises an eyebrow as soon as she heard what Ray said "Can you prove your claim?"

"Sure but I need an object to affect, to showcase my Unique skill." The border guard takes out a small knife from her pocket and hands it to Ray. "That should be enough."

Ray throes the knife up, it travels upwards for a few seconds before falling down, but before it hits the ground Ray uses his clock secretly, stopping the knife in its tracks.

The guard seems to look at the magicules in the area where the knife is suspended checking for any sort of telekinesis spell.

"Good young man you have a bright future, we here in the empire seek people such as you and with your skill, you can choose whichever part of the military you want to join."

"So if you say I can choose myself can I join the R&D team."

"Mhmm let me think for a short amount of time.... yes you could but you need to join one of the official corps and then qualify yourself for their respective R&D teams. You could for example join the armored corps and then partake in the development of armor and such."

The border guard explained Ray's possible career paths with huge enthusiasm and detail, something normal considering Ray is one of the few humans with a unique skill.

"Then I choose to join the royal guards!"











///--3Years later--\\\


"THE WINNER IS RAYYYY!!" The supervisor for the battle screamed out, signaling Ray's victory.

These past few years were filled with continuous battles for Ray.

He fought in the army as an officer on the frontlines and when he came back to rest, he instead challenged his superiors to battles to get their rank.

The royal guards are composed of one hundred individuals everyone at least A rank or how it's called before Yuuki got transmigrated: high advanced rank. And all these people are ranked from 100th place to 1st signaling a higher authority.

Ray just got the first ranked position meaning he gets to meet the emperor Rudra Nam Ul Nasca personally.

He met him once before but it was only when he entered the royal guards and Ray wasn't given any attention.

And we're talking about Rudra in his prime, the one who was able to compare in strength with Guy himself.

Rudra can summon a massive army of one million angels whenever he wished, was a true hero, had two ultimate skills, a true dragon companion, and last but definitely not least a true god as a brother in law.

I think you can imagine how stressed out Ray was.

But Ray also got stronger over the last three years, he used most of his money to buy sword tutors and books on magic.

Everything went well like this, fighting in the army of the empire, gaining money and prestige, and training in the capital while challenging other Royal guards.

But a year ago he suddenly reached a bottleneck, there were no more magic books to read and no more sword teachers to hire.

He was in the second place of the royal guards at that time and had no chance to win against the first place.

Since he was rapidly climbing the military ranks most fighters already knew about his time stop capabilities and the first place in the rankings made many preparations to deal with Ray in case he challenged him.

At this point Ray couldn't get stronger nor could he climb the ranks, he couldn't even join the R&D team because till now there wasn't one in the Royal guard corps.

While Ray was a calm and experienced tactician it simply enraged him seeing all of his work to become stronger dwindle into nothingness.

He decided to give it one last chance and traveled to the Capital of Ulmeria which was besieged by the empire currently.

As night came he used [shadow cloak] and infiltrated the capital slaughtering all the guards inside, still no improvement in his strength.

He entered the magicians' tower and killed all of them, still nothing.

The alchemists guild, still nothing.

The mercenaries tavern, no improvement.

The thieves guild, again nothing.

The adventures guild, just nothing.




This night every, even slightly capable, person died in Ulmeria, and the cause of all of this was a single boy.

Ray was lying on the ground covered with multiple wounds all over his small body. but contrary to his appearance a smile was plastered all over his face.

{[Individual Ray race:human has met all the requirements for evolution. Commencing evolution...




WARNING! External influence detected, resulting Race will change. WARNING!




Ray race:Human has evolved into race:Sage of Yaldabaoth,

Racial traits: Unique skill [Temporal-Awarness], Unique skill [Weaver of Time]

Due to evolution of individual Ray race: Sage of Yaldabaoth, individual Cynus race:Tigerwolf acquired new evolutionary pathway. ]}

Now cut to the present, Ray just defeated the first ranked Royal guard and has effectively won an audience with the Emperor.

[A/N: Thanks for reading the chapter, if you think I made some story errors please put your findings here, also the skills will be explained in the other chapter.

PS: The thing with the R&D department will be explained in the next chapter.

PSS: The reason why a city that couldn't even survive one Ray was still standing is simple: Rudra just sent his normal footsoldiers there and nobody op so that they get more morale when they inevitably win, it also wouldn't be clever to show his trump cards to one of guys spies.]